Caracter's Avatar
""However, Easley is probably best known for his arrest in 2010, when he was arrested for sexually assaulting a miniature horse. The owner of the miniature horse called a veterinarian after she noticed the horse acting strangely. The vet checked out the horse and determined it had been sexually assaulted.""

....unfuckin' real...and he's still breathing?
wow just wow you can't make this shit up
well when the horse deal first happened,which it was not the first time,the lady was on our local news giving all the details,she was about 65 years old,and you would have thought the horse was her daughter,the horse was bleeding and ect.he got caught because his wallet fell out of his pants in the stable.bubba is going to love him
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-18-2011, 07:42 PM
Damn Lowgear, couldn't you have posted this in the Mississippi forums?
I'am going to post the one about the goat on the ms board! lol
what in the HELL???
you know what is messed up,i was just watching the news and they let this guy off,because they could not do a DNA test,because they said everyone in bama has the same DNA
armydude's Avatar
WTF??? This reminds me of when I was 17 I ended up in jail for drunk driving. I had to wait for my parents to pick me up. There was a man in the cell who had been arrested for fooling around with deers. DEERS! The officers there were making fun of him and joking around. There are some sickos in jail, I vowed to clean up my act, finish high school, go into the military. I did not want to be around those types of people.

But I don't understand how a horse would be emotionally spent by the rape. Many times animals are forced against their will for sex by other animals. It's just how it is in the animal kingdom. I'm not saying what he did was right.
the guys lawyer said on tv that it was not cruel,what he did to the horse WTF,i say we take the lawyer to mexico,and let the donkey do him
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