WA Poop: fake news fact check fail

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

wa poop says on fact checking Trump's claim on the the top 20 violent cities are democrat run. their verdict: FALSE.

this is really disingenuous on their part. it should be partially true or partially false. the top 20 includes 2 independents and 1 republicans in one chart and 1 independent on the other chart.

it would be accurate to say of the top 20 crime ridden cities, most are run by democrats.


Jacuzzme's Avatar
They debunked their own story.
  • oeb11
  • 06-28-2020, 07:26 PM
WacomPost - if it is published by them - it is a lie.
They made themselves look stupid - plus you cannot avoid the fact that they are both a bunch of commies and of course, gays.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WacomPost - if it is published by them - it is a lie. Originally Posted by oeb11

toilet paper article.
LexusLover's Avatar
And what do the polls say?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The quoted article is an opinion piece. And the term "false" isn't mentioned.

Did you catch that? WaPo didn't give a "False" verdict because this wasn't a fact check

Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t.

"With the economy hobbled by the-coronavirus pandemic and protesters in the streets targeting America’s systemic racism, President Trump has been forced to revise his reelection strategy. What was once going to be a triumphal declaration of his effectiveness at keeping the economy afloat has been reworked as a reiteration of his 2016 run: a focus onmaking America greatand, more specifically, on law and order.
Overandover, Trump has shared that terse phrase with his tens of millions of Twitter followers, including on Wednesday and Thursday. And over and over, he has tried to imply that Democrats broadly and former vice presidentJoe Bidenspecifically are soft on crime. That his likely general election opponent and other leaders in the Democratic Party are happy to have social structures collapse into anarchy for some unclear reason.
To make that case, Trump has repeatedly lifted up a statistical factoid, as he did during an event at the White House on Wednesday.
“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other — other cities, all Democrat run,” he said. “Every one of them is Democrat run. Twenty out of 20. The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat run.”
It’s not clear how Trump is defining “most dangerous” in this context. So let’s look at two related sets of data compiled by the FBI: most violent crime and most violent crime per capita.
The most recent data to that effect is from the FBI’sUniform Crime Reportcovering the first half of 2019. The cities with the most violent crimes are many of the most populous cities in the country, as you might expect. Those with the highest rates of violent crime are from a range of different states.
Most of the current mayors of these cities are Democrats. Two of the mayors of cities with the most reported violent crimes overall, though, are independents and one, the mayor of Jacksonville, Fla., is a Republican. Among the 20 cities with the most violent crime per capita, one isn’t a Democrat: the independent mayor of Springfield, Mo.
Trump would no doubt shrug at that detail, decrying as “fake news” the revelation that his assertion was only slightly wrong. And, in fairness, it actually doesn’t matter that four of the 32 cities listed above have non-Democratic mayors — because it doesn’t really matter that the other mayors are Democrats.
Cities generally have more crime than suburban and rural areas. That’s been true for decades if not centuries and is true across the planet. The connection has been the focus ofrepeatedresearch. In other words, if it were the case that cities were also more prone to elect members of one party over another, it might seem as though the most crime-riddled places in America were a function of leadership from that party.
Well, reader, I have a surprise for you.
Just kidding, of course. You are certainly aware that cities tend to be heavily Democratic. In the 2018 House elections, Democrats won every districtidentified by CityLabas being purely urban. They lost only one district identified as an “urban-suburban mix.” In other words, Democrats won 81 of the 82 congressional districts identified as fully or partially urban.
Why are cities so Democratic? A few reasons.
One is that there’s beena broad redistributionof the American population over the past few decades, with Americans being more likely to live near those who share their politics. Young Americans with or seeking college degrees have moved to large urban centers for work or education, leaving older relatives in more suburban and rural areas.
2018 data from Pew Research Center found thatpeople in urban countieswere twice as likely to be Democrats or Democrat-leaning independents as Republicans or Republican-leaning independents — a 31-point margin. Two decades previously, the spread between the parties was only 18 points. In rural areas, Republicans had a 16-point advantage, while in 1998 both parties were equally represented.
Another is that cities are less densely white. The Pew research also found that less than half of urban residents were non-Hispanic white. Since nonwhite Americans are much more heavily Democratic, that’s made cities more densely Democratic, too.
Since there’s a correlation between size and amount of crime and between size and propensity to vote Democratic, it’s problematic to draw a causal relationship between crime and Democratic leadership. It may be the case that cities with more crime are more likely to have Democratic leaders. Such a comparison, though, is fraught, relying on the validity of reported crime data, the metric used to establish which cities are included in the analysis, the time period under consideration and so on.
To a large extent, of course, Trump isn’t really trying to make a point beyond “cities and Democrats are scary.” He’s not going to win cities but he might scare suburban voters — voters hedesperately needsin November — by tying Democrats and crime together.
In 2016, that’s precisely what he tried to do during his speech at the Republican convention. That might be harder this year, given that his convention speech will not be in Charlotte, as originally planned. Instead, Trump will be speaking from Jacksonville, a city with a lot of violent crime that happens to be led by a Republican.

