pretty serious question

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 03:15 PM
Im on record saying I wont vote for Romney or Obama

but for those that do vote Romney and he wins, riddle me this please.

3-4 years into his term and unemployment is still 8% and the economy is flat just like it is now

?? What will you have to say about the man and his policies ??
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't expect that I will be voting for Romney. But my answer would be "Next?"
Don't think it makes any diff which one makes it.Unless the climate in Washington changes ,and they rid themselves of the arty only" Syndrome it will be -same 'ol same 'ol .
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2012, 04:28 PM
I suppose their refusal to answer now mirrors their future answers ...

bitch like a teenage girl now, and later crawl under a rock like a little pussy

so goes the rightwing-nut legacy.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Dig up Alf Landon
I will not vote for Romney and I do not think that he or Obama have the power to fix the job problem.
Im on record saying I wont vote for Romney or Obama

but for those that do vote Romney and he wins, riddle me this please.

3-4 years into his term and unemployment is still 8% and the economy is flat just like it is now

?? What will you have to say about the man and his policies ?? Originally Posted by CJ7
You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again:

"We could have fixed everything, but the insert other party here got in our way."

We just need $$$ more of your campaign contribution, and we can turn this thing around in the next election.....
Im on record saying I wont vote for Romney or Obama

but for those that do vote Romney and he wins, riddle me this please.

3-4 years into his term and unemployment is still 8% and the economy is flat just like it is now

?? What will you have to say about the man and his policies ?? Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, that's a very good hypothetical, and the right answer is this: "Let's wait and see if the situation arises."

The flip side is this: If, 3-4 years into Romney's first term, unemployment is DOWN and the economy is HEALTHY, what will YOU say? Will you stand up in front of all of us and admit that you were an idiot to put all your faith in Nancy and Henry and the Man From Kenya?
If, 3-4 years into Romney's first term, unemployment is DOWN and the economy is HEALTHY, what will YOU say? Originally Posted by Sidewinder
What does "DOWN" and "HEALTHY" mean?

What are Romney's goals? Any businessman worth his magic underwear knows about SMART goals!

"By Jan 2016, unemployment will be below 6%, and annual GDP growth will be at least 4%. If not, I will not seek another term in office."

If Romney were to say this, I'd consider voting for him. Same for Obama. But noooo... its just, "I'll make things better.... he'll make things worse."
  • Laz
  • 07-25-2012, 07:30 PM
The economy will take a while to turn around. I do not expect it to be fixed in 3 years. However, if he is not dealing with the massive spending problem and his energy and business policies are counter productive I will be looking for his replacement. That is why we need to replace Obama.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I think the number of baby boomers retiring in the next 2-6 years will be far larger than the number of new entrants into the workplace, resulting in a couple of percentage points drop in the unemployment rate. But the budget for social security and medicare will be huge.

The unemployment numbers might look a lot better, but the economy could still be sputtering. There will be a lot of pressure to cut entitlements no matter who is in office. And the younger workers will resist any effort to take more money out of their paychecks to pay for the baby boomers' retirement.

The country should be able to limp along a few more years with 6% unemployment and 3% GDP growth, if people make wise choices and curtail a lot of the greed that has led us to where we are today.

What really matters is the attitude of the populace, not who occupies the seats in Washington. Those 500+ people have a lot of influence, but really it's up to the other 315 million Americans to decide if they want to stay the course or just give in and let China take over our #1 spot in the world.
I think the number of baby boomers retiring in the next 2-6 years will be far larger than the number of new entrants into the workplace, resulting in a couple of percentage points drop in the unemployment rate. But the budget for social security and medicare will be huge.

The unemployment numbers might look a lot better, but the economy could still be sputtering. There will be a lot of pressure to cut entitlements no matter who is in office. And the younger workers will resist any effort to take more money out of their paychecks to pay for the baby boomers' retirement.

The country should be able to limp along a few more years with 6% unemployment and 3% GDP growth, if people make wise choices and curtail a lot of the greed that has led us to where we are today.

What really matters is the attitude of the populace, not who occupies the seats in Washington. Those 500+ people have a lot of influence, but really it's up to the other 315 million Americans to decide if they want to stay the course or just give in and let China take over our #1 spot in the world. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
I agree. good post.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's going to take some balls to make some very unpopular decisions. Our politicians lack the political will to do what is necessary, or they are forbidden from doing what needs to be done by the hands that feed them from Wall Street and Big Business. We really need to break the unholy alliance among government, banks and business if we are to get any kind of freedom back. Democrats and Republicans will not do it. They seem to think their "friends" will protect them when the crash comes. They won't.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Try to get Herman Cain to run in the primaries. Seriously COG is right. There are going to be some difficult decisions and there will be a shit storm no matter the result. Will wait but if there is a way to repeal Obamacare and they don't... or they refuse to revisit the over regulation by the EPA...or we don't start drilling for oil and taking China seriously as an opponent.
Dig up Alf Landon Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Your every four year Alf Landon reference!