There's money to made in racism...if you do it left.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Booker T. Washington warned the nation over a hundred years ago of those who would sell victimhood and racism as a way of making a living for themselves. We've seen it with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton but now we're seeing a new breed; white people passing for black or biracial people. The latest is the organizer of Black Lives Matter, Shaun King. Mr. King, a biracial child of a white mother and black father was victimized by the "rednecks" of his Kentucky high school, beaten by police when being arrested, and the father of three or is it four (he can't decide) young black girls.

Turns out that Mr. King is the son of a white woman and a WHITE man. That he grew up in Kentucky as a white man. That he may be the recipient of WHITE PRIVILEGE and not the victim of a police beat down.

I have written that members of BLM are starting to get wise about the left. Maybe its because their founder and organizer can really see both sides and sees the left for what it is....a meal ticket for the right person to use.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The race baiting on both sides is about money and power. Neither party cares about justice. Only about how they can use people to obtain and retain power. I've offered my solution before, which would change hearts and minds. But the libs pissed on it.
  • DSK
  • 08-19-2015, 04:22 PM
The race baiting on both sides is about money and power. Neither party cares about justice. Only about how they can use people to obtain and retain power. I've offered my solution before, which would change hearts and minds. But the libs pissed on it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What was the idea?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obey the law. Don't take drugs. Get an education. Get and keep a job. Work hard. Don't make babies you can't support. Be kind to others. Learn to speak properly. Then dare "Whitey" to put you down. If anyone still does, I'll help you kick their ass. Quit giving others a reason to hate. Turn the hate into love and respect. Violence and anger only reaffirms the racism in the ignorant. I know it's not fair, but the black community is going to have to take the first step.
When did you get "henpecked" dull knife?
  • DSK
  • 08-19-2015, 08:40 PM
Obey the law. Don't take drugs. Get an education. Get and keep a job. Work hard. Don't make babies you can't support. Be kind to others. Learn to speak properly. Then dare "Whitey" to put you down. If anyone still does, I'll help you kick their ass. Quit giving others a reason to hate. Turn the hate into love and respect. Violence and anger only reaffirms the racism in the ignorant. I know it's not fair, but the black community is going to have to take the first step. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes, I remember - good ideas and thanks for re-posting.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obey the law. Don't take drugs. Get an education. Get and keep a job. Work hard. Don't make babies you can't support. Be kind to others. Learn to speak properly. Then dare "Whitey" to put you down. If anyone still does, I'll help you kick their ass. Quit giving others a reason to hate. Turn the hate into love and respect. Violence and anger only reaffirms the racism in the ignorant. I know it's not fair, but the black community is going to have to take the first step. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
exactly. the BLM movement thinks "we" need to take the first step? i don't buy that. they gain themselves no credibility at all by rioting, nor interrupting Bernie Sanders during a speech.

wait till they try that stunt at a Trump speech. Yikes!

when they respect the rule of Law, they'll be making some progress. until then, they only put themselves in a bad light.

Morgan Freeman and Charles Barkley on one side, and the Rev's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on the other. i'd throw in Cosby but i think he's got bigger problems right now. He is on record stating basically what Barkley does, raise your kids better.

i know whom i'd put more credence in. Jackson and Sharpton have nothing to rattle their racist sabers about if the black community realizes that they have only themselves to blame for not succeeding.

interestingly, if "whitey" was as racist as Jackson and Sharpton claim, how do they explain their own success? minus the tax evasion and hypocrisy of course.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Unfortunately, the African-American community is going to have to take the first step. It may not be "fair", but it's the only way this issue will be resolved. Jesse Jackson knows this. He used to preach it, but he got more attention and money aggravating race relations, rather than relieving them. Race mongering is a big business.
Unfortunately, the African-American community is going to have to take the first step. It may not be "fair", but it's the only way this issue will be resolved. Jesse Jackson knows this. He used to preach it, but he got more attention and money aggravating race relations, rather than relieving them. Race mongering is a big business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Keeping you in whiskey and diapers... now that's big business
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Unfortunately, the African-American community is going to have to take the first step. It may not be "fair", but it's the only way this issue will be resolved. Jesse Jackson knows this. He used to preach it, but he got more attention and money aggravating race relations, rather than relieving them. Race mongering is a big business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Why is that unfair? Isn't that the way life works. You get a job and you have to prove yourself to get a raise or promotion. Does anyone advance someone on faith in business? I know that the Nobel committee gives out Peace Prizes on faith but they are the exception.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Rachel Dolezal 2.0
Yssup Rider's Avatar

,Another thread about racism from the head of the Idiot Klux Klan, JDrunk.
Keeping you in whiskey and diapers... now that's big business Originally Posted by WombRaider
Keeping you in blow-up Shrillary dolls and rags to wipe the ropey loads off your face, now THAT'S big business !!!
Why is that unfair? Isn't that the way life works. You get a job and you have to prove yourself to get a raise or promotion. Does anyone advance someone on faith in business? I know that the Nobel committee gives out Peace Prizes on faith but they are the exception. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What would be fair is a level playing field with an equal start, but since that part is already fucked, fuck you and your Nobel prize.
Keeping you in blow-up Shrillary dolls and rags to wipe the ropey loads off your face, now THAT'S big business !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Meh... you stole my joke and didn't really improve on it. Fail.