kavanaugh vs ginsburg confirmation

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

while this old article is about the Roberts confirmation, it is applicable to Kavanaugh confirmation given how both were treated as compared to Ginsburg confirmation.

apparently Ginsburg is a die hard equality extremist. she take equality to the extreme.

interesting read to say the least.

one thing tho, she should not have been confirmed after reading this article.
She should retire and STFU - fucking bitch.
  • oeb11
  • 01-01-2019, 08:14 AM
Thank You for an interesting read DF
Interesting how "equality extremist " she is
What's next - require half of all babies be born to Men?
Sounds like a platform for Warren, Harris, Hillary, and other DPST female candidates.

I do wish her a speedy recovery from her latest pulmonary lobectomy
It is time for her to retire.
Amazing how none of this is “public knowledge”.

“If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound”.

The Main Stream Media has mastered this.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Liberals have no Extremist , ,,,,,,,,
themystic's Avatar
The Liberals have no Extremist , ,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Man what has happen to the Republican Party?. They have really gone off the deep end. You are right, liberals dont have any extremists in comparison
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2019, 12:39 PM
Classic- Anti-Fa violent DPST are not extremists
How one defines extremist depends on where in the political spectrum one aligns.

Maxine Waters and other DPST leaders get away with advocating harassment and violence against any of a different political point of view - and that is just fine with the DPST
Advocating violence is not extremism.
As long as the harassment and violence is aimed at those of a different point of view
themystic's Avatar
Classic- Anti-Fa violent DPST are not extremists
How one defines extremist depends on where in the political spectrum one aligns.

Maxine Waters and other DPST leaders get away with advocating harassment and violence against any of a different political point of view - and that is just fine with the DPST
Advocating violence is not extremism.
As long as the harassment and violence is aimed at those of a different point of view Originally Posted by oeb11
Look at the nut cases in the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus. Talk about some passive aggressive racist hypocrites.
Thanks DF for the article. Illuminating.
Man what has happen to the Republican Party?. They have really gone off the deep end. You are right, liberals dont have any extremists in comparison Originally Posted by themystic
What are you talking about Liberals are the extremist. The Deep State, Cabal, Illuminati whatever you want to call it is comprised almost entirely of Liberals if that's not extreme nothing is.

themystic's Avatar
Kavanaugh is a sloppy blackout drunk and a rapist according to his classmates. Ginsburg was a champion of women's rights. Kavanaugh lying under oath is not a big deal to todays Republican party. Kavanaugh portrayed himself as an alter boy and devout Christian. That's good enough for Trumps party
Kavanaugh is a sloppy blackout drunk and a rapist according to his classmates. Ginsburg was a champion of women's rights. Kavanaugh lying under oath is not a big deal to todays Republican party. Kavanaugh portrayed himself as an alter boy and devout Christian. That's good enough for Trumps party Originally Posted by themystic
How can anyone be convinced of that, just because a fifty year old women who looks Seventy with a childish voice says so. The only thing I was convinced of was Kavanagh was a typical High School student who liked to socialize with his friends participated in sports and drank Beer with his team mates. The million dollar questions in the midst of all this might be, why was he still confirmed to the highest court in the land ? Because the whole thing was Bullshit from the start and the stupid Liberals who orchestrated the whole thing got called out on it.

themystic's Avatar
How can anyone be convinced of that, just because a fifty year old women who looks Seventy with a childish voice says so. The only thing I was convinced of was Kavanagh was a typical High School student who liked to socialize with his friends participated in sports and drank Beer with his team mates. The million dollar questions in the midst of all this might be, why was he still confirmed to the highest court in the land ? Because the whole thing was Bullshit from the start and the stupid Liberals who orchestrated the whole thing got called out on it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Im sure he was a beer drinking pussy chasing rich frat boy trying to get laid. Why all this make believe about what slang words meant, and pretending like he never got so drunk they he couldn't remember what he had done. There was lots of testimony about his heavy drinking. He tried to come off like some altruistic choir boy,
Im sure he was a beer drinking pussy chasing rich frat boy trying to get laid. Why all this make believe about what slang words meant, and pretending like he never got so drunk they he couldn't remember what he had done. There was lots of testimony about his heavy drinking. He tried to come off like some altruistic choir boy, Originally Posted by themystic
It was all nonsense. It's as ridiculous as someone being dragged into the CEO's office of a big company and being accused of serious wrong doing and then later being promoted, lol. It was nothing but a pathetic display of poor actors.

themystic's Avatar
It was all nonsense. It's as ridiculous as someone being dragged into the CEO's office of a big company and being accused of serious wrong doing and then later being promoted, lol. It was nothing but a pathetic display of poor actors.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well said Mojo. It was a fucked up deal. There is no way I would have convicted him on the shit they threw out there. Having said that I think he is a phony and a liar. I think he probably did what the woman said. In my opinion he is just another Clarence Thomas clone without the intellect. We don't need Evangelicals on the SC