
Not sure if this has been done before or not. If it has, I apologized. What is your confession? It can be anything? Why do you do it? What made you do it?

I started in 2010, been with over 78 different escorts. Been with two porn stars, enjoyed my time with some black girls. I never got busted, never had a threesome. What started me wanting to see escorts there was a bust in Little Rock and it was on the news. I went to a strip bar few days later, got a private dance from a stripper. She gave me her number, she told me she did other stuff on the side when not working at the club. I called her the next day, I ended up screwing her. That’s how it started with me on hooking up with escorts. I hooked up with someone who was 28 years older than me, it was great sex. I got an escort pregnant, she was only 18. It was an accident, I was careless and went bare with her. She ended up having the baby, I was 34 at the time married with 2 kids. I know what a fucked up situation. She told me she didn’t want the baby, and thought about abortion. I said no, let me have it. I came up with the idea that if she didn’t want it let me adopt it. I could had been an ass and told her to fuck off but I didn’t. She was young and I liked her, I ended up selling a pitch to my wife that there was a young girl who was still in high school fixing to graduate that was pregnant and didn’t want the baby. My wife was actually okay with having another baby which was the most important part. Went through the court and got it all settled. It was a girl, just what my wife wanted. She was in love. To this day, she doesn’t know the girl is actually mine. The girl isn’t an escort anymore, I was glad to see she got out of it. However, I did hook up with her two more times. No money was exchange and I made the mistake of going bare with her again. She didn’t get pregnant she said she was on the pill. Now, she’s married and got a little one on the way. I’m friends with her on Facebook, so is my wife. If my wife found out all of this, I would probably be a dead man. That is my confession, it’s wicked and crazy.

We all have our dark secrets that you want to tell but you can’t tell your friends so you opt to do it a different way. This is my way of coming clean.
Wow, Panther that's a quite a story. Hopefully you don't talk in your sleep.
arcountryboy1's Avatar
That is a story indeed.

I hope this was a positive cathartic activity for you.

For me personally, I don't really have much to confess. I personally believe the mutually agreed upon sexual relationship between two consenting adults is a normal activity which should not be stigmatized by the moral compass of others that are not involved. It seems only in the USA does the legal system impose upon the rights of others in these situations.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Panther, are you sure that despite how much your wife knows about the circumstances, she really believed that story about a pregnant young high school girl who didn’t want the baby? Or do you think maybe your wife really figured out what's up and went along with it all because she wanted another child and didn't want your marriage to blow up?

I know if I tried to sell a story like that to my wife her first reaction would be "yeah, right, why did you knock up some high school kid?"
Panther, are you sure that despite how much your wife knows about the circumstances, she really believed that story about a pregnant young high school girl who didn’t want the baby? Or do you think maybe your wife really figured out what's up and went along with it all because she wanted another child and didn't want your marriage to blow up?

I know if I tried to sell a story like that to my wife her first reaction would be "yeah, right, why did you knock up some high school kid?" Originally Posted by SlowHand50

Don't sit here and question me about what happen. I told a confession and now you want to question something about it? You don't know a thing about me. I felt like I needed to get it off my chest because it's been eating me up for awhile. You can take it for what it's worth. It took several months for my wife to think about it. I didn't force it on my wife or nothing. I made it known that I didn't know her during the stage because I didn't want it leaked that we did knew each other. Anybody out there can do something and can easily get away with it, if you play the right cards and go about it a certain way. I got a happy marriage, some may ask why do I see the need to see escorts and bang random women? It helps me relaxes my mind and help me cope with certain things. I feel like my wife can't help because I don't want to treat her a certain way like that. The time I did, it was strange. I couldn't treat her like a porn star like I could another random girl.
Wow, that sounds like the plot of a Lifetime movie. You’re lucky, sounds like it all worked out in the end.

Do you think you’ll ever reach a point when you decide that your daughter knowing you’re her biological father will outweigh your desire to keep it a secret from your wife?
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow, that sounds like the plot of a Lifetime movie. You’re lucky, sounds like it all worked out in the end.

Do you think you’ll ever reach a point when you decide that your daughter knowing you’re her biological father will outweigh your desire to keep it a secret from your wife? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll


My confession... I did a few even had a bible verse tattooed on his chest which was kinda spooky lol

(Kinda feel like that's a major NO,but I guess they needed some release)
Does your daughter know that she's "adopted", or does she think your wife is her bio mom?

If she doesn't know, your wife may want to tell her eventually. Your daughter will be curious as to her birth parents. Your wife will reveal bio mom's identity, but your daughter will want to know her birth dad's. I suggest you get ahead of this.

You may want to run some interference with the birth mom ahead of time. Get a story together as to who the bio dad is. I suggest taking this initiative sooner rather than later. Just so that when your wife wants to tell your daughter or when your daughter gets curious, you and the bio mom will be prepared. You don't want bio mom getting caught off guard. I would imagine it's worth meeting the mom for a cup of coffee.

