A short 2 minute video before “I continue” to share hot Indy’s.

mikemendez's Avatar
Dude, you need to get laid or something. Seriously. Are you in NEED for this much attention? A shrink comes to mind.... Just tone it down man.... Stop with this unnecessary agitation
Astroglide's Avatar
Bingo, MM. You just have to learn to laugh at the haters.
frankocean187's Avatar
frankocean187's Avatar
I forgot what site I'm on. Dr Phil? Hello?
asianlover17's Avatar
Nickelodeon .... feels like kindergarten
mikemendez's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head Frank, in fact everyone posting on this thread sent me at least two PMs, I’m not responsible for people’s insecurities. Speaking of psychology, it’s believed in the field of psychology, that people project their own flaws and insecurities onto other people, usually onto someone that is successful in what they have failed at, also due to low esteem, past failures, fear of facing their own flaws so they accuse others of the thing they have failed at. Some people are so uncomfortable in their own skin, they try to bring others down, thus moving themselves away from their own pain. Haters are in fact, my biggest fans, they in their ignorance actually further my cause, sharing, that is. I’m just a regular guy, who happens to know where lots of hot and sexy tang is, unknown to most, not all, but most, a Hunter, not a hobbyist.
LexusLover's Avatar
.. a Hunter, not a hobbyist. Originally Posted by mikemendez
Good "hunters," like good "fishermen," don't reveal their "scouting results" to the public or their "spots" will no longer be fertile grounds for "harvesting."

As I mentioned on another thread, the saying is decades old:

"Loose lips sink ships!"

In your apparent enthusiasm to "belong to this "community" you've risked exposing people to some negative attention that could change their lives irreparably. And please don't "psychoanalyze" me on a hooker board!
MaxShaft's Avatar
Believe or not, about 3 - 4 years ago, I was like MM. I would post reviews (as honest as possible) and when I became more and more visible (posting wise) I too would come under attack. Age and money is prohibiting me from hobbying, therefore, not posting and honestly, it is refreshing not to come under attack.

I still come on ECCIE a couple of times a week and for me personally, I am in awe #1: how much time and $$$ that MM has to hobby and #2: how freely he offers information to help others which I thought this community was for.

I want to thank MM for all the information he has provided whether I have utilized it or not.
mikemendez's Avatar
IN all fairness to anyone that opinions that I talk to much, perhaps I do and have done so, I realize my short time on this site hasn’t been with out controversy. We’re all entitled to our own opinion, whether pro or con, I’m not a long time veteran of this thing called AMPs, I’ve only been in the hobby since January 2014, I have however met quite a few providers and owners from various levels of service, I count myself fortunate to know and have experienced multiple women. If you feel and/or wish me to tone it down or cease from offering intel, then, you’ll be relieved to know that I will cease from doing so, you’ll not read any further encounter reports from me, although if I do offer a review openly , I won’t give contact info for all to see, I have and will continue to share, however I’ll only do so via PM.
A thought occurred to me over a week ago while I worked a community near downtown after meeting a new to me working girl, I thought can a guy be so lucky as to meet girls without even seeking one out, she subtly made herself known to me, we talked for a few minutes, an invite occurred, the rest is history. After our encounter I thought perhaps luck did play a part, I realized that there are just so many lovely P4P women offering their services. more of us should also have such dumb luck. Later the same week, I met yet another new to me provider of the same ethnicity as most recent girl in the vicinity of westhiemer and beltway 8, I invited her to lunch, she accepted my offer and we got familiar only I did not sample her, she is on my radar, I initially thought her to be AA, I heard her speak, she had quite an accent when I realized she was a dark skinned Latina, Colombiana, the curvy body on this girl, wow, what an ass. I feel it would be a dis-service to other site members for me not to share.
LexusLover's Avatar
...she is on my radar, ... I feel it would be a dis-service to other site members for me not to share. Originally Posted by mikemendez
There is another "side" to the quandary ...

... the "provider's" side. Would it be a "dis-service" to her?

There are people who prefer to be UTR for a variety of reasons, and "providers" ARE PEOPLE, TOO. Like some folks on here have redefined "petite" some folks have redefined "UTR" ... in the interest of getting another month or so of membership ... or simply attempting to portray they "know"!
mikemendez's Avatar
I believe it would be helpful, even more useful if any one of you guys would perhaps be more constructive and take a moment to enlighten me as to the appropriate manner in which to share intel about providers, give which details and which details not to give. I can't seem to distinguish between what I share from what some of you share. I fill out the form provided under new encounter as best I can and enter the naughty details in ROS, am I missing something? Or should I ask, how are my reviews different.
I normally don't post at all and mostly just do my business through PM. However, I feel like I should chime in here. I'm on the forum and others because of the nature of these type of forum to share the hobby with others. I'm only a part time hobbyist as my life is busy enough that I can only hobby maybe once every 6 months. With things constantly changing in this hobby it is forums like this that allows me to continue my hobby and stay safe at the same time. I've PM other members before and because of my low post count/reviews, I've received no info. Sometimes even accused as LE. I don't take offend to it as I understand the nature of this hobby and how you need to be careful. At the same time I appreciate guys like MM who does offer the help I need. It's a tough balance to protect the hobby and at the same time share info with other hobbyist but a guy shouldn't be condemned for sharing either. If you don't like how he's sharing, then say that but to attack a guy's personally is another thing. Just my two cents.
I don't think his "personally" has been attacked....just his method.