
albundy's Avatar
I was waiting for Sep.6 for Gianna to come through Houma but then all of a sudden SO decides to want to have sex today. It was fabulous, but now the dilema. I hate to let the opportunity with Gianna pass by, but I always feel hopeful after sex with SO that it'll start being a more normal length of time between sex. It seems to always be back to once every 2 to 4 months (if I'm lucky) everytime no matter how great the sex is. I rather be with SO than anyone else. No one on ECCIE comes close to her in my opinion and I love her. She is out of my league looks wise. But the extreme length of time between sex makes me get extremely lonely and I turn to here. Then, of course, I have to worry about LE, money, and other things. I don't want to be without her and my children. I don't want to cheat, but jerking off only works for so long. Talking to her is no good. Tried that. She doesn't seem to understand male sexual needs for some reason. I know this is like Dr. Phil shit and don't really expect an answer to the problem. Just had to write or say this somewhere and it least I'm anonymous here.
Do you touch her at least 10 times a day....every day?

(p.s. can you post a quick review for us? ...for practice)
Wiley64's Avatar
Maybe try some marriage counseling a mediator might help. Good luck with it.
SknyDiva's Avatar
S O should always win if its like that hun. this is a HOBBY.
pornodave69's Avatar
Do you ever initiate and she turns you down or do you wait for her to start? Do you ever talk about the lack of sex? If you want it let her know. If she's just frigid then keep hobbying.
Brmike1963's Avatar
Wow, she never turns me down.

Just kidding, lol. I couldn't resist.
lol brmike!

But no it doesn't sound like a dilemma to me hun, if you get it from the S O then that could mean just a little hobby break for a week or so and enjoy the shit out of it!

P.S. This always works for me...go buy her some chocolate covered strawberries and bring the can of whip cream to the room at night time when your trying to get frisky! It does majic

As SknyDiva said its a HOBBY here so we are always here for you when your ready, if you miss a lady passing through, see if she will be traveling back through on her way home!! Hope this helps love!
I admit, females are strange creatures sometimes. But one thing I do know for a FACT is that the more sex a gal has, the more she wants it. Keep trying to seduce her, get her ball rolling so to speak. Touch her affectionately, kiss her on the back of the neck as you pass by. Also, get to know her cycles if you don't already. You are more likely to get laid during the time she ovulates.
A married woman becomes comfortable with the notion that the man she is committed to loves her and will understand the things she deals with on a daily basis. Some marriages never have the S.E.X. issue while other suffer a deterioration over the years.
Try wooing her as much as you can, as the small things mean so much more. Small shoulder rubs, feet rubs, a kiss on the neck or shoulder, or a soft touch on the cheek. Make sure you do these small things on a daily basis. Make her feel beautiful. It wouldn't hurt to try...
Sorry Flora...thats horseshit!!

I used to think like he does...I learned pretty quick that its just a game. When I do my SO, I make sure that she gets off to the point of damn near hyperventalating. We have been together for 24 years, thus I know how to operate all her "switches". If the very next day I should utter an opinion that is contrary to hers, I may go a month or more without her "attention". Now some would say that I should just play the good married man and toe the line...but that's not what I signed up for. Who ever said I had to think like her to be married to her. We are all different. Some women behave this way for material possessions, some do just because pussy is the only thing that they can control in their marriage/homelife.

Married women have the game figured out...thus creating an entire industry (the hobby). I say past history predicts future performance. He should go ahead with the appointment and enjoy himself.

Arverni's Avatar
Three to four months is TOO long and she knows this.

Sex ... is NOTHING for a woman. All she has to do is show up. A bonus? If she brings a good attitude with her. She can fake the rest for the sake of her husband and her marriage.

I tend to believe that any woman who denies her husband for that long a time period is deliberately fucking with his brain.

It's nothing for a woman to carve out 20 minutes at least once a week for intimacy - even if she's the most busy female on the planet.

You can be with the hottest woman in the world - but if you don't get to fuck her ...

... then what good are her looks? Really.

There are a lot of reasons to stay married that you have to consider ... like kids and stuff. If you love her then stay with her but you need to take care of business elsewhere and not feel guilty about it.

But seriously - I would question her commitment to you if all she's willing to muster up is intimacy every 60 to 120 days ... that's willful negligence and she knows what it's doing to you.

Just my two cents.
DallasRain's Avatar
There are a lot of reasons to stay married that you have to consider ... like kids and stuff. If you love her then stay with her but you need to take care of business elsewhere and not feel guilty about it.

very well said! and ditto!
Arverni's Avatar
Sorry Flora...thats horseshit!!

I used to think like he does...I learned pretty quick that its just a game. When I do my SO, I make sure that she gets off to the point of damn near hyperventalating. We have been together for 24 years, thus I know how to operate all her "switches". If the very next day I should utter an opinion that is contrary to hers, I may go a month or more without her "attention". Now some would say that I should just play the good married man and toe the line...but that's not what I signed up for. Who ever said I had to think like her to be married to her. We are all different. Some women behave this way for material possessions, some do just because pussy is the only thing that they can control in their marriage/homelife.

Married women have the game figured out...thus creating an entire industry (the hobby). I say past history predicts future performance. He should go ahead with the appointment and enjoy himself.

JMHO Originally Posted by NOGREEK4ME
This is exactly right - but I would add - you CAN change the power balance.

Girls like this will use sex to get your commitment - then when they think they have you all "locked up" they'll start shutting down on you.

Just make sure they never think you're "locked up". If they think you may be attractive to other women - they'll work hard to keep you if they give a damn about you.

Every now and then talk about other girls you know at work. LOOK at other girls when you go out and make sure she sees you looking at them.

If you let yourself fall out of shape (as most guys do after they get married) - then she's gonna feel pretty secure that no one else wants you.

Start showing deliberate signs of cheating - like start working out ... passcode your phone and make up some bullshit reason why you did it ... come home late from work a night or two. Hobby during the daytime (they never suspect the daytime!). Download some porn and let her find it - just so she knows you're interested in "other" women.

I've never been in this situation but that's what I'd do.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I was married once. At the end, you whine up trading sex for stability.
Arverni's Avatar
I was married once. At the end, you whine up trading sex for stability. Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun

Ask Miss Kay how often she gives it up for Phil.

(and you can bet your ass she still DOES!)