Jordan23 passed away

Htowner's Avatar
Those who have been around for a while, knew him as Jordan23 on P.
He was a low profile guy but knew his stuff. Met him a couple of times at Men's Club and he gave me the run down on most girls there,lol. Great inside info. His emails were also full of info and had the p411 on many ladies.
He could remember all the names and aliases and service levels and rates, at his age and very humble about it. Never bragged about anything but a busy player, all the way to the sweet end.
He got his share and some of ours too.
RIP Jordan23
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Life is short .... death is long.... Make my whiskey strong... Irish Proverb
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
He is one I wish I could have met. I followed his postings and reviews very carefully as he and I liked the same type of lady.

RIP Amigo!
Htowner's Avatar
He will be missed.
Mojojo's Avatar
He was getting up there in age, walking with a cane, but worked and played all the way through. Originally Posted by Htowner
Fucking Champ!
I never met the guy but my hat off to him.
RIP Jordan
Wayward's Avatar
Let's take a moment and lift a glass to absent friends...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Lifts glass and offers condolences.
dearhunter's Avatar
He was good at this little fantasy.

Lifted cup.
auknowho's Avatar
I did not knew the gentleman but it sounds like with even age and other restrictions he was player at heart.

RIP Jordan23
OMG, i have been wondering where he has been.. He will be missed and im sad now.. He was a great guy!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-15-2010, 07:49 AM
Wow. Yeah, he was one of the good-guys. RIP, sir.
TexasGator's Avatar
RIP, j23. So sad to see another of the "good guys" pass.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
R.I.P., Jordan 23.
R.I.P. will be missed