ISO - Manscaping

I am looking for suggestions on reliable persons who can perform this service. I can and do take care of the block and tackle. But my back, shoulders and chest are starting to look like a grizzly bear.

The key here is someone who knows what they are doing, are aware of current trends and help determine what would look best on my physique.

Men: Who do you use?
Ladies: Who do you know?
Not aware of any back hair trends. lol Less is usually better. Probably just have a good shave done, it will last a few weeks. Could wax but more painful. I'm not super hairy but to have some "unwanted" hair in places hard to reach. I have a couple man groomer devices that work pretty good. One is electric and the other is a couple of protected 4" razor blades. Both available on Amazon.
Manscaping has gotten to be like facial hair, everyone to their own ways.

One point in favor of waxing and plucking is generally the newly grown hair is softer when it returns.
Mmmm... manscaping. There’s nothing like a gentleman’s furry chest. Honestly hairy chests on men are sexy.
Mmmm... manscaping. There’s nothing like a gentleman’s furry chest. Honestly hairy chests on men are sexy. Originally Posted by NatalieBanks
Ya some women like it, but when it gets to be Sasquatch level 5 on shoulders, back and arms it is a little much.
Any salon will offer it. Just google salons who seve men. And see whats on yhe menu
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I think very few salons will service men. Most don't want to deal with the possible erection. I think it would be a good business decision to include men in this service.
A woman I know who does men is very blunt about it is business only. I wouldn't tempt her to get back at me when she controls the wax pot.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Ya some women like it, but when it gets to be Sasquatch level 5 on shoulders, back and arms it is a little much. Originally Posted by royamcr
There is some guy that goes to the sam gym as I do: I have never talked to him, just observed him in the locker room/shower.

He has so much hair on his back and chest he looks like a monkey.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I have a friend who is a referee and every year at a charity event in Vegas he officiates with no shirt on. Instead of the black and white jersey he has stripes shaved into his chest and back hair.
I use Waxing the City in Overland Park