They walking tonight...

was hanging out at the bar next to Tiger Cabaret with some buddies. Had to get home early and as I was leaving I saw a young black girl in skimpy clothing walking down St. FRANCIS behind the Holiday Inn. Made a block and came back and she thought I was le so no luck. As I was leaving I noticed another black girl this one a small bbw. As I made the block I saw another girl and she was nice looking. Brown skin hair done balck and white dress on with a great ass. Look like she was getting a pep talk from the boss so I decided to pass.

Caught up with the small bbw and She went into the ExxonMobil and I waited for her to come out. Went around corner into neighborhood and she gave a superb blowjob. Perfect amount of spit, deepthroat, and she took a light face fuck.She asked for 30 I had no change so gave her 40 it was worth it. Nshe didnt swallow this time but mentioned that it was on menu.

Dropped her off behind the taco bell and there were 4 other girls starting their stroll. All young black girls between 20 to 25 I would guess. Including the one I was shot down by earlier as I was dropping the one girl off she made eye contact and mouthed the words im sorry and I got you next time. She was about a 6 on sw scale.the One girl in the black and white was in the group and she was even better up close. A 7 on the real life scale and you dont get much better than that on sw scale. The other one was a small bbw as well but a little bad built. She is always walking around this area. I say a 4 on the sw scale. Didnt get a great look at other girl but at a glance she looked l8ke she was ok.if you guys out and about they look like they out all night. Bbw mentioned she had a room but I didn't get a good feeling about going in. Nothing she did i was just a little cautious tonight. Didnt do a review cause I never got her number to post for you guys . Said name was passion/mimi. Who knows if either of those are teuthful. Any way have fun guys and be careful.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
good job. worthy of logan.