Best nightlife in Springfield?

Can anyone suggest a good place to go out to in Springfield? Me and some friends are coming to town just for the evening tomorrow night and want some good bars/pubs to go to. Preferably with a decent female/male ratio. Here in ST. Robert its 98% dudes....the running joke is that its too much like a post office. Too much male laying around. HA!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Downtown - Finnegan's Wake, Patton Alley Pub, Dublins for a college age up to 30s or 40s crowd. Outland for definitely younger. Boogies if your really young.

Not downtown - Cartoons or Midnight Rodeo for all ages.

There are others, but those are resoanably popular.
MarandaMarie's Avatar
Thanks for the list! I'll have to try some of these out tonight too.
DallasRain's Avatar
Martha's gay bar in town...don'have to be gay to have fun there