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Biden and Nothingness

Costless spending, the ‘closed’ border and other manufactured alternative realities.

Costless spending, the ‘closed’ border and other manufactured alternative realities.

By Daniel Henninger
Oct. 13, 2021 6:39 pm ET

President Biden at the White House, Oct. 5.

Meet Joe Biden, existentialist philosopher.

Another of the world’s famous existentialist philosophers, Jean-Paul Sartre, wrote a book called “Being and Nothingness.” Extending Sartre’s ideas on nothingness, Mr. Biden recently said:

“Every time I hear, ‘This is going to cost A, B, C or D,’ the truth is, based on the commitment that I made, it’s going to cost nothing.”

Overnight, Mr. Biden’s belief that his $3.5 trillion spending bill will “cost nothing” became what fellow intellectuals call a “meme”.

The reason many have come to feel cut off from reality is that so many others spend their days creating alternative realities.
Washington, to be sure, has become a round-the-clock supplier of manufactured realities. Many Americans, for instance, watch scenes on television of thousands of migrants crossing the Rio Grande River into the United States. Nonetheless, Mr. Biden’s secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas, says the border is “closed” and “no less secure than previously.”

Mr. Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, said in August the evacuation of Kabul couldn’t be called “anything but a success.” Ms. Psaki’s skill at reordering reality for Mr. Biden is mesmerizing, and I say without irony that she will be seen as an important figure in the transformation from believing what is real to believing what we’re told is real.

Reality resets have become commonplace. In Chicago some days ago, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx declined to prosecute any of the gang members who staged a broad-daylight shootout in a residential neighborhood. Among the reasons her office gave for not bringing charges was that the gangs were engaged in consensual “mutual combat,” like in the movie “Fight Club.”
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WTF more roo-do-traps

like roo needs your help keeping ahhhh mmmmm regular