You ought to see to your boy dems.

LovingKayla's Avatar

from the article

It is no secret that we have a President in office who is a known socialist. He has been linked to big name marxists like Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis. His parents taught him to hate “colonial” America. He has also been linked to people like George Soros whose lifelong ambition is one world government. Obama is currently in support of a United Nations Small Arms Treaty that even many of his fellow Democrats oppose.
We have all heard of the massive DHS build up of ammunition, AR-15s and MRAPs. We have heard the numbers and The Department of Homeland Security now has enough bullets to kill each of us 5 to 6 times over. Alex Jones says six times over but even five times is enough. These are not false reports. These claims can be verified through a government website that advertises open bid opportunities for those who do business, or seek to do business, with the federal government. For any of you who may doubt me, that website can be found here. This is exactly where the info is coming from that you read in the conservative media.
I have two personal sources in the Western States that have kept me abreast of several happenings with the DHS and FEMA. There is a massive push to cross train these agents in various pursuits. They have recently been involved in urban combat training with those AR-15s. Many of them are being licensed to drive the big DHS buses now (rather than using private contractors as has been done in the past). There has even been some speculation about DHS or FEMA agents being taught to fly planes as of late. I have seen the pictures. I have them in my possession in fact, but I won’t show them to you without first asking my source, and it’s 4 AM. It’s not going to happen this time. Something big is brewing but none of us can truly know for sure what it is or when it will happen.
I have read the articles from DHS Informer like most of you and I don’t know if they are credible or not. The conversations seem a bit scripted to me. But whether they are real, or fiction, does not really matter. We all know that something is in the works. We would have to be blind not to see it.
A common belief in America is that The DHS has become Obama’s “Secret Police.” Why would we think any differently? 10,000 marines are given a pink-slip and DHS buys 1.6 billion bullets. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where the priorities lie.
So how does all of this tie together?
My theory is that they are just waiting for the right event to trigger a “national security emergency” so they can declare martial law. I can not know if a real emergency will occur or if the Obama Administration is deceitful enough to throw a false flag at us, but I do know that something will happen.
If nothing else, a Facebook Group is planning an ARMED march on Washington D.C. for July 4th. That would easily be enough to trigger a drastic change in our country. Why? You can not “open carry” or “conceal” in Washington D.C. Both are very much against the laws there.
Furthermore I have talked to two individuals who have told me that they, even though this march is being promoted as “peaceful,” will be looking for an excuse to open fire. This can not end well. People will either be in jail or in body bags. Their interpretation of the second amendment may be correct, but it will not keep them from being arrested in Washington D.C. and all it takes is one person who doesn’t want to be cuffed, and… You know what will happen.
I need people to understand how this ties together and to understand that this was probably planned last year. In my estimation, President Obama was laying the groundwork for the days to come back in 2012. I am pulling a few paragraphs from something I wrote several months ago, so you can follow my logic.
President Barack Obama signed two executive orders in 2012 that could literally leave the American people without communication lines and without basic necessities in the case of a national security emergency.
The first was on March 16, 2012.
“On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security. The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order’s functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.” -Source
What does this mean? In a case of national security emergency the government could literally claim control of things like fuel, food, water and electricity. It gets worse…
The second executive order was signed on July 6th, 2012.
“Without even the faintest toot of a fanfare, President Barack Obama has issued an Executive Order that outlines an extreme level of communications preparedness in case of crisis or emergency, including the ability to take over any communication network, including the internet.” Source:
Our government, literally, now has the authority to take control of cellular services, landlines, and the internet.
So what does all of this mean to us? In my opinion it means that we must be prepared. If you think that, if and when civil unrest breaks out, you will be able to log onto Facebook or call your cousin with the military-type arsenal in his basement, you may be sadly mistaken. You may not even have basic necessities like water, food and electricity.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Get 'em while they're hot, boyzzzz!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dipshit Alert!

when you've got an, er, ample ass, you can take a pounding in an underground bunker.

I. Petty sure there'll be no Muslims or Blacks looking to nail your ass down there, HK!

but you'll have the guns to kill anybody who tries to deny you basic services!

You may be the looniest Slunt on the board!
LexusLover's Avatar
".....The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security....."

He can "decree" all he wants, but someone's got to haul it off.

