Get a f***ing Grip. lol but seriously

Madeline Tze's Avatar
I have a few things to address.

I do not see clients who message me with no trail or trace. I do not know how other providers do it BUT I WILL NOT !!
A lot of men have been on eccie for years but have not seen a provider, do not want to send references or do not want to be screened. Then you have the ones who have been on eccie may have 2 or 3 reviews from more than a year ago and not active. YOU ARE CONSIDERED A NEWBIE IN MY BOOK.

Only clients who are "active" on ECCIE or P411 or what ever other connected site Get those privileges.

I WILL NOT give a newbie the same rate or actions as a client who has done the "footwork" to be a "recognized" member. Or to a client who has "fallen out of the game" as the say.

I do not understand if you are a member on this site why aren't you willing to be screened if you can see my reviews and my face donation and general location area ?
I don't know about other providers but all I want to know if you are safe or not and you are who you say you are... that's it that's all

Another thing. I am a provider but yet I am an adult. I should not have to explain why I am uncomfortable with some type of sexual act. When a person says NO. That should be it and move on to the next thing.

Also FELLAS. YOU ARE NOT HOSTAGE!!! If there is something that you do not like or uncomfortable with EXPRESS THAT.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I completely sympathize, MT, as you raise some very valid points. However, methinks the timing of this thread was ill-conceived, as it may be seen as a response to the review posted yesterday by tiger501:

Anyway... Yes, references or screening in lieu of are critical, and boundaries should be respected, of course, but why would any of that matter in terms of service or price? Seems to me you're saying that newbies/Hobbyists returning to the pleasure playground after a lull should expect an experience of restricted quality from you, possibly at a higher rate and/or with some activities lacking? If so, might be advisable to clarify such on your Showcase for the future. This revelation makes me reluctant to keep you on the Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List. Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on that aspect of your post, please?
Sooooo you do see newbies and inactive members,you just give them shitty BP services with the option to upgrade for an extra fee,right?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
The thought never occurred to me that some providers might treat new/returning players different in sessions than they do those fellows with an established track record. Huh. I've always welcomed every gentleman the same wicked way. I'm very interested in what ECCIE lads and other lassies have to say about this, especially as it relates to the HNFPL.

Is variation in vamping justifiable based solely on active Hobby status?
I could be wrong....I have been a time or two; but maybe she asks for a higher gift for Newbies with same quality and once she has seen them, then they get the regular gift rate... I have heard of this before...

I'll always be Newbie Friendly, has I just enjoy meeting new and different people...I will just be a little more pickier to make sure my sweet phat ass stays where it needs to stay.

With a lot that has been happening in our world....I have been recently thinking about an alternative screening for Newbies....we have to keep numero uno safe first and foremost.

my .02
Madeline Tze's Avatar
I see ppl took what they wanted from that. And you can take me off sweetie I am moving.

I am an adult and I choose to do what I want with whom ever I want.
And NEWBIES GET EVERYTHING THAT I POST. And timing ? What you're really saying is I shouldn't have said anything. Yea but I am.

If you read my post it says newbie friendly with rules attached to it...
Madeline Tze's Avatar
Thats exactly what I do sweetie ... But I don't see why I have to explain that to anyone except for the person inquiring
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I see ppl took what they wanted from that. And you can take me off sweetie I am moving.

I am an adult and I choose to do what I want with whom ever I want.
And NEWBIES GET EVERYTHING THAT I POST. And timing ? What you're really saying is I shouldn't have said anything. Yea but I am.

If you read my post it says newbie friendly with rules attached to it...
Plus my post says DONATIONS FOR MEMEBRS WITH REFERENCES AND REVIEWS Originally Posted by Madeline Tze
Thats exactly what I do sweetie ... But I don't see why I have to explain that to anyone except for the person inquiring Originally Posted by Madeline Tze
Nothing at all wrong about being "picky" with whom one wishes to entertain. I'm very particular these days, myself. However, when you advertise openly on ECCIE, and start threads like this that raise questions, you do have a responsibility to spell things out clearly for potential clients so that they don't waste their time. There is also an expectation that the same published rate/service applies to ALL gents UNLESS specified otherwise. I'm not "taking what I want" from your post. You typed, "I WILL NOT give a newbie the same rate or actions as a client who has done the "footwork" to be a "recognized" member. Or to a client who has "fallen out of the game" as the say." How else CAN that be taken?

As for you saying members have been notified, your ads are more than a wee bit confusing on that issue, and there's absolutely nothing, zip, zero, nada on your Showcase addressing this. Why not just plainly state, "Newbies and returning Hobbyists without recent activity will be subject to an additional fee/higher rate/restricted activities?"

Are you charging extra for the same screening we carnal companions all do?

I'll drop you from the HNFPL when I update again later this week. Irish luck in lust in your new location, MT.

(Note to all providers: Our ECCIE Showcases are our "infomercials," the perfect places for us to pass on data to interested parties. I'm surprised by the sparse use of this promotional tool and how much is often left to be inquired about by PM, which is inefficient and arguably unsafe. Any special conditions directly affecting price or activities definitely merits at least an advisory on Showcases, IMHO.)
I completely sympathize, MT, as you raise some very valid points. However, methinks the timing of this thread was ill-conceived, as it may be seen as a response to the review posted yesterday by tiger501:

Anyway... Yes, references or screening in lieu of are critical, and boundaries should be respected, of course, but why would any of that matter in terms of service or price? Seems to me you're saying that newbies/Hobbyists returning to the pleasure playground after a lull should expect an experience of restricted quality from you, possibly at a higher rate and/or with some activities lacking? If so, might be advisable to clarify such on your Showcase for the future. This revelation makes me reluctant to keep you on the Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List. Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on that aspect of your post, please?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I was thinking the same thing, about the newbie rate. That's the stupidest shit I've heard in awhile, even beats Shinepro's posts.
cabletex7's Avatar
^^^At least Shine's posts are occasionally entertaining.
^^ Good point.
She's just rebutting her latest Yes review that should have been a No
This is the same chick who tried to charge a client a shower fee

Hey get your money sista gurl!
TryWeakly's Avatar
I hear TittyTate might be hiring for her website "stats" analysis. perhaps MT could get in on that action....
pyramider's Avatar
I completely sympathize, MT, as you raise some very valid points. However, methinks the timing of this thread was ill-conceived, as it may be seen as a response to the review posted yesterday by tiger501:

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You thinck this might not be a good time to request taint photos?
This is the same chick who tried to charge a client a shower fee
Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda