question about real world situation

frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 08-11-2015, 06:47 AM
Here’s a question for both sides of the bed—provider and hobbyist. This is a situation that happened to me in real life; I wasn't sure if I handled correctly. I'm also not sure how I would handle it if it arose today. I met a woman through our real life jobs. We were not colleagues or coworkers in the sense that we worked in the same office or for the same employer, but would meet and work together as projects required. I was single; she was attached. This continued over several years. The work relationship was always professional, although she did begin to wear more revealing outfits once she became unattached. Later, I found out that she was a provider on the side. Nothing ever became of this because we both could have gotten in trouble. Finally, shortly before we both moved on to different jobs and different parts of the country, she let it be known that she would be receptive in meeting me in her capacity as a provider. Although I did not take her up on the offer, I sure as hell wanted to. Once I learned that she was a provider, I often fantasized what it would've been like to have a session with her. This was both before and after the work relationship ended.

Ladies, how would you handle the situation if someone you knew in real life learned that you were provider and requested a session with you? Would it depend on whether the work relationship had ended? Guys, would you dare ask a colleague/provider for a session? If so, would you be willing to keep your colleague/provider's secret?
Depends. But probably would have went for it
Awkward enough this has happened to me I have a side job other than the hobby and the my boss turned out to be a client I never knew he was a member even though he had made advances twords me u just wrote it off as it because I was younger and pretty I had no clue he knew who I was but never said anything not until I was hanging with another provider that he had seen she recognized him and told me I was kinda embarrassed at first and then confronted him and no I never seen him as a client afterwards it was just awkward and we worked together I also chose not to because I felt like maybe he would think that he deserved special treatment because I was his employee
  • mwise
  • 08-11-2015, 07:53 AM
Once the cats out of the bag, fuck it.... although I think you would have to keep the provider/client relationship as professional as ever. If you're her boss, pay her rate, don't expect special privileges. Also neither party should make any comments in public that could be construed as anything but professional.

Could be a lot of fun if done correctly!

I know a few providers that come into my work, but they don't know I"m a client, so I'm not taking any chances... but if they found out, it would be nice...
"If so, would you be willing to keep your colleague/provider's secret?"

Of course. Why blab about it? Wouldn't you expect the same from her?
on the most part,i dont worry about real life info much. everbody has somebody they dont want knowing..
I'm more worried one day i'll book a provider that some how i know in real life. A friend or someone in general knows me some how. This is play world my fantasize my hobby this not a big state so i think chances are slim chance it would happen. But still even if i really want to bang the woman/provider i mostly would not due it. Due as you like just my 2 cents.
Dude, you should have hit that shit.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
What would you do if you walked into a providers residence and she called you by your full name??

That same person knew you for a long time and ended up dating someone real close to you.

A couple of years ago, I had a date with a gentleman through preferred 411. When he showed up at my incall, we both immediately recognized each other... we had went to middle school together in Minnesota. It really is a small world, sometimes.

I was concerned that he knew me and addressed the issue with him, making sure that he wouldn't "tell on me..." He reminded me that by telling on me he would also be telling on himself. Valid point! So it all worked out. Lol
willro's Avatar
Never had this come up in a traditional "hobby" experience, but I did get a lap dance in a SC from the daughter of a former coworker. It had been 2-3 years since I first met her, so it took me a few moments to connect the dots to determine why she looked familiar. Hopefully she never recognized me. If she did, she didn't say so.

Also, when I was in college, I saw a former high school classmate dance on stage at an SC. She came over and talked about how it was a little awkward for her, but I bought her a drink and we talked about old times for a few minutes, and she was over it quickly. I didn't try to purchase a dance or anything because I think we both would have felt awkward.
frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 08-14-2015, 03:28 PM
The awkwardness was probably THE biggest part of why i didn't take her up on her offer.However, by making the offer, she may have had an easier time getting over it than I did.
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  • frodo
  • 08-14-2015, 06:19 PM
I may not have felt as awkward in sc situation because, unlike most hobby situations, in sc situation there is 100% chance that alcohol is involved