Lets talk about Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Have held back for a week out of respect for the survivors but now we can talk about the movie.
**Spoiler Alert**

Early on the left tried to coopt the movie as Batman representing Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh lampooned them for it. Is it racist to call Obama the Dark Knight? If Joe Biden is Robin, is Hillary Batgirl?

The creator of Bane says that he more than anything represents anarchy and the Occupy crowd.

The director said that Bane is his idea of the 99% and Batman is the millionaire philanthropist, businessman.

So Batman: TDKR is a conservative movie. Criminals are bad even when they cloak themselves in a pseudo political rhetoric.

At one point a character asks how do you keep 12 million people from crossing a bridge being guarded by police. I have to ask how do about 5,000 criminals stop 12 million citizens from rising up against them. You have to disarm the citizens as they are in this movie. So an example of failed liberalism.

How did crime get so low in Gotham City? Strict laws and strict enforcement under the Harvey Dent Law. The liberals (later joined by the Banes army) wanted to release all the jailed criminals. Another example of failed liberalism.

The police are the good guys. They are outgunned, outsmarted, and poorly led but they are the good guys

The politicians could mess up a wet dream.

I highly recommend this movie.
No wonder your posts are so dumb liberals live in your head.
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  • 07-27-2012, 06:56 AM
No wonder your posts are so dumb liberals live in your head. Originally Posted by ekim008
LOL...JD does not post a movie review on a hooker board because doing so might hurt some 'feelings'. He sounds like a bleeding heart liberal and an idiot to boot!

It was a horrible movie IMHO. You can not understand a word this Bain character says , the special effects sucked and it was to damn loud! ....Oh and no T&A
joe bloe's Avatar
No wonder your posts are so dumb liberals live in your head. Originally Posted by ekim008

I notice you're posting another completely meaningless comment at 6:53 AM. I'm wondering if you may be sleep posting. What else could account for the complete lack of intelligence your post displays.

You should consider tying yourself to your bed. It could spare you further embarrassment.
joe bloe's Avatar
I haven't seen the movie yet. From the discussions I've heard on talk radio, I'd say your take is accurate. It's encouraging to see a major movie that has a conservative message. It would be nice if the majority of movies and television shows supported traditional values and promoted patriotism.

If conservative values were promoted in pop culture the same way the left's value system is currently promoted, the left would be crippled.
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  • 07-27-2012, 08:07 AM
It would be nice if the majority of movies and television shows supported traditional values and promoted patriotism.

If conservative values were promoted in pop culture the same way the left's value system is currently promoted, the left would be crippled. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Heil Hitler!

Talk radio is where you form your views? That is deep!

What you and JD and the other right wing loons do not get is that you need liberal thinkers just like liberals need conservative thinkers. They balance each other out in the real world. There is no good and evil in any one philosophy, it only becomes evil when one actually dominates the other. The trick it trying to find the happy balance.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I just posted a response to COG about our trio of idiots. Two of the them didn't let me down again.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-27-2012, 08:54 AM
I just posted a response to COG about our trio of idiots. Two of the them didn't let me down again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You go Batman!...save us from this evil world of Liberals!

I notice you're posting another completely meaningless comment at 6:53 AM. I'm wondering if you may be sleep posting. What else could account for the complete lack of intelligence your post displays.

You should consider tying yourself to your bed. It could spare you further embarrassment. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Nice to see you finally pulled your sorry ass out of bed by 8:30 so you could make a fool of your self again. guess you don't have anything to do except check to see if there is a increase in welfare. Get a job then you can get up earlier ...
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Now, you want us to do math just to decipher the meaning of your posts, holy guacamole, Batman!

I was already having enough trouble just comprehending the complex Freudian undercurrents in your movie character analogy as it was!

. . . To the Bat Cave, Robin! We'll need the abacus for this joker!

I just posted a response to COG about our trio of idiots. Two of the them didn't let me down again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I just posted a response to COG about our trio of idiots. Two of the them didn't let me down again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They never do.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 11:16 AM
Pretty Woman was the epitome of a conservative movie

Batman is a cartoon, yet another great representation of the so called conservatives ...
joe bloe's Avatar
Nice to see you finally pulled your sorry ass out of bed by 8:30 so you could make a fool of your self again. guess you don't have anything to do except check to see if there is a increase in welfare. Get a job then you can get up earlier ... Originally Posted by ekim008
I dont' need to get a job; I have my own business. I built it myself.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-27-2012, 11:26 AM
I dont' need to get a job; I have my own business. I built it myself. Originally Posted by joe bloe

hows that banking thing working out for you?
joe bloe's Avatar
hows that banking thing working out for you? Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm not in banking, although I once was. Is that a reference to banker's hours?