Democratic debate

Mayor Bloomberg has made this exciting although he may end up being a dud, but watching that happen is enough reason to tune in. I think he has the only chance of competing with Trump.

Senator Warren is an emotional wreck

Bernie Sanders views line up with mine the most, the rich like (the kids of Heinz, Vlasic, Frito Lay,) we buy those products and they profit and them spoiled rotten people live a life of yachts, world travel, exotic foods and mega houses—Lowe’s, Depot, Ford, Chevy, and more enrich themselves on the backs of America, multimillion dollar bonuses, how much was your last Christmas bonus?

A heart or a lung transplant is $800000, THATS a monthly house payment to these people,,,while we can’t even afford decent drugs to help us die comfortably, and don’t even consider asking for a hospice nurse you greedy fucker, your getting the same death drug that a dog gets when it’s put to sleep.
Precious_b's Avatar
I only listened to it in the background.
I voted recently. I hate to do straight line but there were more on one side i'd like to see on the ballot this fall than the other side.

I didn't vote for any unopposed and didn't do President. I will wait this November for that.

Personally, I would vote for the first person who would do a flat rate tax. Make this shit easy come april and let EVERYONE pay for what they buy. Ima sure there will be shaming for those buying overseas and hopefully VAT when it hits our port before their mailbox.
You gotta love Bernie. He has a Gov't run, Gov't funded program for everything but premature ejaculation. However, I hear it's coming quickly.
44formore's Avatar
You gotta love Bernie. He has a Gov't run, Gov't funded program for everything but premature ejaculation. However, I hear it's coming quickly. Originally Posted by Naughtius Maximus

Oneputbirdie's Avatar
You gotta love Bernie. He has a Gov't run, Gov't funded program for everything but premature ejaculation. However, I hear it's coming quickly. Originally Posted by Naughtius Maximus
If only he could make the hobby free!
National sales tax.

Mandatory investment into IRA or 401K when you start to work and you will not have to pay social security tax and will not receive social security benefits when you retire. You start when you are 16 yrs old and have over 45 yrs of investment returns. People currently 25 to 35 have to invest 20% of their current social security tax rate and pay the other 80%. Their benefits will be reduced at retirement age by 20%. Figure out percentages for different age groups.

Term limits. These people in government get elected and the first order of business is to raise money to get re-elected. 20, 30 and 40 yr politicians.

Tort reform. Put a reasonable cap on law suits so we can eliminate these stupid sue happy people, ambulance chasing lawyers and lower our car insurance, personal liability insurance and health insurance costs for everyone.

Just a few things that we should look at.
You gotta love Bernie. He has a Gov't run, Gov't funded program for everything but premature ejaculation. However, I hear it's coming quickly. Originally Posted by Naughtius Maximus
That’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all week.
Introduce him to this thread, and show him a few links. He'll introduce a new jobs program to stimulate the economy like nobody's business.
hotrix1's Avatar
Introduce him to this thread, and show him a few links. He'll introduce a new jobs program to stimulate the economy like nobody's business. Originally Posted by Jardinier
The only program he’s ever going to get me interested in is the economic stimulus that is in my pants. Fatten my wallet so I can give some good looking piece of pussy the business down the front of my pants. And then stay the fuck away from my damn guns. I highly doubt he’d do either. Fuck him. On second thought, not with my dick, nor money.

Or even worse, have a president named Pete(r) Booty-gig. I could tell him to kiss my ass. But he might want to suck dick too. Bunch of fucking worthless shits vying to tell us what to do with our lives while they screw us over. IMHO
DaleDaBone's Avatar
No one is coming for your guns bro
Jesus man
hotrix1's Avatar
What rock have you been living under Dale? Every last Dummycrat is a gun grabber. Just some more than others. Try living under their Draconian laws where you can't arm yourself with what you see fit but they can maintain their paid thugs armament to protect themselves. Meanwhile a criminal who doesn't abide by the law can get their hands on whatever they want to commit crimes against you that give them a tactical advantage. Sorry, no thanks.
Sutherland Springs Church Shooting

Weapon of Choice

Unloaded 15—30 round magazines

Texas Church Shooting

Weapon-shotgun, he run out of ammo and a parishioner was able to pick him off with a hand gun

I’m pro-gun, but can’t help but agree that some kind of tougher restrictions are needed
Of topic, but a fascinating and harrowing tell from the wife of the Sutherland shooter
I don’t usually get involved with these kind of debates online. Especially since we are here to get sexual satisfaction and there are other forums for gun debates. But here are my 2 cents... not worth much and not trying to ruffle feathers.

Unfortunately common sense laws aren’t always common sense. Once the dems open the door to more “common sense” guns laws, they will continue until they grab them all. Looks at Great Britain. The police don’t carry guns and they have horrendous knife attacks that kill and maim. Violent Humans will always kill each other no matter what the weapon is.

Now it’s time to carry on and share sex stories with our Eskimo Brothers.
Precious_b's Avatar
What rock have you been living under Dale? Every last Dummycrat is a gun grabber. Just some more than others. Try living under their Draconian laws where you can't arm yourself with what you see fit but they can maintain their paid thugs armament to protect themselves. Meanwhile a criminal who doesn't abide by the law can get their hands on whatever they want to commit crimes against you that give them a tactical advantage. Sorry, no thanks. Originally Posted by hotrix1
How many guns did Obama grab up from the populace?
Hell, I hear he was giving them away.