To cologne or not to cologne?

oam's Avatar
  • oam
  • 10-20-2018, 01:14 PM

I need your input.

I know I'm not very pleasant to look at, but I do take my personal hygiene quite seriously.

Before coming to visit one of you fine folks, I do my best to make sure I'm as clean as possible. I usually shower before I head out to meet someone and I usually ask to shower right before we start to play.

Nobody wants a smelly partner. I get it. I've had some otherwise great sessions go downhill because of a smell issue. But something I wonder is what do our wonderful providers think about men applying cologne or aftershave (after an initial shower of course) before a session?

I know some providers have allergic reactions to some colognes and some just don't like the specific smell.

On the other hand, I've been told by some providers that they really like whatever fragrance I'm using.

I understand that different people have different reactions to colognes and aftershaves and it is a very YMMV issue specific to each individual person.

But in the aggregate, ladies, do y'all like when your guest wears some sort of cologne or do you just prefer them to be well showered with no discernible scent whatsoever?
HedonisticFool's Avatar
if it’s the first time that ur meeting, then that would be a good question to ask beforehand...

otherwise, just make damn sure that uve scrubbed ur junk and ass plenty good with soap right before u get there or if she offers u her shower...not complicated.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
I never use cologne. I shower good and wear a good deodorant.
bamatide's Avatar
No cologne
Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Cologne is ok is you are a man who usually wears cologne.
What I HAAATE is when you spray your man parts.
Cologne in the mouth is horrid. Soap and water and scrubbing should be enough
Randyredhead's Avatar
I agree with Yazmin, especially about the taste of cologne. I do enjoy a nice smelling man and a little fragrance goes a long way. I hate too much cologne, aftershave, etc.

Merry Minx's Avatar
I agree with the ladies - though I tend to air on the side of no cologne at all, if personally given the choice.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy a nice, light, cologne - but I far prefer the smell of an actual man - and how his pheromones affect me, and draw me to him...

If a man feels more confident coming to see me with a spritz or two of cologne - I have no issue with it - and if I like it, I’ll often comment about how good you smell. I do enjoy when a gentleman takes me on a longer date (4+ hours), and comes over to pick me up with the hint of a very light cologne. The occasional inhale of a soft, inviting scent as our time progresses...mixing with the light perspiration of your body, and natural scent...hours the clothes begin to find their way to the floor, once we retire for a nightcap - has all opportunity to intoxicate...

Typically, though, I’d far prefer a fresh, clean body smell...with a light lingering of soap... Especially if you are coming directly to me. My favorite is Dove. I’ll lay on top of you and just sniff you for a few moments because I love the scent so much, lol.

As mentioned by the beautiful ladies who responded earlier - spraying below your waist is not something enjoyed at all. I want to smell you. And taste you.

Cologne - no matter how great it smells - tastes awful. And I want to make love to your cock with my mouth... Not shy from it.

A deliciously clean, freshly soaped, ready to be kissed...and licked...and deliriously That’s what this naughty Minx wants.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Everyone is different, but I'm a fragrance person..

I would say maybe ask before ,if they're ok with smell goods..
Precious_b's Avatar
Just like the jingle, "Brylcreem, a little dab will do you"