The Sanctity of the Confessional / Session Talk should not leave the Session

Whispers's Avatar
OK..... It's as ludicrous to compare what is said in a a confessional to talk that occurs in a session..... as it is to compare GPS Providers (GPS = HDH right?) to Nieman Marcus.... (Consider the title in honor of a couple of the ladies in another thread)

There has been much publicized over the years in regards to "pillow talk"... the things men discuss with their chosen "ladies" that should never make the light of day.....

But any of us that have seen 10 or more ladies has probably heard about other guys here as well as things that should have been kept private.

One thing I see new here after quite a while of not looking in..... is that some of the ladies seem to openly flaunt information from their private areas......

Why is that? The ladies on this site USED to be a tight lipped group.

Is privacy taking on less meaning?

Do the guys simply care less about it?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Private should stay private....I always thought that was one of the reasons we get paid what we do....
Britttany_love's Avatar
OK..... It's as ludicrous to compare what is said in a a confessional to talk that occurs in a session..... as it is to compare GPS Providers (GPS = HDH right?) to Nieman Marcus.... (Consider the title in honor of a couple of the ladies in another thread)

There has been much publicized over the years in regards to "pillow talk"... the things men discuss with their chosen "ladies" that should never make the light of day.....

But any of us that have seen 10 or more ladies has probably heard about other guys here as well as things that should have been kept private.

One thing I see new here after quite a while of not looking in..... is that some of the ladies seem to openly flaunt information from their private areas......

Why is that? The ladies on this site USED to be a tight lipped group.

Is privacy taking on less meaning?

Do the guys simply care less about it? Originally Posted by Whispers

I have to agree with you on that. I have noticed lately some ladies divulging information that should have stayed private since it was posted in a private area on the board. I will be more cautious from now on before openly posting information in that forum.
Whispers's Avatar
I have to agree with you on that. I have noticed lately some ladies divulging information that should have stayed private since it was posted in a private area on the board. I will be more cautious from now on before openly posting information in that forum. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Look at any of my posts in the past on this subject and I always gave credit to you girls for being above what the wusses here do all the time with the men's locker room stuff......

I guess the motivation for those few ladies lies in the need to build business and appear more interesting than the others.....
I think the concept of privacy has changed a great deal thanks to social networking and youtube. Add in that some companies want your login credentials to facebook, Google+, or what-ever to gain employment and slowly people become more comfortable with less privacy. For people that are not "open books" it is an unsettling trend that will have repercussions in every facet of society including the hobby.

If we are lucky this trend will reverse itself at some point but technology and communications are such powerful forces in society and business it may be impossible to stop. Don't forget there is money to be made from knowing what you think, and what you want.
I have to agree with you on that. I have noticed lately some ladies divulging information that should have stayed private since it was posted in a private area on the board. I will be more cautious from now on before openly posting information in that forum. Originally Posted by Britttany_love

It does "slip out" occasionally, so you just have to think carefully before you post your thoughts. All I can say is that if does happen, you will be haunted by a man of fire, and be face-to-face with a mountain of space.
fun2come's Avatar
It does "slip out" occasionally, so you just have to think carefully before you post your thoughts. All I can say is that if does happen, you will be haunted by a man of fire, and be face-to-face with a mountain of space. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
LOL, but you won't get hit by a Tree any longer ...
Actually the ladies will get whispered on (no NOT that Whispers, the royal QE Whispers)
Britttany_love's Avatar
It does "slip out" occasionally, so you just have to think carefully before you post your thoughts. All I can say is that if does happen, you will be haunted by a man of fire, and be face-to-face with a mountain of space. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
Exactly in this hobby you have to be careful with everything. There will always be some guy or some girl who will leak information. It might be a guy trying to impress the ladies by letting them know they are being talked about of vice versa.. some lady giving information to a client hope to keep or gain there business. In this day and age nothing is really private, especially online but you would think that those here in the hobby would value discretion and safety and would be a little more careful in trying to protect it. We have private forms here to post information that is greatly important to male/female.. these sections allow us to post alerts on safety, ripoffs, stalkers, time wasters, get togethers between ladies/ gents and any other information that might help the community. It's not cool when you find out the personal information that you have shared is being posted out in the open for all to see. Talk about a huge security risk!!! You might have put a provider or gentlemen in danger by posting public information. I know its basically impossible to assure that this wont happen but you would hope both parties would stop to think about the consequences before they do so.
funes's Avatar
  • funes
  • 09-19-2013, 10:09 PM
It's a matter of respect and dignity to maintain privacy. When one does not maintain absolute privacy there is zero respect and dignity. It's become selfish. This isn't a zone of contrasts. It is literally a zero versus a 1.

Privacy is absolute. When approached "professionally", it takes no energy to maintain, whereas a secret takes energy. Call it confidentiality or whatever you want, but there are damn few things that define ourselves uniquely.

Privacy is under erosion in all aspects of our life and social culture, yet it is a thing so vital that disappearance is impossible. As long as two human beings have any kind of dialog (defined as the SAFE exchange of information), privacy will remain paramount.

In a broader aspect, we are culturally being led down new paths and abilities to selectively probe and profile those aspects of ourselves previously considered sacred. It is important for all of us to deliberately and without emotional charge resist these encroachments, especially at a legislative level. We are not powerless here folks. Live your values, not your fears.

I expect and demand privacy, and vigorously object to any thread addressing privacy as somehow permeable. Perhaps it's seductive to momentarily consider privacy as something of a sliding scale, a flexible boundary defined by "discretion". Fuck that. Don't go there ever, on any level. Whenever a person maintains integrity across all levels their shared memory or experience must be filed in the part of ourselves that is a solid locker requiring zero oversight. I am lazy. I will not expend frivolous energy.

So, if it takes effort, perhaps understanding the difference between a secret and privileged confidence will be helpful.

This is entirely possible. My professional life moment to moment is consumed with the details of things seemingly harmless, but to the other person of vital privacy. My personal memory of those details is kept absolutely segregated from all other aspects of myself to the extent voluntarily recalling the specifics of them requires a context of required need to know. And then, recall is effortless. This isn't special. We all have that capacity.