No Time To Die - Goodbye, Mr Bond

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No Time To Die - Goodbye, Mr Bond

i give you the WOKE 007 ..

any Bond fans here? well here's your WOKE 007 ..

you gotta love VOX yeah? No SHE won't be James Bond .. Jane perhaps??


Lashana Lynch will reportedly be the new 007. But she probably won’t be the next James Bond.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The point is secrecy. If you don't beleive she could be an intelligence officer, it works.

That racism is so obvious. And sexism? I'll let that slide. Ever had black pussy? Mmmmm.

If you use this, . . .

I won't ever again.
Wasn't this a forum topic 3 months ago? What's changed?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The point is secrecy. If you don't beleive she could be an intelligence officer, it works.

That racism is so obvious. And sexism? I'll let that slide. Ever had black pussy? Mmmmm.

If you use this, . . .

I won't ever again. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

yes! it is racist! to white people. you might finally be understanding .. have you become "woke" to black racism?

then you have taken your first step to enlightenment racist grasshooper!

oh snap! i nearly forget your last query .. how rude of me! allow me to reply ..

yes i have had black pussy .. what offends you more about that? that most of it i didn't buy?


Wasn't this a forum topic 3 months ago? What's changed? Originally Posted by gnadfly

nothing except the release date got jacked way out due to the china virus and i found this guy's videos on Bond on yooboobtube bashing the new "wokester" Bond
No such thing as racism. There are only epic trolls, griefers and the memer in chief.

This is a LOL
eccieuser9500's Avatar
yes! it is racist! to white people. you might finally be understanding .. have you become "woke" to black racism?

then you have taken your first step to enlightenment racist grasshooper! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes. It is racist. It's a reaction to the systemic idea of white supremacy. Black racism stems from inequality. If the black, women, British, intelligence officer is an effrontery to your ideal world view, that was the point. It's art. Face the mirror.

How did you feel when you had to salute an African-American woman sailor? Did it piss you off? Now rewatch the clip.

P.S. Did you force her? Thomas Jefferson style?


I won't use it again.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes. It is racist. It's a reaction to the systemic idea of white supremacy. Black racism stems from inequality. If the black, women, British, intelligence officer is an effrontery to your ideal world view, that was the point. It's art. Face the mirror.

inequality? hmm. well sir since you really wanna go there .. let's go there!!

How unequal was the skin color of a Zulu compared to a Watusi that caused the Zulu to hate the Watusi so much that he'd sell them to a white man? after capturing them in intraracial tribal wars of course.

let me helps ya out here with a "white guy's views on BLM/race" explainer ..

white people will not consider reparations. we have nothing to be guilty of. we won't take BLM seriously until they stop rioting which means they need to stop protesting (unless they can do so without the riots). and the protests are disingenuous to begin with given the root cause is ALWAYS someone resisting arrest and often knowing it means prison time which is why these dudes resist.

so these protests of "fake indignation" must stop.

there is no such thing as white privilege

and best for last ..

blacks MUST acknowledge their major role in the colonial slave trade or whites simply WILL NOT take any of this seriously.

what is laughable to whites is that blacks insist whites take the first step when blacks won't even discuss their savage african history, it's purely intraracial issues and it's impact on the slave trade.

so who really needs to take the first step?

How did you feel when you had to salute an African-American woman sailor? Did it piss you off? Now rewatch the clip.

P.S. Did you force her? Thomas Jefferson style?

who says Tom had to force Sally Hemings into it?


I won't use it again. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

well looks like you can scratch Yves off yer meme list too

  • oeb11
  • 06-27-2020, 09:22 AM
9500-Yes. It is racist. It's a reaction to the systemic idea of white supremacy. Black racism stems from inequality. If the black, women, British, intelligence officer is an effrontery to your ideal world view, that was the point. It's art. Face the mirror.

How did you feel when you had to salute an African-American woman sailor? Did it piss you off? Now rewatch the clip.

9500 is simply fallen prey to the marxist utilization of the OBLM marxists - who plan a burn down America revolution and a marxist state.

U are enabling your own demise - OBLM will come for U - 9500!!
bambino's Avatar
I’ll bet the new Bond drink will be a Hennessy and Coke. Instead of a vodka martini. Shaked , not stirred!!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
one wonders if the 007 is trialing this out.

they say she's the new 007, but prolly not. what?

that sounds like a trial balloon.
bambino's Avatar
Sean Connery was da man. I lost interest after Roger Moore.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
one wonders if the 007 is trialing this out.

they say she's the new 007, but prolly not. what?

that sounds like a trial balloon. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
well whatever happens Craig is out. he had a good run as Bond. there might not be a new Bond depending on how they play this "diversity" shit.

we'd know by now if not for the scamdemic .. the release was pushed back till fall.

