Paulina NC/NS

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Originally Posted by CamWizard96

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Originally Posted by Hematoma
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  • jan-w
  • 07-02-2024, 12:07 PM
mulletman66's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jan-w
Originally Posted by chizzy
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mulletman66's Avatar
I emailed her new address last week 2 times and never heard back from her. its been over a week. something must be up. i will report back if she eventually responds to me.
I wouldn't say something is up. I've seen her twice in my life and she was very genuine when I saw her and told me some real world info that I would imagine most would know. Just like us these girls have families (some of them do anyway) and child care costs can be expensive. Is it ok to ghost? Absolutely not. But, I assume that is what is happening.