What Should the US do if We Learn Saudi Journalist Kashoggi was Murdered by the Saudi Government?

Chung Tran's Avatar

I started to post this in the National Forum, but our Dallas Forum gets much more reasonable, thoughtful, dare I say erudite responses regarding political and social themes.. don't let me down, LOL..

what do I think? good question, I was hoping one of you would have a good answer. I'm inclined to say "the Saudi's will be Saudi's", that this behavior is not new, we should expect them to disregard International Law, we have coddled them for many years, looked the other way to keep the oil flowing. but when do you start dealing with them properly? maybe this is the time?

my practical side says "why start an International crisis over one Journalist's life? do we want $200 oil in retaliation for sanctions?"
dallasfan's Avatar
I think if a journalist wants to go over there that is a risk they take.
The journalist was Saudi and they are Saudi. I say stay out of their internal issues. They have acted this way for centuries and not up to us to fix it. No reason to go to war for a countries own internal affairs. IF you are caught stealing they will cut your hands off in India. Here we just bond you out for $50 and let you go steal your next meal and hope you don't get caught. We should not be involved in other countries laws and reactions to their internal events/
Chung Tran's Avatar
I like both of your answers!
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 10-15-2018, 03:29 PM
Contact an Eccie lady on this site you have been wanting to see
Chung Tran's Avatar
looks like they are going to admit to something.. but not murder.

The journalist was a legal resident here. He wasn't the strongest critic of MbS too. We can't hold the whole country responsible for this and we won't. We let them get away with 9-11. The one person that this is being pinned on is MbS. This is also the same guys that said he owns Trumps Son in law/advisor https://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-...in-his-pocket/ No way Trump will do anything.

Here's what we could do. ..He is the crown prince and not the King. We could use the Magnitsky Act on the prince to hopefully convince the King that MbS would be an impulsive leader. But, the chances of that are even smaller considering that King Salman has Alzheimer's and MbS had that coup where he arrested everyone in the cabinet and handpicked the replacements.

He's already made several unpopular foreign policy choices.
-The war in Yemen
-Qatar crisis
-Failed IPO of Aramco
-diplomatic misteps with Canada
-forcing Lebanonese President to step down

MbS is compromising the Kingdoms strongest ally. Everything is good as long as Trump remains president but there's a lot of uncertainty with how long that will last. If Dems grab control and throw light on all of the corruption within the Trump org, then that relationship will be even more damaged.

Nothing will happen and the potential collateral damage will make both parties too chicken shit to do anything about it.
Fredo Bin Salman is a joke. He started the war with Yemen over 3 years ago and has accomplished nothing but killing innocents and causing mass starvation. To back Saudi Arabia in this war is being an accessory to criminal behavior. I could say the same for Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians. And now both Israel and Saudis are colluding so that they can induce Trump to help them overthrow the Iranian govt, which I would prefer over either of the above two countries. Trump will do what Netanyahu and the Kingdom tell him to do. But I can't wait to see what discovery will uncover when the civil suit of Victims & Families of 911 v. Saudi Arabia begins.

When it comes to the Middle East it is really time to put America First and that means getting out of Afghanistan (which is already lost) and removing troops from Syria and Iraq, and discontinuing the welfare check to Israel, which is full on apartheid now.

We have spent $6 trillion on the wars of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and not paid one cent on the debt. Who is profiting from our involvement?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-15-2018, 05:27 PM
Did the political forums get shut down?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Did the political forums get shut down? Originally Posted by BLM69
no, but the posters there basically slag one another, Democrats vs. Republicans, and there is almost no coherent discussion of issues. I already see I made the right choice asking here.. our posters are much more informed and learned.. not to mention civil.
It was just an opps during a questioning session. Had water boarding been used they would have gotten their info and he would have dried off and went on his way. Simple mistake .
That is not true. It is in Saudi that hands get cut.
15 of the 19 hijackers on 9-11 were Saudi.
whosnext's Avatar
Well if they were Saudi Government Assassins they did a shitty job. Should have hired Americans. We are better at making people "disappear". Those borderline "civilized" countries like to send messages...In a country that cuts the hands off thief's, kills single pregnant girls, and have public executions of homosexuals, I can tell you what's going to happen. NOTHING.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I think if a journalist wants to go over there that is a risk they take. Stay in your sandbox