The GREAT outdoors?

sympleman's Avatar
Posted this in SA co-ed cause thats where I'm from but since I'm spendin some time down in your guys (and gals) neck of the woods thought I'd ask the same here.

With the recent burst of cooler weather, I was thinkin that maybe the time frame was already gone?????

Does anyone like to play outdoors?

I myself have only done it in the mountains where I used to live. It was convienent and easy to find a secluded spot.

This is not about risking getting caught... it is about just gettin out in the fresh air and sunshine or moonlight and relaxing and taking your time.

Do any of you lovely 'viders have a "grotto" for clandestine meetings???

Sand in sensitive places is NOT an option! LOL

Uhhhh.....sympleman.....NICE AVATAR! I LOVE IT!