YAHOO continues shut down of article comments

As a way to prohibit readers from seeing the real stories behind the liberal media crap they present.

Facebook continues its liberal censorship.

This past week I've wondered if the Democrats will force themselves into the White House causing the next civil war.
Bulk up and gun up fellow Trump supporters as time is near.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As a way to prohibit readers from seeing the real stories behind the liberal media crap they present.

Facebook continues its liberal censorship.

This past week I've wondered if the Democrats will force themselves into the White House causing the next civil war.
Bulk up and gun up fellow Trump supporters as time is near. Originally Posted by DTickler

this has been discussed here recently by me. since you weren't posting here then you missed it.

you are of course correct and i don't think Yahoo will ever allow comments again. too much to censor even with bots to automatically censor things Yahoo doesn't approve of. the classic proof was the Ukraine farce. i intentionally would post links to sites like the Hill and RealClearPolitics and the Federalist exposing the real nature of the whole whistle-blower shit and of course Yahoo would have a "network error" on the post. even when the link would actually get posted it would immediately disappear.

another reason Yahoo shut down comments is because in many cases they were overwhelmingly in favor of Trump. well we can't have that, right?? another example there is easy. securing the borders. every time Yahoo would publish some article and to be fair most of them weren't written by Yahoo, they used to be mostly a news aggregator for other sources, now that might be changing as i see more articles actually written by Yahoo writers, anyway they would publish some article from the usual leftists like the HuffPo, VOX and Salon portraying Trump's actions over ILLEGAL immigration in negative terms only to have it backfire bigly. it was always overwhelmingly pro Trump and rejecting any pity parade from the far left trying to garner support for open borders.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Things are looking tense in the Great White South, eh?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Things are looking tense in the Great White South, eh?

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

how tense are they at Nau's? ara ya worried Biden can't win? you should be.

so are you going to ghost your current handle when Yssup Rider "might" get paroled in a few days?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not only Facebook and Yahoo but Google, Twitter, hell the entire Tech media has just conspired to put in place State run media much like China and Russia.

Watching Tucker Carlson tonight, it is plain that we have entered a new age and it ought to scare the hell out of everybody but you would have to be aware of it which far to many are not or those that welcome it and condone it because it fits the very narrative they are putting in place, people like Mr 9500 and others who will warn you not to even listen to Tucker Carlson because you might be infected. Why not listen and decide for yourself, you know, like you use to do ( well, some of you ), not be afraid to hear not necessarily the "truth", I'm not suggesting that, I'm suggesting that you listen and make up your own mind. Ask yourself if you are going to let others decide for you, what you can listen to and draw your own conclusions from. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that speech is being censored, they can't hide that. All they can do is convince you that it is for your own good and they hope you will believe them and many of you will.

History may very well mark this time, as the time when State run media began in the US at least as far as the Tech platforms go. Many of the newspapers and TV media had already made this decision years ago. This may very well be the time when the only place you are going to hear an alternative, again, not saying "the truth" but the alternative to State media, is Fox News and the Tucker Carlson show. The Thomas Payne of late 2020. To which the obvious question shall be asked "is this the end of the Age of Reason, the end of Common Sense? When an alternative opinion will be outlawed?

Right now, if Mark Zukerberg and the guy at Twitter and all the other tech. platforms decide what you are saying is "disinformation", it will not be allowed on "their" platform. And of course since it is a private entity and in the wisdom of Congress, gave them free rein to do this without fear of being sued. You can't sue Facebook for taking down what you write on Facebook if Markie Mark decides it is "disinformation". And what is the definition of "disinformation"? Well, anything that deviates from what the State, in this case, the Democrats have decided is "harmful" to your being. You want an example of what would be harmful to your being? How about a doctor saying that he was told to add the diagnosis of Covid to various deaths that may not be Covid related at all. Whoa! You can't be saying that! What do you think we have here, free speech? What age are you living in?

