Computer Pro Needed

Britttany_love's Avatar
I need help with my computer asap and have tried a few things and they arent working and dont know what else to do. I need someone who knows what they are doing and can help asap. I can only operate in safe mode networking because the other way I can open anything, get on the internet or anything. It says blaster worm and I cant seem to get rid of it... can anyone help me get my computer back?
typicalmale's Avatar
He's my suggestion: as computer is booting up hit F8. Select safe mode with networking (this should allow you to get on the internet in safe mode). Go to then download a free program called malwarebytes. Run it in safe mode. Best free spyware/virus removal I've found. Sometime those viruses that take over your computer and look like they're scanning your computer for other viruses are very hard to remove though. Good luck!
Britttany_love's Avatar
I already did that and is saying nothing detected but when I restart my computer normally says the same thing and won't let me open or run anything
Britttany_love's Avatar
[QUOTE=Britttany_love;1811398]I already did that and is saying nothing detected but when I restart my computer normally says the same thing and won't let me open or run anything... Looking for help from someone whose dealt with this before and has fixed it.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

Download this free and run it.
Britttany_love's Avatar
My computer isn't crashing... It's popping up a fake privacy protection program that's saying blaster worm detected but can't find it to remove it won't let me do anything on my computer unless in safe mode
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Uninstall the program that is popping up the message about the worm.
Britttany_love's Avatar
You can't It's not a program a virus that won't allow you to open any programs, get on Internet, download anything. Looking for help from someone who knows what the worm thing is and knows computers.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
So you're not posting from the infected computer?
budman33's Avatar
It's not Blaster, its the rogue AV program itself. I'll PM you. Unfortunately in situations like this even after I get your PC functional, it's going to need to be fresh installed.
Guest092815's Avatar
I think one of my pc's had that issue a year or more ago. Have you tried windows update? there may be a patch repair that takes care of the issue. That, and Norton util, not macafee, is helpful.

best wishes,

thanks for the tip, trynagetlaid. I am sure that will come in handy.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Here's another tip, but it sounds like it's too late for Brittany because she can't get online. Download a free program called TeamViewer6 and find a trusted friend who is computer savvy. At the first sign that your computer is going haywire ask the friend to provide remote assistance. My friend works for but he helps me out off the clock.
budman33's Avatar
I wouldnt advise remoting into an infected pc, easy way to also get infected.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I'm pretty sure has safeguards, because they remote into hundreds or thousands of computers every day. But probably not a good idea for an amateur.
I've fixed a number of these. Malwarebytes is usually the way to go, but it's still somewhat involved. I would recommend the following:

1. Download Malwarebytes from another (non-infected computer). Place Malwarebytes on a USB thumb drive.
2. Boot your computer in safe mode with networking. Depending on your operating system and how you've set up your machine, you may have a choice of accounts to log into. If you have a dedicated administrator account, log into that account.
3. Install Malwarebytes.
4. Important: UPDATE Malwarebytes BEFORE you run your scan. This is the third tab on the main screen.
5. Run a full scan, and make sure that you fix any problems that it finds.
6. Restart computer, again in safe mode with networking.
7. Log in again with any other non-administrator accounts that you have on your machine.
8. Run malwarebytes scan and fix again.
9. Reboot in normal mode
10. Run malwarebytes scan and fix again.

It's a huge pain (and takes a long time), but it should get you back up and running.