New incall - Office?

I'd like some input from the gentlemen and ladies here. I'm getting an incall (Wheeee! About time, eh?) and haven't decided which would be the better idea.

Private residence. A house, suitable location, preferably with parking not visible from the street.

An office setting. Something without windows, or that one can't see into anyway, and which has good walls. I could put up a sign saying "Hemingway Consulting" (Oh, Emily likes the sound of that). I'm rather leaning toward this one because there'd be a ready explanation for clients.

What do y'all think?
HOOK'EM's Avatar
hi EH,

Sounds, like a Great idea. With the economy the way it is, and the real estate market down, you should be able to do the research to locate some great sites to choose from. I go thru Corpus alot, I'll watch for your ad's. Good Luck.

I've looked into getting an office for my business, and if you attach "for business use" to anything, the price goes sky-high. In my research, it also seems that business locations have leases which are more difficult to break (if needed). However, the advantage of an office is the easy explanation of visitors, and it also gives the client an excuse (as you mentioned).

On the flip side, I would personally prefer to visit a home, especially if it had discreet parking and was out of sight of nosy neighbors. I personally find them to be more comfortable and relaxing to be in. They have all the amenities (shower, plenty of room, etc). You could also incorporate the "business" aspect into it, simply by assuming a startup business type scenario, but that would be more difficult to sell to an inquiring SO or some such.

I know providers who operate in each situation, and they all seemed to make it work. It just depends on what YOU would be most comfortable operating in.

As usual, this is just my (ever so humble) opinion. Good luck with your choice!

And I want dibs on breaking the place in!!
Hunter 510's Avatar
I would do it with you in the front seat of a pickup truck.....I just need you to hurry up and get "divorced".....things starting to turn blue around here...
Hell come share my office LOL. Mine is located in a strip center with one huge parking lot and nobody knows which store the cars are parked for there. Granted it has it's pro's and con's (I hate apostrophe usage, can't you tell?) I don't do an extreme amount of "personal business" there and I have my word processing type of business sign up. It works for me in my type of situation right now, as to whether the guys are deterred by it, they will have to chime in.
What ever you choose is fine. Just let me know when you are doing business.
I vote for a private residence - but maybe that's just because I'm not creative enough to picture how a commercial space could be confortably (and yet discreetly) used for BCD activities.

What if the landlord or building maintenance comes in to see if any light bulbs need replacing? Isn't he going to wonder about the bed, mirrored ceiling, hanging swing, and any other accoutrements laying around? And I generally don't need to use the shower, but a commercial space is not likely to have a shower, whirlpool tub, etc.

What about a home-based business? Stick a "Microsoft Certified" or "Hemmingway Consulting" sign somewhere by the front door, and you have an explanation for customer traffic.

This makes me wonder.... What credentials do you need to be a sex therapist? Claiming this as a profession might make you more visible, but I wonder what implications it might have on certain legal aspects.
What ever you choose is fine. Just let me know when you are doing business. Originally Posted by Bull149
Ultimately, I agree with Bull. Does this thread mean you might be available for individual consulting sessions once again?
FishFlats's Avatar
i like Brandy's idea..don't have to worry about parking,the neighbors..etc..
there's some real nice " commercial real estate " places out there.ive seen a few decent house's zone for commercial.if you go residential,you've allways got the neighbor thing.

just my 2 cents
Ultimately, I agree with Bull. Does this thread mean you might be available for individual consulting sessions once again? Originally Posted by littlejoe
Sorry, but not just yet. My savings have grown to the point I feel comfortable assuming more financial obligations, and I really do need an incall for when I'm back on the market. I think it'll probably take at least a month to find a suitable place, get everything signed and all the utilities connected, do any painting and whatnot, and then furnish it. Since I want it to be ready the moment I need it, I thought it'd be best to start now.

I miss you guys! I never realized how lonesome I was going to get without being able to see my guys from time to time.
I like the business idea.. This is a small town. And I happen to drive some pretty recognizable vehicles.. I don't hardly ever get to go anywhere without running into somebody that See's me even if I'm just driving around. If its a business there is a valid excuse. If it's somebody's home. Well that one just doesn't fly as well. But every ones situation is different and You should do what you feel most comfortable with.
  • Chloe
  • 03-09-2010, 11:13 PM
6 months of school for a massage therapist . . .some years for other credentials used for traffic . . . hmmm . . getting my mind rolling on all of my unused degrees!!!!
Hunter 510's Avatar
Chloe, I don't know anything about your un-used degrees, but the one degree I do know that you have, you made the Dean's list on it!!!!

Oopps, not highjacking your thread Emily, I do think you could be on to something with your idea, at least for those who need to go to an incall...
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I just need to know when you are back on the market!