A Common Sense Warning to ECCIE Members that consider an account on RISQUEBB

Whispers's Avatar
The software being used allows the programmers/owners to capture the passwords being used.

If you register an account on RISQUEBB, or any other similar site, I have been told that the password you choose there can be captured and used. It may already have been put to use.


Should you do like some people do and use a common password there that you also use here you will have given Marco/MINT/RISQUEBB the ability to access your ECCIE Account.

I would recommend ANY member reading this post that has ever registered on that board or another like it to immediately change their password here and anywhere else, i.e. email accounts where you use the same handle/login and password.
GneissGuy's Avatar
There's nothing unique about RisqueBB in this regard.

Almost any web site has somebody who can steal your password.

I don't know if the admins on eccie can see your password, but I'll bet whoever runs the web server can. I don't think the logon screen uses SSL, so I think the network geeks at your ISP, eccie's ISP, and every company in between could steal your password as well.

Even if the web site in question is set up to limit this kind of access, it's often not that difficult to hack a bulletin board.

If you use the same password on two web sites, assume the people at web site A can access your account on web site B.
Still Looking's Avatar
As a victim of identity thief, I keep a book with me at all times that has all my pass words. Every password is different. Pain in the ass, but it worth it!

Regardless if Marco can steal your pass word or not, who would want to patronize a site and its providers that knowingly start profiles without permission? That uses bait and switch. That uses the same Domain out call so you can be watched. That impersonates the providers via text messages? That will publish your age and your description. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, BEWARE!

Want to read more about this?


Think I'm kidding? Check for your self! Click Interact, Then Click Neighborhood watch. Like to have your ECCIE handle listed with your discription?


Good morning gentlemen

Please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Space advise that any discussion pertaining to RBB be limited to the proper forum? I think that this issue is on the verge of disaster, and though we all love drama, it would be best to pull ourselves together and act as intelligent adults while discussing the matter. We are grown-ups guys, let's behave as such
Klovve that ship has done sailed..and is not ever coming back to port
drama is part of the Hobby and will always be..
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-04-2011, 06:41 AM
The advice to maintain separate passwords on different web sites is sound and a good reminder to all the security conscious members here that value their security and privacy. If you are willing to trust a third party with your passwords, you might be interested in lastpass.com or other similar services.

However, if you want to continue to discuss that particular board and the personalities associated with it, please head over to the Other Hobby Sites thread.

Still Looking's Avatar
Good morning gentlemen

Please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Space advise that any discussion pertaining to RBB be limited to the proper forum? I think that this issue is on the verge of disaster, and though we all love drama, it would be best to pull ourselves together and act as intelligent adults while discussing the matter. We are grown-ups guys, let's behave as such Originally Posted by K lovve
You’re absolutely right KL. There is no discussion here. What’s happening here is myself and certain other respected board members will secure every opportunity to warn unsuspecting valued ECCIE board members of Marco's / RBB business practices. I will continue to make this my priority until my profile is removed from the site. Feel free to join in at the following thread to discuss anything you might want to address on Marco's or your behalf. As I'm sure you are well aware of, I'm not the only one that has called providers from the site only to get no response. And the responses that are received are via Text. We know what that is all about. Just curious, how’s this working out for yall? Look forward to hearing from you in the proper thread!

Guest092815's Avatar
I never had an account with risquebb. I noticed in Feb of this year that I had a review on there, but I was not a member, and in fact, I think I emailed several folks to find out who to contact to get access there.... I forgot about it since then, and my reviews there are gone. (good)

But, I notice that the ladies on the site, that have reviews, have an RSVP tab.

Does that mean that I missed bookings, and someone else handled or re-directed the inquiries???? what the hell? have I just been scammed and didn't realize?

Please advise, y'all. Thanks!
Ms. Kitty: I can absolutely assure you there is no "scamming" going on at the RISQUE Blackboard. The board simply does not have a lot of traffic at this point, that would be the reason you haven't received RSVPs - I would assume. Many are confused how RBB works (this thread and others like it are a great example). If you wish, I would be happy to explain how the RSVP system works via email or pm, as this forum has been dedicated to discuss other matters. I am happy to help
harkontume's Avatar
Crystal is my ATF and now I must speak out. sigh

I am responsible for my own safety and I WILL NOT SEE ANY PROVIDER ADVERTISED ON "RISKBB"

Period..... end of story...

I cannot wish you good luck in your venture but I wish you good luck in your life.
So Whipers,got a question,is this info gathering limited to members of this website? For instance if you have seen providers rumored to be associated with risque bb and or mint is info collected even if contact were made thru eccie? I have often felt the person texting or pm'ing was not the person that I was seeing.
Guest092815's Avatar
Okay, that's good, Klove. But, if I never signed up, how could I get RSVP messages..? I am confused. I guess that is because I was not ever invited to the board, but my review was there. Why would that be? just confused, that's all.

I'm not on any side of the issue, just trying to understand the situation.

Still Looking's Avatar
So Whipers,got a question,is this info gathering limited to members of this website? For instance if you have seen providers rumored to be associated with risque bb and or mint is info collected even if contact were made thru eccie? I have often felt the person texting or pm'ing was not the person that I was seeing. Originally Posted by rockerrick
You are not alone! Your suspensions were correct!

Okay, that's good, Klove. But, if I never signed up, how could I get RSVP messages..? I am confused. I guess that is because I was not ever invited to the board, but my review was there. Why would that be? just confused, that's all.

I'm not on any side of the issue, just trying to understand the situation.

C Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Case and point!

I can't seem to find where the KL "Don't kill the messenger" thread was moved. Someone PM me a link please.
Whispers's Avatar
Rather then increase the discussion here about RISQEBB as this was simply advice about using different passwords on different sites..... Please send all other Risquebb/Marco/Mint CONCERNS to the Alert Thread still running it's course.


I will respond in that thread to what I am asked here.
I think that the message has been sent and received regarding Password security.

Let's find something fun to discuss, shall we?