That's right, questioning anything that the State, and I can't emphasize this enough, that means Democrats, don't want you to hear is now called "disinformation".

Last night on Tucker, the Chinese scientist who was one of the first people on earth to study Covid, said she has proof that not only was it man made which she says she can prove but that the Chinese Communist Party released it on purpose to cause world wide calamity. Now that's the part I find hard to believe because it hit them first but what if they thought that through and had prepared well enough to only lose a few thousand people knowing that the rest of the world just might lose millions and the economic impact this would have on Western economies. Far fetched? Maybe, maybe not.

So according to Tucker, millions of people watched his show last night and were talking about it today and started looking for this "information" on tech platforms but guess what? They all decided that this was harmful disinformation and therefore can not be posted on "their" platforms but don't worry, this is for your own good. This Chinese scientist who is well known and has had her work peer reviewed, has been silenced FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. Ask yourself if that sounds like America, the America we use to know.

Yep, here we are at the beginning of what history may or may not record as the day State run media began in America.

Thankfully Fox News and Tucker Carlson do not depend on the largess of Google and Facebook and Twitter and for now at least, is still free to engage in free speech and let the listener to decide what to believe and what not to believe, you know, the way we use to do it in America.
matchingmole's Avatar
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eccieuser9500's Avatar
5 facts about Fox News

For this roundup of key facts about Fox News and its consumers, we relied on two surveys from Pew Research Center’s Election News Pathways project. The first survey was conducted Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 2019, among 12,043 U.S. adults. The second was conducted March 19-24, 2020, among 11,537 U.S. adults.

Yep, here we are at the beginning of what history may or may not record as the day State run media began in America.

Thankfully Fox News and Tucker Carlson do not depend on the largess of Google and Facebook and Twitter and for now at least, is still free to engage in free speech and let the listener to decide what to believe and what not to believe, you know, the way we use to do it in America. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
5 facts about Fox News

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

here's some facts

Week of Sept. 7 Cable Network Ranker: Fox News Remains No. 1 in Total Viewers; TNT Is No. 2 Thanks to Riveting NBA Playoffs Action

Monday, Sept. 14 Scoreboard: Tucker Carlson Earned 4.6 Million Viewers in the 8 p.m. Hour

Fox News Channel wins the ratings race again

As a way to prohibit readers from seeing the real stories behind the liberal media crap they present.

Facebook continues its liberal censorship.

This past week I've wondered if the Democrats will force themselves into the White House causing the next civil war.
Bulk up and gun up fellow Trump supporters as time is near. Originally Posted by DTickler
Simply put, Yahoo is just one of the "Gatekeepers as is YouTube and Facebook to name a few.
matchingmole's Avatar
here's some facts

Week of Sept. 7 Cable Network Ranker: Fox News Remains No. 1 in Total Viewers; TNT Is No. 2 Thanks to Riveting NBA Playoffs Action

Monday, Sept. 14 Scoreboard: Tucker Carlson Earned 4.6 Million Viewers in the 8 p.m. Hour

Fox News Channel wins the ratings race again

BAHHAHHAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

And high ratings mean nothing....other than many people are stupid enough to actually watch Fox
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And high ratings mean nothing....other than many people are stupid enough to actually watch Fox Originally Posted by matchingmole

well which is it? they mean nothing or they do because you think everyone who watches FOX is stupid??
matchingmole's Avatar
well which is it? they mean nothing or they do because you think everyone who watches FOX is stupid?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I don't think everyone who watches Fox news is stupid...only people who believe the bullshit they peddle as news.

The high ratings have nothing to do with quality.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't think everyone who watches CNN is stupid...only people who believe the bullshit they peddle as news.

The low ratings have everything to do with quality. Originally Posted by matchingmole

matchingmole's Avatar
No you didn't...still amusing that you think that high ratings of Fox has any bearing on quality. Fox news has never been known as a quality operation.