question about real world situation

frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 08-11-2015, 07:01 AM
Here’s a question for both sides of the bed—provider and hobbyist. This is a situation that happened to me in real life; I wasn't sure if I handled correctly. I'm also not sure how I would handle it if it arose today. I met a woman through our real life jobs. We were not colleagues or coworkers in the sense that we worked in the same office or for the same employer, but would meet and work together as projects required. I was single; she was attached. This continued over several years. The work relationship was always professional, although she did begin to wear more revealing outfits. Later, I found out that she was a provider on the side. Nothing ever became of this because we could both get in trouble. Finally, shortly before we both moved on to different jobs and different parts of the country, she let it be known that she would be receptive in meeting me in her capacity as a provider. Although I did not take her up on the offer, I sure as hell wanted to. Once I learned that she was a provider, I often fantasized what it would've been like to have a session with her. This was both before and after the work relationship ended.

Ladies, how would you handle the situation if someone you knew in real life learned that you were provider and requested a session with you? Would it depend on whether the work relationship had ended? Guys, would you dare ask a colleague/provider for a session? If so, would you be willing to keep your colleague/provider's secret?
mike1701's Avatar
1st if I knew for sure she was a true provider , with eccie reviews and p4, I would not tell a soul. Kind of like fucking the teacher at school, you do it and don't tell.

2nd. Why would I hurt her life? She is just trying to make her self a little extra for what ever reason.
memdal's Avatar
I agree with Mike. If she was a reviewed provider, it would be kind of a fantasy appointment. Both of us would have a secret that neither one of us would share with anyone. I work in an environment with lots of young ladies, many of which are really attractive. If I learned that any one of them worked in the hobby, I would be booking as fast as possible.
frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 08-11-2015, 08:04 AM
this was back before ASPD/ECCIE and she confirmed that she was a provider herself by leting it be known that she would see me. Also, neither had any control over the other's employment/pay, etc.