A bit of good news: Hotels

So we all got a bit of good news this week. LE's strong arming Hotels into giving up info on visitors was deemed Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Not gonna solve the problem of gov spying on everyone/all the time ... but every little victory helps.

Linked the quote at the bottom of the article:

[Justice Antonin Scalia] said Monday's majority decision would hinder sex trafficking and human smuggling investigations, too.

I don't even see how this is relevant to the legality of it, all crimes have to be investigated under the same set of rules. You don't get to exempt some of them from the Constitution


DallasRain's Avatar
good news!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Great news
Per the Artechnica citation, "To be clear, we hold only that a hotel owner must be afforded an opportunity to have a neutral decision maker review an officer's demand to search the registry before he or she faces penalties for failing to comply. Actual review need only occur in those rare instances where a hotel operator objects to turning over the registry," Sotomayor (majority opinion) wrote. I.E. a motel owner has the right to say no, but will probably say OK.
Will be interesting to see, if any hotel chain asserts a policy of saying - NO.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I think all hotels should say no!
I would think it would be an embarrassment to the hotel having girls arrested in their hotels for other guest to see!