Sean Connery was da man. I lost interest after Roger Moore. Originally Posted by bambino

Connery is the MAN! Roger Moore sucked as Bond. he could have been the first Bond but he was under contract for "The Saint" and the risk of getting tied up in court was too much so they dropped Moore from consideration. i get it that Moore didn't want to play the role the same as Connery but the result was terrible. Moore was too glib as Bond.

one thing i will say in Moore's defense is that it wasn't his fault that most of the best novels had already been made into movies and the writers starting pulling shit outta their asses with terrible scripts and a bunch of overdone gadgets. but he still played Bond like a pussy!

according to Bond history the original Bond would have been Cary Grant. Grant was obviously a big star already (as was David Niven who was also considered) but Grant wouldn't agree to a multi-film contract and he was probably too old for a long term Bond anyway.


James Bond

While producers Broccoli and Saltzman originally sought Cary Grant for the role, they discarded the idea as Grant would be committed to only one feature film, and the producers decided to go after someone who could be part of a series.[6] Richard Johnson has claimed to have been the first choice of the director, but he turned it down because he already had a contract with MGM and was intending to leave.[23] Another actor purported to have been considered for the role was Patrick McGoohan on the strength of his portrayal of spy John Drake in the television series Danger Man: McGoohan turned down the role.[24] Another potential Bond included David Niven, who played the character in the 1967 parody Casino Royale.[25]

There are several apocryphal stories as to whom Ian Fleming personally wanted. Reportedly, Fleming favoured actor Richard Todd.[26] In his autobiography When the Snow Melts, Cubby Broccoli said Roger Moore had been considered, but had been thought "too young, perhaps a shade too pretty."[27] In his autobiography, My Word Is My Bond, Moore says he was never approached to play the role of Bond until 1973, for Live and Let Die.[28] Moore appeared as Simon Templar on the television series The Saint, airing in the United Kingdom for the first time on 4 October 1962, only one day before the premiere of Dr. No.[29]

Cubby says they considered Moore, Moore says otherwise. just because Moore wasn't formally offered doesn't mean he wasn't considered.

also .. before Lanzenby's one-and-done an AMERICAN actor was offered the role .... this guy.

Clint Eastwood! Clint was offered the role to replace Connery and declined saying that first he didn't want to follow Connery in the role and that he felt it should be played by a British actor. according to Eastwood he was offered in 1967 and declined opening the door for Lazenby.

Why I turned down offers to play James Bond AND Superman, by Clint Eastwood

yes .. you read that right, he turned down BOND and Superman. probably for the better too. Clint doesn't have the classic Superman look even if he's certainly tall enough to sell the role at 6'4" (well .. in his prime anyway) and in fact his height could have been a negative for BOND. too tall! unless you film Clint standing next to Jaws in every scene! BAHAAA

Ultimately, the producers turned to 32 year-old Sean Connery for five films.[6] It is often reported that Connery won the role through a contest set up to "find James Bond". While this is untrue, the contest itself did exist, and six finalists were chosen and screen-tested by Broccoli, Saltzman, and Fleming. The winner of the contest was a 28-year-old model named Peter Anthony, who, according to Broccoli, had a Gregory Peck quality, but proved unable to cope with the role.[30] When Connery was invited to meet Broccoli and Saltzman he appeared scruffy and in unpressed clothes, but Connery "put on an act and it paid off" as he acted in the meeting with a macho, devil-may-care attitude.[31] When he left both Saltzman and Broccoli watched him through the window as he went to his car, both agreeing that he was the right man for Bond.[32] After Connery was chosen, Terence Young took the actor to his tailor and hairdresser,[33] and introduced him to the high life, restaurants, casinos and women of London. In the words of Bond writer Raymond Benson, Young educated the actor "in the ways of being dapper, witty, and above all, cool".[34]
bambino's Avatar
Wasn’t Dalton the first doubleO gaymo? Wasn’t Niven actually the first Bond in Casino Royale? I think you being a little hard on Moore. He was a big drop off after Connery, but at least I still enjoyed those films. I couldn’t watch them after him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wasn’t Dalton the first doubleO gaymo? Originally Posted by bambino

he's not gay he just played Bond that way.

the worst Bond not named Roger Moore.

The point is secrecy. If you don't beleive she could be an intelligence officer, it works.

That racism is so obvious. And sexism? I'll let that slide. Ever had black pussy? Mmmmm.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Anyone can be appointed to be an intelligence officer if it is a patronage position that is given state backed power.

We don't live in a world that would allow anyone to criticize the wrong choice if she is the right color.

The world we live in now sucks.