To a few of the hobbist here in Iowa

Guest041817's Avatar
My recent trip to Iowa has been kind of an eye opener for me. I have a couple clients that were not completely happy with their appointments with me. I would like to first say I am sorry if I did or didn't do something that you were expecting. I pride myself on being a honest and fun provider at all times. If some of you felt that I was rushing you I never ment for that to be the case. As many have stated in the past and those of you who have seen me know I am not an aggressive provider I am very laid back and like to go with the flow. I have always said when you book time with me I am open that whole time I have put you down for. Maybe I need to start being more aggressive. Some people love my laid back personality some people it doesn't clash well with. Again I am sorry to anyone I made feel like I wasn't into it or I wasn't there mentally I never ment for that to be the case..Maybe its an off trip for me this time in Iowa...I hope you will accept my apology and I will work on being more in the present.
Gladiator69's Avatar
Keeki, I think it's great that you are responding to "those few" , but I can say without hesitation that I enjoyed my time when I saw you and wish I would have been available to see you on this last trip. Don't sweat it honey, you obviously have a great track record (90+ reviews) and I for one am looking forward to seeing you next time you come thru CR!!!! I won't forget the milk duds either
Guest041817's Avatar
Oh buddy I haven't had some Milk Duds in forever...sounds like a plan and thank you for the kind words babe..just don't want people thinking I am losing my touch.
Maybe they expect the headboards to be cunning down
Guest041817's Avatar
lol I only do that when I see you!
Gladiator69's Avatar
Bottomline guy's just let her know what your looking for in your session and she will be more than happy to make your fantasy a reality, and she's a sweetheart to boot. Just my opinion. I know I'll be there next time...milk duds in hand
DallasRain's Avatar
Keeki are a cool chick!
I know I enjoyed my time with you in Lincoln. Glad you found the car ...
Don't let a few crusty pants get ya down. I for one have always been more than satisfied with our time together. Clock watching, I think NOT. Don't change a thing about you, you are what makes you unique, and that's why I come and see you!
Chef aka Action Jackson