
Reincarnated's Avatar
I've been talking to my favorites here on the board and many are complaining that they are getting lots of cancellations. How many of you other ladies are experiencing this?

Gentlemen, if you make an appointment, keep it. If you want these beautiful gals to continue to be in nicer hotels, we have to show up and pay or they will have to downgrade to a place we'd rather not be.
This first half of June is always a bit different from the rest of the year. Gents will have the desire and book the appt, but between kids getting out of school, child care having to be paid for, vacations to be budgeted for, and many spouses staying home for the summer because of child care, the desires have to be set aside until things get back on track again and they end up canceling.

It can be tough, but knowing that this season is coming allows for preparation. It's a great opportunity to take a bit easier, enjoy the sunshine, loved ones, and do something else instead of stressing too much. It is cyclical.
As long as they cancelled with sufficient notice, I don't see a problem here. Everybody is a flake from time to time. Flaking is just part of the game.
fun2come's Avatar
What about the other way around? What's the score there lately?

Just trying to keep up with both sides of the business.

A cancellation with "some" notice just happen on both ends, not good not pleasant, but it happens (SNATCH thread or Plan B sounds like a good idea in that case).

The bad practice are those NCNS by either party and should be mentioned/pointed out in the appropriate forums.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-12-2015, 12:44 PM
Well, the guys have their own "go to" girls when plans fall apart. I see no reason why the girls shouldn't do the same. Especially traveling ladies. Back in Ohio we had a group of 5 guys who were retired and had very flexible time. They offered to be "filler" on short notice for a reduced rate.

Generally these guys had seen the ladies before so any reference checking time wasn't needed. Also, no review was posted so that any reduced rate wasn't a point of haggling for the ladies in the future. Everything was on the QT.

At least the ladies had a chance to cover their cost so the trip wasn't a total loss.

Perhaps the cancellations are part of the double-booking scenarios that sometimes occur.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Talked to two beautiful girls, wonderful BCD, and between the 2 of them had 8 cancellation in 3 days. I thought that was a bit much. You may be right Camille. Thanks for pointing that out.

A cancellation with "some" notice just happen on both ends, not good not pleasant, but it happens (SNATCH thread or Plan B sounds like a good idea in that case).
Originally Posted by fun2come
Don't really seem like SNATCH is being used that way (to fill an empty slot). Seems like more of another way to advertise everyday.
Here are my observations in regards to when/why biz gets slow

January: Christmas bills are coming in
February: should be good month
March: mid month I can see being slow due to Spring Break
April: might get slow mid month due to taxes
May: mid month to end of month is slow
June: can be hit and miss
July: hot like a firecracker
August: mid to end of month is slow
September: good month
October: good month
November: end of month when TG is
December: mid to end of month will be slow due to Holidays

These reasons are not always the case but you can see why it could happen to some.. Also depends on the Providers type of Clientele, meaning are they all married with kids?
You're pretty much right on REB, although the holidays can be pretty busy when you don't have kids or too many family obligations.
fun2come's Avatar
Don't really seem like SNATCH is being used that way (to fill an empty slot). Seems like more of another way to advertise everyday. Originally Posted by Cunt Hunt
DAMN, Mr Ham just proved you wrong:

I think there is occasional usage for Cancellations, but yeah, mostly an extra AD per day, still glad it runs so well though
DAMN, Mr Ham just proved you wrong:

I think there is occasional usage for Cancellations, but yeah, mostly an extra AD per day, still glad it runs so well though Originally Posted by fun2come
I was talking about providers' usage of the forum but hey I'll take that. Still a useful forum and glad it is available. I just think as a hobbyist, when cancelled on it's better to rub one out and save your money for another day b/c your choices are limited at that point. Logic thinking capability is disabled when you are still on the hunt for a nut.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Meh. Sorry, I can't be too weepy for even the greatest providers over cancellations because:

#1 - It is just part of doing business, especially sales and service (which I do in another vertical)
#2 - There is so little response from providers on the ISO thread. You would think they were starving from the complaints, but almost no one but TAK (now that Shayla84 isn't in town much) can even bother to raise a finger to type a response to many promising hobbyists with cabbage ready to throw their way.
#3 - The vast majority of their excuses are amazingly bogus and last minute or after the fact when the shoe is on the other foot. Oh, and they can get downright nasty sometimes when called on it.

BTW, TAK, kudos for your attention to ISO, but typing in all caps is the same as yelling at everyone and very annoying. You might catch more flies with honey, honey.

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Meh. Sorry, I can't be too weepy for even the greatest providers over cancellations because:

#1 - It is just part of doing business, especially sales and service (which I do in another vertical)
#2 - There is so little response from providers on the ISO thread. You would think they were starving from the complaints, but almost no one but TAK (now that Shayla84 isn't in town much) can even bother to raise a finger to type a response to many promising hobbyists with cabbage ready to throw their way.
#3 - The vast majority of their excuses are amazingly bogus and last minute or after the fact when the shoe is on the other foot. Oh, and they can get downright nasty sometimes when called on it.

BTW, TAK, kudos for your attention to ISO, but typing in all caps is the same as yelling at everyone and very annoying. You might catch more flies with honey, honey.

LB Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
I posted a thread a while back asking if guys preferred responses to their ISOs to be posted in their ISO or through PM. The consensus was that guys prefer to be contacted though PM. Maybe some of us reply directly to the guy though PM instead of in the ISO. I know personally, I have been responding MOSTLY though PM if I feel that I can fulfill the guy's request. Just because you don't see our responses doesn't mean that we don't respond.
I agree that some ladies or guys do get nasty and that isn't right nor is it good TCB. If we are to have repeat business then we can't have an attitude if a guy cancels. If they cancel, the lady can sometimes fill that spot. But then again, sometimes the lady has expenses like possible hotel or if shared incall and gas/transportation to and from an incall. Plus sometimes we turn down other appts.
NCNS is another story, I believe anyone that deals with that has the right to be upset or offended whether it is provider or hobbyist.
I posted a thread a while back asking if guys preferred responses to their ISOs to be posted in their ISO or through PM. The consensus was that guys prefer to be contacted though PM. Maybe some of us reply directly to the guy though PM instead of in the ISO. I know personally, I have been responding MOSTLY though PM if I feel that I can fulfill the guy's request. Just because you don't see our responses doesn't mean that we don't respond. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
A counter argument can be made here, though: Replying in their ISO thread doesn't just signal availability to the ISO poster, but also sends a signal to many of the readers that don't often post their own ISOs, but may still be looking. The original ISO poster might not find you to his liking, but what about the other guys reading that ISO, including the lurkers?