Porn in the Background During an Appointment?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Please forgive me if this has been addressed before, and it probably has, but I've always thought of myself as the "toy" or "action" and so I've never considered having porn playing in the background while entertaining a client.

Well, there have been a few times (recently) where a man has asked me if I had some porn that we could watch while together. What?

I didn't.

Now, I'm rethinking it. Should I get a television, go buy some porn (or better yet, have someone bring what they like) and offer it during an appointment?

Personally, I don't find a man wishing to watch porn while being with me very flattering. But I'm always willing to learn and change my stance on things.

I would appreciate your thoughts!

John Bull's Avatar
Nonsense! Seems to me that guys who need porn while with a provider should be spending their time in another Realm. They are certainly more voyeur than active.
No way, Elizabeth! I never tell clients anything if they have porn on during an appointment, but it does sort of annoy me and I certainly wouldn't offer it. As you say, the girl should be the entertainment!
Gryphon's Avatar
Porn is for when you don't have the real thing Also for field research, to find innovative things to do when you do have the real thing
DallasRain's Avatar
how about playing a porno that I made of myself??? lol
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think playing porn is very old school. I remember one of my first forays into the hobbying world. I met a provider at a hotel that exclusively rented rooms by the hour. It was your classic hook up no-tell motel. Included in the $20 room rental was free porn. The provider had obviously been to this establishment more than once. She suggested that we watch the porn to get warmed up. It was kind of erotic and surreal. There we were going at it-- moaning and groaning, and from the TV came the same sounds. I kinda liked it.
IDK, maybe I am the odd ball, but I like watching porn. I havent yet done so an a appt, but I sure wouldnt turn it down
Lol at Dallas. That's hot
I have a collection of my favorite erotica (Andrew Blake) ... and find that it can keep things exciting with repeat patrons, and can be fun with new friends depending on the chemistry.
I'm very visual and get turned on watching it (I am specific in my tastes- I like the high-key glam, professionally done stuff...), and have a big screen at my retreat...
It's just like toys or whipped cream or anything else... a nice extra that's seldom used, but fun when things happen to flow that way.
Guest092815's Avatar
I used to bring a small player and assorted dvd's. I never had any takers. But, I have had fellas bring their own. Mags or laptops. One watched 12 small screens of action while I worked on him below. I wondered, how can anyone see all that stuff? Another likes to look at raunchy mags while i am below. It seems kindof offensive since I think I look better than those gals, but hey, it's HIS fantasy.

I am ok with porn, but it isn't an everyday occurrence during a session.

For myself, I find it distracting during sex, but I am female. I like porn when I am alone (and in the mood to watch it).
  • anita
  • 09-30-2010, 11:42 PM
playing porn on tv during a rendezvous is kind of annoying...but if the actors are good and that is what the client requested then I will put it on. I just won't watch it because I will 'obviously' be busy doing something else lol.
Redsan's Avatar
I do not like any distractions or any TV on during a session.
I have watched porn before and after with a lady in the real
world and once at my cabin with a provider who was spending
the weekend. In both cases the became really turned on and
the sex was great but we turned off the TV and it was all
them and acting out some of the scenes that we had looked at.
Porn does not bother me, in fact sometimes I get into it....and like Dallas, I too have my own private collection! Ok, so maybe mine is not so private....

There was one date, however, where the gentleman had porn on a little tv sitting in the corner of the room, and he wanted me to watch it and mimick what the girls where doing....with the fake dirty talk and all. I'm sorry, the two things that I just am not good at is role playing and being fake. Most men enjoy the fact that I am so 'real' and they brag upon it in my reviews...why was this guy wanting me to act this way?
"Oh yes! fuck me, big daddy, fuck me hard....I want to feel your fucking big hard cock in my tight little ass....yes! yes! Oh god, you are sooooo big....."
Those girls are a dime a dozen, he could've gotten anyone to lay there and talk like that as he stared blankly at the tv and fucked my ass....why did he call me?

Not personal what so ever. I want something with a bit more feeling. If he calls back, I'll pass.
I think its cool every once in a while, So if one or two people wanted it thats fine with me, variety is the spice of life babe!!!
Had a lady meet me in my hotel in Dallas that brought her laptop. Had videos of herself fucking and squirting. Nice!