I don't have any problem with a provider being creative and imaginative with her AD to attract our attention.

CG2014's Avatar
But please, it doesn't need to be gross!


An ad is supposed to do 4 things:
(I learned this 33 years ago in one of my first sales and marketing jobs)


A - Attention
I - Interest
D - Desire
A - Action

She did get my Attention.

She didn't create Interest.

She didn't create Desire.

She did get me to take Action
(which is me getting turned off just by reading the title of the ad and saying no).


The steps proposed by the AIDA model are as follows:

Attention - The consumer becomes aware of a category, product or brand (usually through advertising)

Interest - The consumer becomes interested by learning about brand benefits & how the brand fits with lifestyle

Desire - The consumer develops a favorable disposition towards the brand.

Action - The consumer forms a purchase intention, shops around, engages in trial or makes a purchase
Nothing personal and no insult intended toward Karma.rains.

I am sure she is a very nice wonderful young lady and fun to be with from seeing her Yes reviews (I didn't read each one).

Just the wording of the title of her latest ad made me go
Well, I didn't bother to click on her showcase or anything since she poorly added pictures to her ad.

It did not state anything in her ad to tell me anything I should know about her rates, her incall location, (I don't expect services offered to be mentioned, some ladies mention greek), anything describing her or how to reach her.

Boo, bad marketing.

I didn't even know those were the steps of marketing/advertising and I would say I think I've been doing a decent job over the years.

Thanks for sharing.

I guess if she searches her name and reads this about herself she will learn from her own failure.

That is the best teacher after all.

Maybe you have helped her if she is even paying any attention.
Boltfan's Avatar
Always be closing?

Maybe she just needs the right leads so she can get the steak knives.
FunInDFW's Avatar
But please, it doesn't need to be gross!


Nothing personal and no insult intended toward Karma.rains.

I am sure she is a very nice wonderful young lady and fun to be with from seeing her Yes reviews (I didn't read each one).

Just the wording of the title of her latest ad made me go Originally Posted by CG2014
ROFL what a bitch move op. You don't say someone is gross then backtrack it with this garbage. If you had any intention of genuine help or advice you would have pm'd them instead of wanting to get some jolly back pats or the dog pile started. Stick to what you like and keeps you going at your old age. Leave the seemingly "gross" ones for the rest of us.

Chick looks like she'd be down for some crazy fun. Lovecraft-ian or Rapture role play maybe? Splicer bar?

Edit: last review has pictures of a provider who's so skinny you can see her ribs. Like to tickle the old rib-age ivory during a session there op?
While I totally missed her ad and it's probably not the most attractive way to get attention, your thread certainly made me aware of her and I'm intrigued. Seems freaky, strange, and a good time based on the reviews. May have to put her on my TDL now. Thanks.
mmcqtx's Avatar
I thought it was clever, innovative and hilarious!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...you gotta give here showcase photos credit for "niche marketing".

If Edward Scissor Hands had fingers, he'd call her right now...OH...wait...no phone number. Never mind.
TinMan's Avatar
That first pic in her showcase is pretty damn awesome.

And I much prefer her approach to advertising than the 12-paragraph boilerplate I’m used to seeing.
Hercules's Avatar
She might owe the op a commission for all the free press she's getting now.

And it's a ad that'snot (<--see what I did) as serious as all the others.
CG2014's Avatar

And it's a ad that'snot (<--see what I did) as serious as all the others. Originally Posted by Hercules
Don't encourage her, now.


That first pic in her showcase is pretty damn awesome. Originally Posted by TinMan
Which one? The one of her lying on the tree?

And I much prefer her approach to advertising than the 12-paragraph boilerplate I’m used to seeing. Originally Posted by TinMan
Some of these ads (and showcases) are like trying to read a book and many of them are difficult to read with all the photos and moving GIF and graphics mixed with the wording.
TinMan's Avatar
Yep, the one of her lying in the tree. Unusual, and sexy to me.
Cornelius's Avatar
Some guy created a while thread about her ad.....MARKETING WIN!

In all seriousness...she's fantastic. Very fun and down to earth.