What Is Trump Smocking? What a Idiot Felon Trump Is!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Hey deplorables, your fearless felon leader Trump, tweeted a long tweet this morn repeatedly saying “there is no smocking gun”, what a idiot president you voted for. Trump and his whole family are crooks and except for the uneducated racist deplorables he would have no base at all.
I wish we could trade each of you deplorables for a immigrant from anywhere, our country would be much better without you, Hillary was dead on when she named you.
It is so much fun watching the “lock her up” crowd get locked up and hearing you deplorables try to defend them like idiots.

The world is laughing at you.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 01:05 PM
Do not feed the DPST(roll)
StandinStraight's Avatar
Facts are facts there is nothing you can say to defend Trumps crimes or his smocking gun. Turn on a news channel other than Fox and get clued in. History will show that deplorables were the scum followers of a con man that became president appealing to their racist and homophobic tendencies. Trump used deplorables for fools and they are so uneducated they will never realize what happened.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Facts are facts there is nothing you can say to defend Trumps crimes or his smocking gun. Turn on a news channel other than Fox and get clued in. History will show that deplorables were the scum followers of a con man that became president appealing to their racist and homophobic tendencies. Trump used deplorables for fools and they are so uneducated they will never realize what happened. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

I give you an F on your essay.

and don't post pictures of your smocking gun ... bahhaaaaa

Please resubmit your essay by midnight tonight or you will flunk this post.

by that time i will have already put you on ignore.

Thank You valued poster!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Hey Waco you dolt, it was your boy Trump that is smocking on Twitter and made himself the laughingstock of the day. Why do I waste my time with you deplorables it’s like talking to monkeys.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey Waco you dolt, it was your boy Trump that is smocking on Twitter and made himself the laughingstock of the day. Why do I waste my time with you deplorables it’s like talking to monkeys. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Hmmm. very disappointing choice of words, especially for a man of your academic letters, yeah?


Thank you valued poster!
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 05:58 PM
I agree - Why do You waste your Time?
Idea- take your DPST to Venezuela and see how well it works- You would love Maduro!
SS - seems that is related to another socialist from the past.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What is it about liberal internet trolls that makes them want to suck on Muellers gray dingleberried Asshole? Is it the taste or the smell of his aftershave?
Another stray cat has drifted into the yard, you guys insist on feeding it, and it also shits in your flowerbeds.

The Trump Derangment Syndrome is reaching a fevor pitch. You can tell by the increasing assinine statements and predictions made by the various commentators on the MSM Stations, and even the left leaning posters on this Forum.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oh... SIS is back.

have you on ignore.
justin_iggar's Avatar
If you traded immigrants in and deplorables out, who would pay for the immigrants' welfare checks and other social benefits? Who would keep up the infrastructure? Who would maintain productivity?

Society would collapse....just like the immigrants fucked up their native countries.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-11-2018, 04:12 AM
The cat’s pissing in the flower bed again.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you traded immigrants in and deplorables out, who would pay for the immigrants' welfare checks and other social benefits? Who would keep up the infrastructure? Who would maintain productivity?

Society would collapse....just like the immigrants fucked up their native countries. Originally Posted by justin_iggar

by all means, keep pissing on this thread.