Boa at Luxury is back and Catholic Confirmed

I seen it posted that Emma and Boa both be back from vacation today. I made appointment with my girl Emma, but she not available till Noon. She at Luxury in street clothes. Imo lady say sorry, she think Emma start at 10, like Boa. Emma sorry, she kiss me long time and make me feel better, haha. Emma say Boa ready, she know I like Boa, too, I seen Boa the last 2 times.

Emma got Boa, and tell me Boa is full Catholic now. She speak english better, so she speaking for Boa, they talk some Korean, Boa done nodded her head. Boa was Catholic for me last time, but she CFS before that. I don't ask either time, just going with that flow. Emma say Boa be frustrated that one day when all the boys wanting CIP, but she say Boa okay with CIP, no problems. I say ok, and did 30 minutes, Boa say nothing, she take CIP, no problem, like Emma say. I think maybe Boa wanting more business, after Yuna and Sunny getting so much while Boa be gone? That be my guess.. Boa still so sexy, her titties is still amazing.
Chung Tran's Avatar
interesting, in that Emma and Boa BOTH were CFS when they started. I know, I saw both of them, and Catholic was NOT an option. it has been more than a year since I saw either, but Emma has been confirmed Catholic for many months, I'm not surprised Boa would follow.

I have neve heard of a lady going from Catholic to Protestant. I have heard of several (or more) who rejected the Pastor for the Pope. the Pope fills the coffers easier, like it or not.
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I saw Emma when she was first at Top Star (fka Gold One) and with her and Asa for doubles at Pearls of Asia. Emma was Catholic from that very first time and still is.

So it could be the YMMV thing with Boa or she’s now a full convert. Only time will tell.
Nothing worse than thinking you’re getting Catholic, and you don’t. At least
A Catholic can fasten a condom if you choose to go that route
I hate going in thinking I'm getting catholic and don't, I feel like walking out..
Anyone confirm Boa's faith? Full-time Catholic? Ymmv?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Boa is a confirmed Catholic, the Pope welcomed her into his stable with a shit-eating grin so wide, that I was worried he might be overly tempted to break his vow of celibacy, LOL..

Boa is looking very sexy.. she always has, but I saw her recently (it had been months since I laid eyes on her), and was struck by her physique.. tall, well-built.. she was dressed, so I had to imagine the bush and shapely breasts underneath, LOL.. I didn't expect her to still look so good, even though I knew she did.. I am eager for a new session!
Bait and switch Catholicism is the WORST
Chung Tran's Avatar
Bait and switch Catholicism is the WORST Originally Posted by AveryDallas
it sure is.. ironically Boa was a bait-and-switch PROTESTANT.. she started out strictly CFS, then dipped into Catholic waters.. now she rejects any Bible that leaves out the Books of Maccabees, Judith, and Sirach!

that's a Catholic joke, takes too long to explain
Chung Tran's Avatar
I saw Boa last week, she was wearing "civilian" clothes, but Damn, she is SLEEK! it had been a long time since I last saw her, I wanted to pull her pants down and bury my mouth in her bush, LOL.. but I wasn't there for her, unfortunately. if there was a sane and safe way to wrap Boa up, and place her under my Christmas Tree, I would damn sure do it.
Man, you need to see Boa again, she better since she go full-Catholic! I see why you say "sleek", Boa is a sleek, light brown Cadillac!
I saw her when she first came to jade, it was cfs only back then..
Chung Tran's Avatar
I saw her when she first came to jade, it was cfs only back then.. Originally Posted by Heartside
are you certain you are speaking of the same Boa?

I am the first guy to have seen her, at Lucky Haven, she was FOB, green, but very sexy. shapely breasts, bush, sleek body. is this the Boa you mean? there are 2 Boas working currently..
Boa is confirmed Catholic. That is right?
Yes, BBFS and cip with me in early October 19, and it looks like at least one or two others can second that since then