Obama on Trayvon Martin: “If a white male teen were involved…the outcome and aftermath might have been different”

The Divider-in-Chief came to the podium today to continue his plight to deepen the divisions of race in America surrounding the George zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. He once again tied himself to Trayvon Martin by saying that “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.” He then spent about 5 minutes explaining why there’s “so much pain” in the black community surrounding what happened to Trayvon Martin, what he calls ‘context’. He didn’t go into the details of what actually happened in the case, but instead essentially blamed slavery and the civil rights era of the 50s/60s.

At the end of the clip, Obama says that all of this ‘context’ contributes to the sense that “if a while male teen were involved in the same kind of scenario, that from top to bottom both the outcome and aftermath might have been different.”

All he is doing is legitimizing the disparity that many pro-Trayvon protesters are feeling right now and will only embolden their cause and will likely lead to violence. And the ironic thing is that none of this is relevant in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. None of it.

The truth is that Obama, simply put, doesn’t want to let this crisis go to waste without using it to divide America.

It is stunningly irresponsible for Obama to float the notion that what happened was racial . There is no evidence. In fact, the evidence suggests otherwise.

If Obama really believes that, on the evidence in this case, Zimmerman would have been convicted if Martin had been white, he should say so and explain why. He doesn't he just baits the audience (Americans) into believe such an unsubstantiated notion - "there's a sense"...........shame on Obama.
I'm tired of his let's have a "national conversation" line but you need to shut up and listen while I drive home my long standing political agenda that avoids the facts of the situation.

If President Obama was a golf club he'd be a wedge.

I'm tired of his let's have a "national conversation" line but you need to shut up and listen while I drive home my long standing political agenda that avoids the facts of the situation.

If President Obama was a golf club he'd be a wedge. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Two idiots in a ass kissing contest Whirrly and nutfly . no wonder the country is going down the drain with fucktards like these.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Zimmerman is changing his name to "Ben Ghazi".

That way, Odumbo and the lib-retard MSM adn race baiters will never mention or talk about him again!!!
Zimmerman is changing his name to "Ben Ghazi".

That way, Odumbo and the lib-retard MSM adn race baiters will never mention or talk about him again!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Typical response from your typical fucktard Obama hater. No brains Hankering strikes again Keep on doing what you do best "knees Hankering"
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama on Trayvon Martin: “If a white male teen were involved…the outcome and aftermath might have been different”.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Does this mean that the "white" guy would have out drawn the "brown" guy?

I did like Zimmerman Jr.'s response: Something like: "At least the administration is not blaming the Hispanics!"
"Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."
"There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me." - President Obama

I'm sure the "Choom Gang" were"eye-balled" a lot. That's one of the side effects of the "choom."
Probably eye balled some motorcycle gangs also dumb ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... the country is going down the drain .... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Been doin' much yourself to plug the leaks?
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama on Trayvon Martin: “If a white male teen were involved…the outcome and aftermath might have been different”.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Can't fix the Middle East
Can't fix the economy
Can't fix the terrorists
Can't fix health care
Can't fix Guantanamo
Can't fix the borders
Can't fix gun ownership
Can't fix the environment
Can't fix global warming
Can't fix the post office
Can't fix the national debt
Can't fix the deficit
Can't fix Afghanistan
Can't fix relations with Europe
Can't fix the protection for U.S. citizens and diplomats abroad
Can't fix the protection of people in the United States
Can't fix shit ....

so, we gonna take a look at fixin' Florida law!
LexusLover's Avatar
"Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."
"There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me." - President Obama Originally Posted by gnadfly
Me, too, well, may be 50 years ago .. had I been stupid enough to go out in the rain in the middle of the night down to the local convenience store to "score" a bag of skittles ...

and I must be "African American" since I have been "followed" in a department store.

Big fuckin deal. I've been "followed" on the street, sidewalk, and in vehicles, including boats! Sometimes it was pussy and sometimes it was cops and sometimes it was cops with pussies! Big fuckin deal. Let's have a "national conversation" about it!!!!!!

Ted Bundy was "followed" in Florida because he had a busted tail light. He was "white" and that was his last traffic violation. No more girls died afterwards at his hands. Good job!. And thank God a nosy cop pulled him over about the tail light instead of wondering what the President will think about him if he pulled over a white guy for just a busted tail light.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know...if Obama had been white then the result might have been different.
Teenage unemployment would be lower.
Black unemployment would be lower.
The border might be under control.
Russia would respect us more.
China would respect us more.
Hell, Canada would respect us more.