the real thing or police

I saw an post on BP and was liking her pictures on it. So I call and ask if your available. But she just same out and said do you want some pu$$y. So I hang up and was thinking police. But i wasn't 100% if it was or not. Cause I saw someone did a review on her. If she is or not let me know.
Coach says . . .

She seems to have a review here on E.C.C.I.E.
The OP who did the review has done 2 reviews, has a few posts and seems legit.
IMHO I would give clearance. I completely understand your hanging up with a comment like that.
Safe hobbies my friend.

Gibby's Avatar
  • Gibby
  • 04-08-2015, 05:53 PM
I went and seen her about two months ago because she had a decent review on here. She was a really nice girl kind of straight forward. Definitely not police but in my opinion not realy worth the cash. Ymmv type thing seams like
Guest062716's Avatar
I saw an post on BP and was liking her pictures on it. So I call and ask if your available. But she just same out and said do you want some pu$$y. So I hang up and was thinking police. But i wasn't 100% if it was or not. Cause I saw someone did a review on her. If she is or not let me know. Originally Posted by GhostFace
Thanks Coach, for answering the OP's question.

Always trust your gut, Ghost. However in this case, please allow me a teaching moment.

1) "Do you want some pu$$y?" These words are not spoken (in our forum area) by the police. The reason is that this leads to a claim of entrapment.

What some undercover cops have said is "Tell me what you want/Tell me what you would like me to do for you." The end result of this is that you just brought BCD activities into the discussion. For a charge of prostitution in Texas to stick (same wording applies regardless if you are the provider or the "john") fundamentally, you must have two elements. Sex act(s) and money. You can argue all you want that you never brought money into the discussion, but, somewhere there was discussion over donation. Either printed in the ad, or info directly exchanged between you two. The fact that you have the exact amount discussed/listed in ad on you suffices for an arrest when tied to BCD activities discussion.

In some cases, the fact that you knocked on the door in response to a BP ad suffices for an arrest. In College Station, they will argue that the terms "girlfriend" or "girlfriend experience" etc. listed in a BP ad are understood to be "code" for BCD activities. You do not need to discuss BCD activities, there, simply knock on the door in response to a BP ad. In Killeen, they will usually get you to confirm your "handle" or "street name" you used when making the appointment,when you knock on the door, before they arrest you. In Waco, they will get you into the room first, and then get you to ask for a service.

2) The pics are definitely not ones used by police in our forum. The police generated photos will be PG 13. No fully exposed breast, buttocks or vagina. Think lingerie model in a fashion magazine.

Having said all of that. The police will answer a lady's phone when they pick a suspected provider up and will let you make an appointment to come and see "her". They also will clone her phone and her computer hard drive. They will also go through every phone number on her phone and keep a record, as well as attempt to identify the name associated with that phone.
  • Use a hobby phone.
  • Stick to reviewed ladies.
  • Trust your gut.
Thanks for asking.


wanderingbone's Avatar
Jeezus Sarge. That certainly gives me something to think about.
  • Ag15
  • 04-08-2015, 10:08 PM
Do they only clone if the provider is suspected of prostitution?
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Welcome to Hobby 101
Instructor: PhD. OldSarge

Dont forget to take plenty of notes in your Big Chief tablet with your #10 pencil.

Thanks again Sarge for imparting knowledge on us to help us be safe.