[Is Biden trying to cover "wood" in his photo op? He's really "into" this stuff!]
Too silly to merit a response.
BigLouie's Avatar
In my opinion it means that we must be prepared. If you think that, if and when civil unrest breaks out, you will be able to log onto Facebook or call your cousin with the military-type arsenal in his basement, you may be sadly mistaken. You may not even have basic necessities like water, food and electricity Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Of all the stupid post in this section this one is in a class of it's own. Do you really think that civil unrest is going to break out? Really? Here is something to think about. Millions and I mean FUCKING MILLIONS of Americans could give a shit about rants like this. People have families, businesses, obligations and they are not going to toss it aside to go running around like an episode of Walking Dead gone bad. Ain't going to happen. An ARMED march on the Capital, good luck on that, why don't YOU go join them and report back.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2013, 10:43 PM
This is like worrying about a comet hitting the planet Earth and trying to live your life around that happening.

If you LK worshipers haven't figured out by now your girl is a loon, it is because you are too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LovingKayla's Avatar
or Blacks ! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm loving how yall try to say I'm racist when you're the ones posting shit about black folks. I take it back, you are not a liberal. You are a progressive. Progressives rate far below liberals. You fucking racist.

You may be the looniest Slunt on the board Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Would you please get it right because I earned that fucking title. I AM the craziest hooker you've ever met buddy. Don't ever forget that fact.

The rest of the replies lack imagination and vision and do not deserve a comment. Improve, so something besides a hamster understands what you're saying.
While I do not think that the worst possible scenario will happen, you would be a fool to ignore the facts int he OP's post versus the speculation of what "could" happen in light of those facts. I'm certain that if you had asked citizens of other countries in the months and years before they encountered extreme oppression and violence at the hands of their own "government" they would have said "that could never happen here you're just crazy!" As far as "inventing" a national emergency as a means to seize even more power, I would put NOTHING passed our current president and his mindless henchmen. They have destroyed the quality of life for the very generation that put him in office (well and the massive voter fraud that occurred in both elections). Again, I don't think the worst case scenario will happen but "something" is definitely being planned and prepared for so when you're cold, thirsty, hungry and unable to organize any kind of protest or relief don't ask "how did this happen?" You'll have to remember this thread, as you won't have access to it anymore.
JCM800's Avatar
While I do not think that the worst possible scenario will happen, you would be a fool to ignore the facts int he OP's post versus the speculation of what "could" happen in light of those facts. I'm certain that if you had asked citizens of other countries in the months and years before they encountered extreme oppression and violence at the hands of their own "government" they would have said "that could never happen here you're just crazy!" As far as "inventing" a national emergency as a means to seize even more power, I would put NOTHING passed our current president and his mindless henchmen. They have destroyed the quality of life for the very generation that put him in office (well and the massive voter fraud that occurred in both elections). Again, I don't think the worst case scenario will happen but "something" is definitely being planned and prepared for so when you're cold, thirsty, hungry and unable to organize any kind of protest or relief don't ask "how did this happen?" You'll have to remember this thread, as you won't have access to it anymore. Originally Posted by Kingpin
I think we have some paranoia setting in here
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think we have some paranoia setting in here Originally Posted by JCM800
Or reality
bojulay's Avatar
While I do not think that the worst possible scenario will happen, you would be a fool to ignore the facts int he OP's post versus the speculation of what "could" happen in light of those facts. I'm certain that if you had asked citizens of other countries in the months and years before they encountered extreme oppression and violence at the hands of their own "government" they would have said "that could never happen here you're just crazy!" As far as "inventing" a national emergency as a means to seize even more power, I would put NOTHING passed our current president and his mindless henchmen. They have destroyed the quality of life for the very generation that put him in office (well and the massive voter fraud that occurred in both elections). Again, I don't think the worst case scenario will happen but "something" is definitely being planned and prepared for so when you're cold, thirsty, hungry and unable to organize any kind of protest or relief don't ask "how did this happen?" You'll have to remember this thread, as you won't have access to it anymore. Originally Posted by Kingpin

Most of the poor souls couldn't believe it would happen even as it
was happening, that is why they were so passive and easily controlled.

All you have to do is go study the history of how it transpired.
The entire premise is absurd and a departure from reality. There's not 1 American in a thousand that believes this nonsense. There aren't going to be any secret police or death camps or any of the rest of the ridiculous nonsense you extreme right-wingers like to get your panties all wadded up about.

Some of you are just stupid and that is what it is. Others, like the silly old man, are just shit-stirrers who know its all nonsense but get some sort of weird satisfaction out of the attention they receive by propounding the argument....and the rest are just drama queens. The one common denominator is that you are all fucking bizarre beyond belief.

Or reality Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy