A Passing in Plano

It is with heavy heart that I must report that today’s storms killed my TV.
RIP plasma. So suggestions thoughts or jokes.
melannie_star's Avatar
You can have mine.. LOL
TexTushHog's Avatar
Do without one. I all but quit watching television 30+ years ago and I have NEVER regretted the decision. I still watch a few hours of live sports — mostly NBA, and a bit of horse racing, F1, soccer, and the slightest bit of baseball and hockey. But not watching TV news and entertainment programs is something I haven’t missed one single bit. And other than watching the NBA, my other sports watching is probably down to less than 50 hours a year. They could literally bring me a TV the day basketball season starts and take it away the day after the NBA final are over and I’d be perfectly contented.
I’m a tv junkie I needs my sports and um. sports.
I guess I could do as well at a sports bar probably be healthier too.
billw1032's Avatar
But not watching TV news and entertainment programs is something I haven’t missed one single bit. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
A lot of truth in this statement. It can be an addiction. I have the news on almost all the time I am in the house and in the car. I'm not at all sure I'm better off for it. During the day it's business news under the guise of watching the financial markets, but it's really not that necessary for me. Finally got so tired of it that I put on the Sirius XM classical music channel in the car, and I feel much better. I think I need help...

I go to some friends' house, and they record more entertainment programs than anyone could reasonably watch. Isn't there something better to do with that time? I still remember from decades ago a Paul Harvey newscast where he profiled a fabulously successful business executive (I don't recall who, now). He was quoted as saying the most important contributor to his success was the day he got rid of the TV.
Awww poor tv!!
Shep3.0's Avatar
Plasma is so year 2000.
ginaissosexii's Avatar
Awww RIP TV.