Lady G clutches her pearls- You must testify

eyecu2's Avatar
Lindsey *in the closet Graham has been forced to testify on his knowledge of the phone calls that were made by him and others to the great State of Georgia and trying to leverage Rathensberger to nullify the election. Geepers Creepers Wally, this might get a little bit ugly for Lindsey and Trump who both were caught making calls for the 11k votes to be nullified. Not sure how you can even look past the audio of Trump doing it directly and then Lindsey doing it...what would you call obstruction of governement election if not asking for votes to be changed. I can think of nothing that would protect Lindsey from this action- Trump seems to be like a greasy turd and escapes blackmailing ppl on the phone, leveraging ppl on the phone and then even making up fake electoral college votes to be submitted by fake voters in lieu of the real ones. How the fuck do Pube-tards think this is ok. Imagine if anyone on the left did this shit? OMG- Faux news would be on blast the whole time, but they barely mention this, or the recent court ruling since they have a new trump nugget about attorney client priveledge to rant about. They care more about a singular candidate- which they have tied the success of the entire GOP party to, than they do about the free country and election process which he would possibly run on. I can think of no worse people to be supporting a tyrant who would do ANYTHING to hold onto an election, from a coup, to obstruction, to blackmail and even election tampering. {But yeah GO GOP. Fucking bunch of twat dribble that stinks to high heaven.}
Wait until they say 'The recording of the phone call Turniptard made to Georgia is a high quality audio deepfake created by the Annons to spread anarchy!' or some crazy on the fringe thing like that.

Though I'm curious what their justification for him to make that call to ignore 11k votes is.
eyecu2's Avatar
And....just to add to some additional Pearl clutching.. Rudy Guiliano- persona non-gratis and corruptor numero dos, was just informed that HE is now a TARGET in the 2020 Presidential Election Probe. What it must feel like to know that no matter how the walls close in around them, these fellow election obstructionists will feel the wrath of the investigation and likely Trump will throw them under the bus, saying it was all their idea's and fault. That's how the lead target rolls. He obstructs, deflects, rinses and repeats.
eyecu2's Avatar
In addition, how long do you think it will take Rudy to become the second attorney in Trumplandia to turn over on him? I'm betting Rudy will damage Trump more than any other person since Michael Cohen. He's likely going to have to file bankruptcy and you know the Donald will not help him out in this, / likely cannot help him due to a perception of conflict etc. It will be a shit storm for him and Lindsey as the two of them face some serious charges. Criminal Charges- just ask Dinesh D'douche. Ahh the big house, with 3 hots and a cot sounds like a nice place for these two boners, and Lindsey will likely be voted homecoming queen.
What it must feel like to know that no matter how the walls close in around them, these fellow election obstructionists will feel the wrath of the investigation and likely Trump will throw them under the bus, saying it was all their idea's and fault. Originally Posted by eyecu2

He already threw people under the bus in January. The terrorists were under the impression that no matter what they do, Trumptard will pardon them for their great heroic action to save the United States...

But guess what, he didn't! The only person the Trumptard cares for is himself. Not any other Trumtardlings he has following him around like a mama duck.
... The justification was the ILLEGAL VOTES that
President Trump wanted the Georgia leaders to
take to the Judges - so they would call for a re-vote.

You'll see once the charges are brought - Which may be
next year when Republicans take over Congress.

#### Salty
... The justification was the ILLEGAL VOTES that
President Trump wanted the Georgia leaders to
take to the Judges - so they would call for a re-vote.

You'll see once the charges are brought - Which may be
next year when Republicans take over Congress.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Turnip said "I want you to see if you can find 11 thousand votes"
eyecu2's Avatar
... The justification was the ILLEGAL VOTES that
President Trump wanted the Georgia leaders to
take to the Judges - so they would call for a re-vote.

You'll see once the charges are brought - Which may be
next year when Republicans take over Congress.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again


What are you smoking?

There was an audit and reviews of the election process. 60 plus court cases later....nothing.

Rathensburger oversaw the whole show!

What charges you talking bout??
Turnip said "I want you to see if you can find 11 thousand votes" Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... Exactly! ... the 11 thousand illegal votes
that were found for Joe Biden... As I mentioned,
President Trump wanted them to secure those votes
so they could be taken to Judges to call for
a re-vote.

... That was the point of the phone call.
Illegal votes were found... 11 thousand of them.

YOU are being lied-to once again by the liberal
news media... You were supposed to believe
Trump wanted Brian Kemp and the others to
find HIM more votes. ... That's not the case.

And the phone call PROVES this.
Why do you think they haven't released it?

#### Salty