Be real guys is this what your really thinking?

I thought this was funny as hell! Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
Whatever it was either got pulled down or your link is missing one or more characters.
It wasn't all that funny to post about it.
It wasn't all that funny to post about it. Originally Posted by acp5762
Wait, you're saying that link worked for you?

This is the video she meant to post I think, although I changed the link to the person that wrote it's youtube video instead of some other random person's video of his music video.

.. And Jon Lajoie is great.
It wasn't all that funny to post about it. Originally Posted by acp5762
Oh sorry you don't have a sense of humor. That sucks.
burkalini's Avatar
Kandy your in the business you ought to know by now that this is true. lol

  • Laz
  • 11-03-2011, 02:31 PM
The provider version is show me the money and you've cum, why are you still here?
Here's the boobs he was wanting see!!!!
Do you guys really have 99 words for boobs?
tia travels's Avatar
I could have done a better rhyme than he did in his last verse. I smirked a couple of times....but only a couple. LOL
I don't get it. I sat through all of that and and I didn't get to see any genitles damnit. What was the point.LOL I want to see quim!
Cleaning up dog poop is more fun than listening to that video.
Kandy your in the business you ought to know by now that this is true. lol

SHOW ME YOUR GENITALS!!!!! Originally Posted by burkalini
lol right, the unsaid truth.
If you don't find this video hilarious, I suggest a humor implant immediately. You are malfunctioning.
lol right, the unsaid truth. Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
KK honestly, I may want more from a provider then to see her box, but if I would articulate my wants for something a little more then sex I will be told what I dumbass I am. I am really talking about positive transference of feelings, and I’m totally happy doing this with the clothes on.

And you just watch how my comments will be intentionally misinterpreted and many providers and guys will make the comment that providers are not here for that, but yet a provider started the conversation asking, in essence, is this all that you guys want?