I can feel it slowly creeping up on me...Hobbying at 40.

So, tomorrow is the big day...the big 4 0. I have to decided whether to embrace it or get a lot of botox and deny til I die...lol. For those of you already in the club, tell me what I have to look forward to as I begin this new decade of my life.

Will the hobby change for me? Will gentlemen want to see me because I am now "mature", or will less want to see me because I am "mature"?

Does sex get better in your 40's? If so, in what aspects?

Ladies who date, being a single mom and 40....am I doomed?

Most importantly, am I going to wake up in the morning and say, "What the hell was all the fuss about? I don't feel any different."
netman's Avatar

Iaintliein's Avatar
Of course sex get's better after 40. . . because you forget what it was like before.

Happy birthday, I certainly wish I had the view of you reaching the crest of this "hill" from behind instead of distantly over my shoulder!
TonyStark's Avatar
Next week will be my 9th time to turn 39.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 03-05-2011, 09:41 AM
I've been married longer than you are old --- and fucking is still fun!!!!!!
TinMan's Avatar
Embrace it. 40 isn't the milestone it used to be. Plus, those of us approaching 50 (or more) need someone to see with which we might have something in common.
aRandyOne's Avatar
40 is the new 30
rachet3375's Avatar

Will the hobby change for me? Will gentlemen want to see me because I am now "mature", or will less want to see me because I am "mature"?

Does sex get better in your 40's? If so, in what aspects?

Most importantly, am I going to wake up in the morning and say, "What the hell was all the fuss about? I don't feel any different." Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I haven't had the pleasure of a Reese encounter...yet. However being almost 60 yo I do know a little bit about the so called mature ladies. There will always be a contingent of fellows out here that want to see the young ladies in your age bracket. I say young because you are just that, 20 year diff makes it where if I were 40 you would be 20!!! So at 60/40 I still feel like a young buck. Sex does get better darlin', use what you have learned and build on it, you can't help but get better. From what I have heard if you do get any better you might want to stock some nitro pills at your incall. What's gonna change from one day to the next? Not a damn thing! Do what you want to do as long as you want to, when it stops being fun....pick something else to do. Personally I hope you keep on keepin on at least till I get to see you lol. Happy Birthday Darlin' you look great at 40!
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
Have a happy birthday Reese. From my point of view , I still feel the same mentally as I did at 20 yoa , I'm 65 now. Physically I started feeling my limitations after 50. In the PFP game how I look doesn't play much of a part on wheather I get laid or not. On your side of the fence , to be real, it does. Not to say everyone is looking for youth . What I look for in a mature lady is pride in oneself and being active both mentally and physically. Wrinkles , a little weight gain , etc. is all part of ageing and I actually find it attractive in some women . Attitude and pride are what count. From what I can tell , you are on the right track. Happy birthday. Johnboy "the geez"
Happy Birthday Reese...it has been too damn long!! Having just turned 40 myself a few months ago, I can tell you it is all about the same, except for the aches and pains, forgetfulness, food intolerance...now what was I talking about?? Oh yeah...all kidding aside, age is only what you allow it to make of you. Keep your body and mind active, keep enjoying life, and each year becomes a milestone, not a tombstone. Happy birthday, Beautiful. I hope to see you again soon.
So, tomorrow is the big day...the big 4 0. I have to decided whether to embrace it or get a lot of botox and deny til I die...lol. For those of you already in the club, tell me what I have to look forward to as I begin this new decade of my life.

Will the hobby change for me? Will gentlemen want to see me because I am now "mature", or will less want to see me because I am "mature"?

Does sex get better in your 40's? If so, in what aspects?

Ladies who date, being a single mom and 40....am I doomed?

Most importantly, am I going to wake up in the morning and say, "What the hell was all the fuss about? I don't feel any different." Originally Posted by Reese Foster

Happy birthday! You'll still be hot as hell at any age. 40 is simply a number...it's all about how you feel, and the way you put it out there! Sex (and life) get better with age, because knowledge grows and inhibitions lessen.

Enjoy it, embrace it and fight it all at the same time!
Reese all I can tell you is: even with all of my white hair I'm still horny as hell and I still catch the eye of a few young ladies. amazing.

btw, you look mighty fine to me!
Happy Birthday! Girl you are so damn sexy that you can only get better with age!

Embrace your 40-ness! Just keep being who you are. I am just a few steps behind you and have started the "to botox or not to botox" debate inside my head as I have a few sneaky wrinkles showing up.

When I chat with the guys about age the consensus always seem to be the same. They tell me that yes there is a type of man that likes to visit the younger ladies, but there is also another type of man who prefers everything that goes along with a provider being a little more mature. From what I have gathered these particular gentlemen rarely visit ladies under 35. That is funny because I rarely visit with guys under 35 for the very same reasons! Sheds a little light on everything when you think of it in those terms.

So the long and short, embrace it! To risk sounding cliche, you are like a fine wine and PLENTY of people realize this.

You are gonna wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and wonder what the heck all the fuss was about!

P.S. I volunteer to give you the birthday spankings.
steverino50's Avatar
First of all, embrace it because you haven’t got a choice.

But don’t worry, forty is really and truly great. And let me tell you why it was for me.

When I was younger, I used to act a certain way and watch what I said and how I said it because I worried about what people thought of me. When I turned 40 I realized that I am the way I am. I am not going to change. Besides, I like who I am. People will like me or at least accept me for myself or they can go fuck themselves. My life has been so much better for that.

As for the hobby, you are beautiful and one of a kind. I will shop at your store for as long as it is open for business or until I get so old that you will be kind enough to tell me not to call you anymoreJ.

Happy Birthday, gorgeous. This is going to be your long overdue best year ever!
Do exactly what they hell you want to do . . . exactly when and how you want to do it!

And just keep doing it over and over and over . . .

And, yeah, it's the voice of experience!
