Lol - Hildebeest's Pending Landslide... Lookee What the New York Times Was Saying 3 Months Ago!

lustylad's Avatar

David Plouffe, President Obama’s former campaign manager, proposed the idea... “It is not enough to simply beat Trump,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

“The first order of business is winning,” said Geoff Garin, a strategist for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign... “But the larger stakes of the election are putting the country on a path where Trump’s views of the world are far in our rearview mirror.”

Senator Barbara Boxer of California said that a Democratic win in November was far from guaranteed, but that she hoped for “a complete revulsion of the Trump wing” that would lead to a “realignment” of the Republican Party.

Hey Barbara, which party do you think could use a "realignment" now???
I B Hankering's Avatar
  • DSK
  • 11-12-2016, 04:58 PM

David Plouffe, President Obama’s former campaign manager, proposed the idea... “It is not enough to simply beat Trump,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

“The first order of business is winning,” said Geoff Garin, a strategist for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign... “But the larger stakes of the election are putting the country on a path where Trump’s views of the world are far in our rearview mirror.”

Senator Barbara Boxer of California said that a Democratic win in November was far from guaranteed, but that she hoped for “a complete revulsion of the Trump wing” that would lead to a “realignment” of the Republican Party.

Hey Barbara, which party do you think could use a "realignment" now??? Originally Posted by lustylad
It is always nice to see the overconfident humbled.
bambino's Avatar
The Demoscats got crushed. If Trump is reasonably successful, game over.
Here's a good one...

Most Americans Don’t Know About President Obama’s UniParty Slush Fund…

Posted on November 12, 2016 by sundance

New Word: “Trumpenstroke“. – The act of eliminating dictatorial fiat with the counter stroke of a President Trump pen.

It is actually easier to write about the simplicity of eliminating almost all of President Obama’s accomplishments specifically because of the way Team Obama went about constructing them, dictatorial fiat.

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Obama’s executive action (amnesty) dream act, and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans), the overreaching executive action blocked by Judge Andrew Hanen and upheld by the Supreme Court, are only one Trump-pen-stroke from elimination. The rest is simple enforcement.

trump-jeffersonLiterally, the only significant legislative action that needs congress to reverse it is ObamaCare, the rest of Obama’s fingerprints on history can be erased by President Trump quicker than Obama created them.

This reality is why the professional left are so apoplectic, and in large measure also why a defeated Obama is fully supportive of the current antagonistic protesting. Fiats are eliminated faster than fiats are created. It’s how our system works when the executive branch seeks to usurp the congressional branch.

However, there’s another more substantive area where little attention has been paid, because the UniParty co-facilitated it. That area is the fiscal spending side of the DC.

The last federal budget was signed into law in September of 2007 by President George W Bush for fiscal year 2008. Since then the entire mechanism of the federal government has been carried out by continuing resolutions, raises in the debt ceiling, and unfettered spending.

Absent of an actual federal budget, all spending falls under a process called base-line budgeting to determine allocation. Federal distribution of the money within the continuing resolution, is essentially a year-over-year expenditure with a statutory increase based on inflation. Essentially, whatever was spent in 2009 was respent in 2010 along with a little bit more. What was spent in 2011 was a little more than ’10, and so forth.

Debt ceiling - failed stimulisIn February 2009 congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA, commonly referred to as Obama’s stimulus plan. The stimulus was just shy of one trillion ($986 billion +/-).

At the time of passage this single stimulus expenditure reflected a growth of approximately 20% in total federal spending. The spending went directly into the deficit.

Approximately 30% of that “one time” trillion dollar stimulus was spent in 2009, the remaining 70% was spent in 2010. (*note fiscal years run from October 1st to September 31st annually).

However, absent a federal budget -and because of baseline budgeting- it became a repeated expenditure in each of the following fiscal years.

The $1 Trillion Stimulus was spent eight more times.

What most people don’t remember was what the money was spent on.

The shovel ready jobs program was a ruse, as Obama later admitted there were no “shovel ready” jobs created. Instead the reality was the $1 trillion entered the various cabinet offices at the discretion of the President.

Obama Big Addicted SpenderInitially Obama gave a big chuck to the Dept of Education to use as a subsidy for economic drops in state education funds. In essence Obama subsidized the teachers payrolls, and kept the teachers union happy.

Other notable large expenditures went into crony capitalistic endeavors with the Dept of Energy and EPA (Solyndra etc.), along with the State Dept.

The key point is the $1 trillion 2009 “stimulus” funds, became a tool for President Obama to use in whatever cabinet office need he saw.

So long as congress never passed an actual budget (and the traditional budget appropriations process kicked in), he would always have this massive amount of extra money to play with. Obama, Pelosi and Reid ensured there was never going to be a budget.

As the economy somewhat gained footing (2012), for the last several years a lot of the money appears to have been spent on propping up ObamaCare and hiding the structural financial collapse.

If Obama didn’t have this extra $1 trillion at his disposal, ObamaCare would have already collapsed. If you were wondering why ObamaCare didn’t collapse, well, there’s your answer.

This scheme worked brilliantly so long as Team Obama could kick-the-budget-can into successive years. They did.

The various John Boehner continuing resolutions culminated in Paul Ryan’s December 2015 Omnibus bill, which again gave Obama his $1 trillion (stimulus) slush funds. You might remember they actually removed the debt ceiling on that final expenditure so they’d never have to go back to congress for approval or spending authority.

That 2015 Paul Ryan Omnibus spending bill extends until April 1st 2017, the date when the incoming President’s budget proposal (Fiscal Year 2018) is due by congressional statute.

