Fucking Democrats.

What happened to Obama's pledge to cut the deficit in half ???????????

Fucking liar.
Randy4Candy's Avatar

MY HAIR IS ON FIRE AND I'VE FALLEN AND CAN'T GET UP!!! (and probably can't get IT up,either)

Poor ol' Trendaway, no one listens, nobody cares. Ahhh, but that's life for you in the inconsequential lane.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-23-2013, 10:45 AM
Poor, Poor, Pitiful ol' Trendaway.

He has nothing to meaningful to talk about since he finally realized that:

Wisconsin and America is "Trending" Obama.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't forget the democrat 1 trillion dollar tax increase tacked to the bill. Don't forget they got a tax increase of 600 billion in January and they want another one. Of course the bill only passed didn't even pass by one vote. It got 50 votes and it won because some people didn't vote. If everyone had voted then they would have needed Biden to pass it and he is out of the country. It's dead anyway. Shame it only took them four years to do it.
You know it gets really old hearing about how Bush did this and Bush did that. He's been out of office for over four years now, not to mention the fact that in 2006 Republicans got shellacked largely due to the piss poor handling of Iraq, and out of control spending.

Lets be clear, Bush was criticized by not only Democrats but by the deficit hawks in his own party failing to get the deficit under control. At a deficit of over $800 Billion, Bush's last budget was the highest deficit while he was in office. Today we now have a deficit of more than $1.3 TRILLION, and yet the current President, who once implied that Bush was guilty of treason for creating a deficit half a billion smaller is apparently utterly baffled by the concept of reducing the deficit.

Four years ago we were borrowing $500 billion LESS per year than we currently borrow. Yet Democrats would have us believe that not one penny of that increase in spending can be rolled back. Indeed, not only can we not roll back so much as one red cent of the more than 50% increase in federal spending, even attempting to slow the growth of spending by a piddling 2% would be disastrous, ala Sequestergeddon.

(Note: when using Sequestergeddon, be sure to credit MOI for coining it).

Has ANY liberal stopped to process the Democrat's claim that reducing spending that didn't even exist 4 years ago has the capability of obliterating all life as we know it? I mean, come on people. Critical thinking - its not just a catchy phrase!

Now lets talk about liberal excuses. Liberals have been telling us for four years that the reason for such massive deficits are the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lets set aside the fact that anyone with critical thinking skills recognized that excuse for the bullshit that it was. Today our troops are now out of Iraq, and troop levels in Afghanistan have been steadily dropping as well.

Where then, is the corresponding reduction in deficit spending caused by these wars? Why is that our deficit continues to grow, even as our troops have been withdrawn?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? CNN? MSNBC??

Lets talk about taxes and spending cuts. After nearly 12 years of whining, pissing, and moaning, Democrats have finally gotten their wish, and raised taxes on high income earners. This, in exchange for corresponding spending cuts. Oh wait, silly me, Democrats PROMISED spending cuts. As usual, they never delivered. Instead we got doomsday scenarios of the massive disaster that would befall us for simply taking a teensy little nibble out of the rate at which we increase spending. Those silly Republicans fell for the classic Democrat bait n switch! When will they ever learn?

Now, Democrats who never saw a lie they didn't like, are at it again. Like Oliver Twist, all Dems ever want is more, more, more. This is EXACTLY why there is absolutely NO compromise possible with Democrats. An $800 billion tax increase just isn't enough! Those rich bastards need to pay ANOTHER trillion in taxes on top of the 70% federal tax burden they already carry! So the Senate budget calls for yet more tax increases, but again utterly fails to deliver any meaningful spending cuts whatsoever. I say meaningful because even CNBC describes the Senate spending cuts as "gingerly". When the liberal media can't even spin the news, you know its a problem. Not to mention the fact that the Senate plan offers no details on what is to be cut and by how much.

The saddest parts of all this is that the Senate budget will never make it through the House, which they knew full well when they passed it. Even sadder is the fact that the liberal water carriers have already arrived on the scene, dutifully carrying the water for a bunch of lying, posturing, thieves, and heralding this sad excuse for a budget as some sort of epic triumph.

Carry away water bearers. You have your work cut out for you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-23-2013, 11:44 AM
its just as old listening to the rightwing idiots pretend all the bullshit Bush shoved down the throat of this country magically vanished when Obie took office ..

if you comprehend ALL and take it into context, my reference singled out no one particular party.

as for all the tax increases on the rich, they in fact have a sunset clause. The law dictates any legislation passed that increases the deficit reverts back after a 10 year period ... hard to blame that on anyone other than the law of the land ... make tax cuts permanent that increase the deficit then bitch about the increasing deficit.... rightwing logic 101.
Try to run around the fact that Obama the campaigner said he would cut the deficits; Obama saying that running deficits was "un-patriotic" but now we have Obama proposing bigger deficits, more spending, and more debt !

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-23-2013, 12:04 PM
Try to run around the fact that Obama the campaigner said he would cut the deficits; Obama saying that running deficits was "un-patriotic" but now we have Obama proposing bigger deficits, more spending, and more debt !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

they all talk out of their ass

what part of that escapes you whirlie?
SEE3772's Avatar
When interest rates are not longer artificially suppressed the debt will be a lot higher.
Shut up and pony up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
its just as old listening to the rightwing idiots pretend all the bullshit Bush shoved down the throat of this country magically vanished when Obie took office ..

Show us where you saw that. You know you can't. We were on Bush before Obama but I guess since we blended in with the savage rhetoric from the left you didn't hear us. Remember it was the right who shut down Bush on amnesty and Harriet Miers. We have been here for some time fighting the good fight while the left quit the field of battle when Obama was elected. Fraud, waste, and abuse account for about a quarter of a trillion dollars of our money. It needs no special legislation, bill, or executive order to fix this. It just needs those in charge to do their jobs. It is Obama's responsibility now. Bush is out of office and it serves no purpose to belabor why he didn't do anything about it.

Neither one of these two parties gives a shit about the citizens who pay the bill for their ignorant decisions. Until people stand up, make informed decisions about government and demand limited power in spending nothing will change. People are too worried about left andright to see that 95% of our representatives in government are cut from the same Progressive mold. It is a vicious cycle that will not end until our country is bankrupt!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-23-2013, 05:43 PM
its just as old listening to the rightwing idiots pretend all the bullshit Bush shoved down the throat of this country magically vanished when Obie took office ..

Show us where you saw that. You know you can't. We were on Bush before Obama but I guess since we blended in with the savage rhetoric from the left you didn't hear us. Remember it was the right who shut down Bush on amnesty and Harriet Miers. We have been here for some time fighting the good fight while the left quit the field of battle when Obama was elected. Fraud, waste, and abuse account for about a quarter of a trillion dollars of our money. It needs no special legislation, bill, or executive order to fix this. It just needs those in charge to do their jobs. It is Obama's responsibility now. Bush is out of office and it serves no purpose to belabor why he didn't do anything about it.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
guess you missed two wars if you didn't see that ..

Bush promised to cut the deficit in half. Fail. He even went so far as to exclude the cost of the two wars in the budget and still couldn't lower the damn thing BECAUSE?. A couple of months after congress passed a budget he magically appeared and wanted and got $$$ to fund his street fights.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
These people don't care that President Obama is the most dishonest and corrupt president we have ever had. Confront them with the lies, and the usual response is "Well, Bush did it, too," or some other such bunk. It's truly a bizarre situation.