I just need to say...

SerenityXX's Avatar
I understand tht me not doing CIM is a real deal breaker for some but idk wtf is wrong with a client tht hears u tell him I don't do cim let me kno when u feel like ur about to bust a nut so I can move out the way, Most of all the clients I've seen are very respectful of tht, but my client today which was our first time meeting decided he wasnt going to do wat I asked and tell me when he is fixing to cum instead he puts his hand on top of my head and doesnt say anything. Luckily I'm not fucking stupid and I knew he was gonna cum and I jerked my head back just in time because as I pulled back he Was cumming. None actually got in my mouth thank god. But I said u really just ignored Wtf I told u and tried to cum in my mouth. He is laughing about it and says no I wasn't going to. But he was so trying to cum in my mouth and tht got me so heated on top of him laughing about it like it was funny. Like wtf is wrong with ppl. I will never see him again thts a promise. if he can't respect me and my boundaries then I can't put up with that. On top of tht he is rough as hell... Over all it was a shitty experience and i needed to rant about it.
Damn KK. That's fucked up. Very disrespectful.
TechOne's Avatar
In the words of TrinityKane..."Fuck You, You're FIRED!" Give'm hell KK, you deserve much better than that turd!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-21-2015, 05:30 PM
Although CIM is a very nice, and sought after treat... And one that I often seek, I have to agree with ya KK... That was a shitty trick to pull. If I were still in Arkansas.... you have been on my "coulda, woulda, shoulda, very short list"... Fuck the CIM... Just LOOK at ya.... DAYUM!!

Oh... BTW.... Thanx for finally showing us a few shots of those delicious titties!
Sorry that happened kk your rules are your rules and they need to respect them or not schedule
I agree with Selena....KK....your comfort level and your boundaries should be respected at all times....that goes for any provider and any client....it is a major RESPECT thing or lack there of, if these levels and boundaries can not be honored. I am sorry that you had to endure that dear....
SerenityXX's Avatar
He was for sure an asshole and rough and just laughed in my face after like it was funny. He thought it was so funny In fact he wrote a review about it and lord knows he prolly said some stuff in it but I don't do cim and I dont like to feel like I'm being abused when I'm fucking. Rude ass motherfucker is Wat he was. But i really think he got enjoyment out of trying to force me to do things I wasn't gonna do. And the holding my head down and trying to make me do cim was the final straw...
SerenityXX's Avatar
Although CIM is a very nice, and sought after treat... And one that I often seek, I have to agree with ya KK... That was a shitty trick to pull. If I were still in Arkansas.... you have been on my "coulda, woulda, shoulda, very short list"... Fuck the CIM... Just LOOK at ya.... DAYUM!!

Oh... BTW.... Thanx for finally showing us a few shots of those delicious titties! Originally Posted by NTJME
U should come enjoy them in real life it's way more fun😉... Come let me pls u I promise u won't care about the no cim once it's all said and done.
SerenityXX's Avatar
I appreciate all of u guys so much😊.. He definitely will never get a round two... He isn't a respectful Eccie gentlemen like any of u guys. He could really take a lesson from u guys and do better.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-21-2015, 07:57 PM

U should come enjoy them in real life it's way more fun😉... Come let me pls u I promise u won't care about the no cim once it's all said and done.
Originally Posted by KourtneyK
I have zero doubt that you can fulfill that promise!! You look absolutely delicious!!
Sounds like a grade-A fucking douchebag. Being rough is not cool.
KK,that was not cool of him. Sorry that happened. Know you rock!
hogmanjones's Avatar
Douche bag.
biomed1's Avatar
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It's well past the time for you to reel in your emotions and hostility.

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