When President Trump takes office on January 20th, 2017, he will have to present a budget proposal to congress by March 31st. However, assuming congress goes through the budgetary process, that Trump budget proposal doesn’t kick into action until October 1st of 2017, the first day of 2018 fiscal year.

So congress is going to have to do something to fund government between April 1st and September 31st, 2017 because the Ryan Omnibus ends and there’s no budget yet.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

Remember: #1) Obama’s trillion stimulus was a +20% jump in federal spending which has continued year-over-year since 2009, #2) most of that money is now spent on propping up Obamacare via the insurance corridor reimbursement program.

[FACTOID – When everyone, mostly pundits who are GOPe types, were praising Senator Marco Rubio for a 2014 bill that blocked increases to the ObamaCare insurance corridors – we were the only ones laughing at their stupidity because we knew Obama had this reoccurring $986 billion to spend on whatever he wanted.]

That $1 trillion in annual expenditure is what initially kept government at full size when originally passed in ’09. It then transmogrified into a slush fund two fiscal years later, and ever since about 2012 it’s been a way for Obama to fund his priority list – and the UniParty congress has done nothing about it; because, well, essentially, congress agrees with what it’s being spent on.

It’s a staggering amount of money, $986 billion. If Trump/Ryan eliminate the worst aspects of ObamaCare they can save a massive amount of that expenditure. However, beyond that – it shows you just how much money can –and hopefully will– be cut out of government by that elimination alone.

Think about how the leftist media narrative will be spun when President Donald Trump presents an executive budget calling for elimination of 20% of federal spending on year ONE. However, all he really would be doing is NOT SPENDING Obama’s 2009 stimulus again.

But don’t expect Donald Trump to stop there. It should be widely anticipated that Donald Trump will present a budget that will drop the jaws of the media beyond the elimination of a $986 billion slush fund.

….. and just think, media people are triggered by a $20 billion expenditure for a wall.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

David Plouffe, President Obama’s former campaign manager, proposed the idea... “It is not enough to simply beat Trump,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

if "
His kind must not rise again.” means conservative patriots who value America first and the Republic .. then fuck this guy!!

“The first order of business is winning,” said Geoff Garin, a strategist for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign... “But the larger stakes of the election are putting the country on a path where Trump’s views of the world are far in our rearview mirror.”

Senator Barbara Boxer of California said that a Democratic win in November was far from guaranteed, but that she hoped for “a complete revulsion of the Trump wing” that would lead to a “realignment” of the Republican Party.

Hey Barbara, which party do you think could use a "realignment" now??? Originally Posted by lustylad
boxer is a cali uber lib.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

David Plouffe, President Obama’s former campaign manager, proposed the idea... “It is not enough to simply beat Trump,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

“The first order of business is winning,” said Geoff Garin, a strategist for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign... “But the larger stakes of the election are putting the country on a path where Trump’s views of the world are far in our rearview mirror.”

Senator Barbara Boxer of California said that a Democratic win in November was far from guaranteed, but that she hoped for “a complete revulsion of the Trump wing” that would lead to a “realignment” of the Republican Party.

Hey Barbara, which party do you think could use a "realignment" now??? Originally Posted by lustylad

Nutt'n honey. Same ol' same ol' it would seem
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suppose the Trumpists will be trying to make themselves feel better by bumping all the snarky stuff they spewed four years ago.

Maybe this forum will become a nostalgia channel.



  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2020, 09:21 AM
Poor DPST's - where is the "Landslide " your marxist DPST leaders demanded??
Could not deliver it

Intellectually bankrupt minions of marxism!
YR - how many handles do you have at this moment???
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so now the dipshits are bumping 4 year old threads so they can feel better about ...

winn dixie's Avatar
so now the dipshits are bumping 4 year old threads so they can feel better about ...

What? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Legal and illegal elections/voting!
Behavior between dims [riot and loot] and the good folks of the Republican party!

This election is being stolen!
In certain high density areas in question the mail in ballots are 90% for biden? NO FREAKING WAY!
Lots of other indicators [polls past elections and etc] prove these counts are not correct!
fucking idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump lost.

Trumpy got outvoted and voted out.

The Idiot crew is so sad.

The tears of the idiot Crew served with whine is great.

The election went to the person with more votes by popular votes and electoral votes. That’s not stealing. That’s WINNING
Lapdog's Avatar
Legal and illegal elections/voting!
Behavior between dims [riot and loot] and the good folks of the Republican party!

This election is being stolen!
In certain high density areas in question the mail in ballots are 90% for biden? NO FREAKING WAY!
Lots of other indicators [polls past elections and etc] prove these counts are not correct!
fucking idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie

I know this is complicated, WD. But I'll go slowly....mail in ballots were sent in mostly by people who wanted to socially distance and who believe in science, i.e. Biden supporters. In person ballots were mostly cast by people who don't believe in either science or social distancing, i.e. Trump supporters. In person ballots are counted first after elections. Mail in ballots are counted after the election is over, so that leaks can be somewhat prevented before election day arrives. That's why there is a higher percentage of Biden votes coming in now. It just seems to be not accurate if you don't take into consideration this explanation. However, if you do consider this explanation, it becomes clearer why there appears to be such a discrepancy. The only things being stolen are your hopes, dreams, and dignity.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Georgia claimed to have all of the votes but still took days to count them all. Their reason was that they wanted to make sure every vote was counted correctly, which doesn't really make any sense.

This was said on PBS, but struck me as odd. The reporter had to emphasize that it is good to take longer because that means every vote is accurately counted. However, it doesn't make sense unless they are waiting for new votes to come in. Most mail-in ballots would have been sent out months ago, as well.