info on this one?

Anyone see this gal before and have info on your experience?

Trying to search from my mobile and not having luck finding anything. I though there were some past posts here but not having luck running them down.

Her ads also mention Omaha. May want to also ask on that board.
It's the Russian gal that has been talked about many times on the sb board.
That would be the infamous Russian so often discussed in the Men's Private Lounge. Typically a "sugar baby" on SA or others, it's apparent she's gone pro by that advertisement. Plenty of conversation there for you to make your own educated decision.
Great googly moogly- I haven't been in that sb thread in several was only at about 20 pages last time I looked...

I did find the posts (finally) and am glad I did. The ad from skip are down now too...

Link to the thread for those without an hour to poke around.

Thanks folks- stay safe out there!