Election Process: Emnaassment and Anger

ICU 812's Avatar
Elections: I am Embarrasment and Anger

Election daqy 2020 has come and gone, but the election is not yet over. The post election day turmoil has left me again embarrased and angry. The final outcomes may be cheering or disapointing to me, but the process will leave me with long lingering embarrasment and anger.

The United States should be a shing excam,ple of how a fair election is conducted. An unimpeachable example for every nation in the world. There should be little question of fraud, chicanery or any appearence of cheating by any campaigne, candfidate, party or by individual voters acting alone or in ccolusion with otherrs.

I am in favor of up-dated registered voter rolls. I am in favor of positive identification of voters as they cast their vote. I am in favor of encouraging in-person voting, while providing for limited mail in voting for absentee voters and shut-ins. I am in favor of a robust chain of custody for cast ballots. I am in favor of a rapid compilqation of ballots and votes. The details are negotiable.

I am aware that each State is granted the right to legislate their own election rules by the Constitution. Yet there must be a way to create a general nation-wide structure for elections that is fair, secure, and enforceable by federal authorities, that never-the-less does not abuse the constitutional provision for state's rights regarding elections.

The world is watching what is happening now and what will happen in the near future. We cannot have another election resolved as happened in 2002. Twenty some odd years later we have yet another contested outcome, and it will have to play out. Whatever the final outcomes, we as a nation, cannot let this orr anything like it happen again.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:09 AM
Agreed - Good Sir - and well written

DPST's are the major cheaters - in favor of votes for illegals and non-citizens - and emptying prisons to get DPST votes and on and on - for decades and centuries of cheating.

Remember Brenda snipes in palm Beach??? Familiar with Tammany hall??

DPST will oppose every word of your post ideals - in order to obtain and cement permanent socialist rule in America. for their 'remake America in our image" United Socialist States of Amerika!
The system works just fine as is. Just because you’re impatient is irrelevant.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:45 AM
an apologist for for the admitted Voter fraud of the radical DPST terrorists.

It is ingrained in the dna of DPST's - and they cannot conceive of any other way to conduct business.

Thank u - 0b)!
winn dixie's Avatar
The system works just fine as is. Just because you’re impatient is irrelevant. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
BULLSHIT None of the mail in ballots are secure votes!

Dims pushed this and guess what. They lead overwhelmingly in those votes! Open your closed mind!
Grace Preston's Avatar
We had an unprecedented number of mail in ballots in Ohio. Trump had a resounding victory in Ohio.

People are bleating about Wisconsin-- a state that BARELY went Trump in 2016-- by fewer votes than this time-- and Clinton didn't demand a recount.

People are bleating about Michigan-- a state that is generally reliably democratic, but went Republican in 2016.

People are bleating about Pennsylvania-- a state that is generally somewhat dem-- with a candidate that was born in PA- and a state where Trump STILL holds the lead by a decent margin.

Arizona-- I can understand. It hasn't gone blue since 1996. But-- McCain is a factor in that. He was quite beloved there-- and Trump continually attacked him. I don't agree with it having been "declared". Particularly if we're using the same reasoning being used in North Carolina.

Georgia-- I can understand. Its generally a red state.

North Carolina isn't going to be a factor. Trump has it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Arizona-- I can understand. It hasn't gone blue since 1996. But-- McCain is a factor in that. He was quite beloved there-- and Trump continually attacked him. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
They do love me there. Thank you, Grace. Sorry, I couldn't resist with that corny shit. As my sister always tells me, I'm quite the silly fucker about dumb shit. She always laughs at it so I'm like don't encourage my silly ass behavior and maybe I'll get more serious.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they're despicable!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
When you are not sure of how to cook something, you use a cook book.
When you are not sure about how elections work in 2020, you might try:


#PROTECT2020 is a national call to action initiated by CISA, the lead federal agency responsible for national election security, to enhance the integrity and resilience of the Nation’s election infrastructure, and ensure the confidentiality, truthfulness, and accuracy of the free and fair elections necessary for our American way of life. This page is designed to be a starting point for resources on election security for the public as well as election officials at all levels. Read the #Protect2020 Strategic Plan. ...

Try it, you'll like it...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ding dong. did you post something? cause I don't see it.