danielle darling

country1's Avatar
Has anyone tried to get in touch with danielle darling lately. I Have sent two emails recently and have not gotten a response yet. How long should it take for a response.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
There have been several threads asking essentially the same question over the last month +, and no one has heard from her. I just hope she's well and will come back to us some time.

  • REKjr
  • 07-20-2011, 04:07 PM
Fairly certain she has moved to New Orleans and retired.
She logged in yesterday at 06:47 AM, so I guess she still is looking around. But I don't pull up her profile in the Alabama section of Date Check anymore. I do know she scared some suitors off when she raised her rate to $350.

Of course, I don't blame Country for trying to get in touch with her. She is a good provider and there's not many to chose from in his neck of the woods.