I would go with as little detail as possible. One night stand, rapist, immaculate conception, something vague and untraceable. If you tell her the dad is a decorated war hero that died in battle, she'll want to research that as well as her lineage. If you give her a specific name, she'll look that dude up and want to meet his parents, siblings, etc.

Just my two cents no one asked for.

Side note: Which two porn stars?
Wow, that sounds like the plot of a Lifetime movie. You’re lucky, sounds like it all worked out in the end.

Do you think you’ll ever reach a point when you decide that your daughter knowing you’re her biological father will outweigh your desire to keep it a secret from your wife? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
It will always have to be a secret. At this point, I can't risk it. Maybe when I'm on a death bed, I might come clean about me being the father. I don't think it will ever happen though. She's almost 7 now. WE don't plan on telling her that she was adopted unless something comes up where it might need to be talked about. The biological mom is at peace with everything and have no regrets. She was very happy that I talked her out of the abortion and didn't think it would work but it worked out perfect. It took some very critical thinking how to make it work.
Does your daughter know that she's "adopted", or does she think your wife is her bio mom?

If she doesn't know, your wife may want to tell her eventually. Your daughter will be curious as to her birth parents. Your wife will reveal bio mom's identity, but your daughter will want to know her birth dad's. I suggest you get ahead of this.

You may want to run some interference with the birth mom ahead of time. Get a story together as to who the bio dad is. I suggest taking this initiative sooner rather than later. Just so that when your wife wants to tell your daughter or when your daughter gets curious, you and the bio mom will be prepared. You don't want bio mom getting caught off guard. I would imagine it's worth meeting the mom for a cup of coffee.

I would go with as little detail as possible. One night stand, rapist, immaculate conception, something vague and untraceable. If you tell her the dad is a decorated war hero that died in battle, she'll want to research that as well as her lineage. If you give her a specific name, she'll look that dude up and want to meet his parents, siblings, etc.

Just my two cents no one asked for.

Side note: Which two porn stars? Originally Posted by Rocksalt

I thought about that as well. Right now, my wife said she doesn't want to tell her because she doesn't want her knowing that she was adopted because the parents didn't want her anymore and to wonder what her real parents didn't want her as a baby. That might cause her to become depressed, or have an addiction.

The porn stars were Courtney Taylor and Harley Dean. It cost some money but it was worth it. That was back lot early in my screwing off days.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 06-25-2020, 10:45 PM
Not sure if this has been done before or not. If it has, I apologized. What is your confession? It can be anything? Why do you do it? What made you do it?

I started in 2010, been with over 78 different escorts. Been with two porn stars, enjoyed my time with some black girls. I never got busted, never had a threesome. What started me wanting to see escorts there was a bust in Little Rock and it was on the news. I went to a strip bar few days later, got a private dance from a stripper. She gave me her number, she told me she did other stuff on the side when not working at the club. I called her the next day, I ended up screwing her. That’s how it started with me on hooking up with escorts. I hooked up with someone who was 28 years older than me, it was great sex. I got an escort pregnant, she was only 18. It was an accident, I was careless and went bare with her. She ended up having the baby, I was 34 at the time married with 2 kids. I know what a fucked up situation. She told me she didn’t want the baby, and thought about abortion. I said no, let me have it. I came up with the idea that if she didn’t want it let me adopt it. I could had been an ass and told her to fuck off but I didn’t. She was young and I liked her, I ended up selling a pitch to my wife that there was a young girl who was still in high school fixing to graduate that was pregnant and didn’t want the baby. My wife was actually okay with having another baby which was the most important part. Went through the court and got it all settled. It was a girl, just what my wife wanted. She was in love. To this day, she doesn’t know the girl is actually mine. The girl isn’t an escort anymore, I was glad to see she got out of it. However, I did hook up with her two more times. No money was exchange and I made the mistake of going bare with her again. She didn’t get pregnant she said she was on the pill. Now, she’s married and got a little one on the way. I’m friends with her on Facebook, so is my wife. If my wife found out all of this, I would probably be a dead man. That is my confession, it’s wicked and crazy.

We all have our dark secrets that you want to tell but you can’t tell your friends so you opt to do it a different way. This is my way of coming clean. Originally Posted by Panthercat
I suggest you invest in a good therapist.
Geeky80's Avatar
Does she look like you at all??
pulaskirascal's Avatar
Panther... My only concern for you is that with readily a available DNA testing, it's entirely likely she'll figure something out one way or the other. Everyone and their brother gets DNA tested these days, it seems, I imagine it will be even more commonplace when she's old enough to be on her own.

You did a helluva job making lemonade out of a huge pile of lemons. Good job. And I hope you feel better having gotten that off your chest. Sometimes, it's good to hear the words leave your mouth or see the words written down to properly process the grief or trauma of life.
well...thats a story...we all have secrets..this hobby is a secret...everyone carries a cross, some are heavier than others...finding peace isnt easy...i hope you have oldest is not mine...crazy story but....just know youre not alone....its life....
Does she look like you at all?? Originally Posted by Geeky80
Very little, mainly looks like her biological mom.