Which turns you on more?

A peek down her blouse or a peek up her skirt?
Jake2.1's Avatar
blouse usually, not much of a butt guy, but a nice kitty glimpse is good too.
tuckahoe's Avatar
a glimpse up your skirt would be most arousing, but peeking down your blouse would also be quite exciting.
elghund's Avatar
A peek down her blouse or a peek up her skirt? Originally Posted by Amy411

Always a peek down the blouse for me...because, a look at a beautiful pair of breasts, from an "unknowing" lady is sensual and exotic....

An upskirt look can be a little, well.....not sensual, I guess.....

elghund's Avatar
...oh, and Amy......

...you aren't wearing a skirt in your picture.....

whereaminow's Avatar
It's a blouse peek for me also. To see nice cleavage and smell a hint of a nice perfume is all it takes.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Peek down the blouse
SlowHand49's Avatar
Why limit oneself to one or the other?
funnyboy's Avatar
Skirt as it seems to be more protected. Many women show the girls to the legal extent they can.
Chaz108's Avatar
It's a blouse peek for me also. To see nice cleavage and smell a hint of a nice perfume is all it takes. Originally Posted by whereaminow
Same for me. I can't tell you how many times I've been caught. Even with providers it's a turn-on, maybe because you know it won't be long until you actually see what's hiding in the blouse!
DallasRain's Avatar

I used to have "NO titties",till 6 years ago...so know that I have a nice big natural set,I show them off!!!

breastfan's Avatar
A peak down the blouse for me, love cleavage..........
  • Aguy
  • 09-03-2010, 02:10 PM
Up her skirt for me. I'm not much of a breast man myself.
runswithscissors's Avatar
Ah, a peek down the blouse; and if caught and given a knowing little smile; heaven.....
DallasRain's Avatar
mmm runswithscissors---you are one of my fave "horndogs"..lol