trump says all are run by dems. They aren't. The exact breakdown is included so there isn't an attempt at misrepresentation.

The misrepresentation comes from the author of the pj article. This isn't a "fact check" article. It is opinion. And in this case, it's also correct.
The funniest thing is a guy asking why Bump has a job after he (margolis) misrepresented the whole article.

To sum up:

The Post article is an opinion piece, not a fact check article.
There isn't a rating in the article. The pjmedia article has several misrepresentations and leaves a bunch of content and context out.
Other posters on this thread, lazy and lacking critical thinking skills, follow the narrative laid out for them by pjmedia. Said same posters apparently believe what they are told to.


wa poop says on fact checking Trump's claim on the the top 20 violent cities are democrat run. their verdict: FALSE.

this is really disingenuous on their part. it should be partially true or partially false. the top 20 includes 2 independents and 1 republicans in one chart and 1 independent on the other chart.

it would be accurate to say of the top 20 crime ridden cities, most are run by democrats.Or even more accurate to say the top 20 have 2 independent and 1 repub mayors. Which is exactly what the article says.


Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ur a riot. lol!

it may be an opinion piece, but he's fact checking in this article. he's still wrong and so are you.
Ripmany's Avatar
Big City's are naturaly socialist. Then been that way for the past 3000 years. With the demcrocrat camping for socialism there going to be party of city.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...There isn't a rating in the article.... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
First off, the one, single, solitary, Republican mentioned was recently elected to a post that had been long standing Demonicrat controlled. In essence, the crime data used was from the Demonicrats time on deck.

Otherwise, I think the charts are exactly a rating of the top 20 places one does not want o migrate to, but from. As we see there and in CHOP, businesses and people's interest in escaping those and other cities is rising at record rates. The thing to bear in mind is that those trends, combined with more people working from home means - this is the beginning of the Death Spiral for those cities and will increase in velocity and it will not be reversible.

Why live in a broke-ass city if your job is no longer there and you don't have to go into the office? What happens when a company that formerly occupied 10 floors of a building only needs 1 or 2 floors? Then consider the other services that are no longer required to support the reduced occupancy. And then, the final nail in the coffin - TAXES. With less base, taxes will go up.

It's not so much a Death Spiral as it is a CAT-5 Death Tornado for them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
First off, the one, single, solitary, Republican mentioned was recently elected to a post that had been long standing Demonicrat controlled. In essence, the crime data used was from the Demonicrats time on deck.

Otherwise, I think the charts are exactly a rating of the top 20 places one does not want o migrate to, but from. As we see there and in CHOP, businesses and people's interest in escaping those and other cities is rising at record rates. The thing to bear in mind is that those trends, combined with more people working from home means - this is the beginning of the Death Spiral for those cities and will increase in velocity and it will not be reversible.

Why live in a broke-ass city if your job is no longer there and you don't have to go into the office? What happens when a company that formerly occupied 10 floors of a building only needs 1 or 2 floors? Then consider the other services that are no longer required to support the reduced occupancy. And then, the final nail in the coffin - TAXES. With less base, taxes will go up.

It's not so much a Death Spiral as it is a CAT-5 Death Tornado for them. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

tornadoes don't use CAT scale. they use the Fujita scale. it'll be F-5 instead of CAT-5.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
tornadoes don't use CAT scale. they use the Fujita scale. it'll be F-5 instead of CAT-5. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I had started the thought with hurricanes, but realized some of the shit-hole cities were in-land, so switched to tornadoes. I'll punish myself by reading a MatchMole post or a Speedy poll result.