Negative reviews...Ladies, how do you handle them?

bigtxhorseman's Avatar
First things first, we're going to take out the absurd, the agenda based reviews, and ones that are just mean spirited...those can be talked about but I'm more interested in everyone being "adults" during the process.

Do you a) call or text the reviewer after finding out about the negative review? B)contest each comment after the review? C)blow it off as a jerk who can't be pleased? D)email other providers who have also seem the reviewer? E)any other scenario you can think of....

I'm not a reviewer because of the drama that always seems to follow. But if sharing my experiences, in a fair light, would help someone then am I doing a disservice to this board?
I realize not everyone can be fair and objective all the time. And we do not live in a perfect world by any stretch of the imagination....but don't we all have some responsibility to the community?

Whew....I need a drink.
I will do C)! I am very confident in myself and my service that I do a great job. I love what I do. I have enough regulars to keep me busy constantly and the opinions of those I like are the ones that matter.
Guest091314's Avatar
I just leave it be unless i feel that there is an altered motive. I may be screaming at my computer screen but I would hate to make an ass out of myself if i post something irrational. I will ask what was it that was not liked and chalk it up as experience. I am grateful that I have positive reviews.

Great topic! Hope it does not get derailed.....
bigtxhorseman's Avatar

Thank you for your didn't see that one coming
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Oh hell...
Thank you as well Alecia, didn't mean to leave you out!
If I had a negative review I believe I would print it out, take it to the restroom and wipe my a## with it. Thats about how much I think I would let it affect me.

I think I would be more concerned if I got a paper cut while doing so...

And YES Horseman, it's Friday, I'm fiesty (he he he)....Kisses!!


bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Damnitt girl!

That is too funny! And here I thought I was thinking too much, had too much time on my hands, etc...
Not sure if anything productive is gonna come from this but it has been pretty entertaining so far!

Maybe I need to come do a review on Ms. IP?
pmdelites's Avatar
i've written reviews were i had a less than deliteful time.

one time the experience was way out of the blue, not expected, and very discouraging and disrespectful to me. i really dont believe i did anything out of the ordinary or way out there to warrant that reaction from her. i mentioned it in my review. i removed her from my gcho list as soon as the encounter was over. sure enough, a few days later i got a nasty PM from her asking "WTF???" i even received several PMs from her since then [it was spring 2010] blasting me for making negative remarks about her. i've quit naming her in my posts, co-ed and lounge.

two other times, it was more my hopes/expectations and their activities. in both cases, they started out with a beautiful bbbj then suddenly ended it with handjob to completion. no mention from either of them that they were going to switch completion methods, nothing in any of their reviews that lead me to expect that. i hoped they would have stuck with it to the end. so, i mentioned what happened in my review, as a fact and what i had hoped would have occurred to let others know. then i wrote each of them a polite email thanking them for the encounter but wished it had gone a different route at the end. i thought, incorrectly, that by letting them know what i hoped/expected that she might at least say "oh, sorry i dont do that. but thanks for coming to visit me" or "oh, sorry about that. i will consider adding that to my repetoire in the future." was i wrong!!! talk about a bombast!! each of them replied by cussing me out, calling me a wimp or ass [cant remember the exact words] who wouldnt "man up" during the encounter and mention it - basically dumping on me big time. yep, they're off my list too.

so, while some of us guys might think/feel that providing feedback is a good idea to help her improve her delivery, from my limited experience, i've decided that just not going back w/out comments and letting my fellow hobbyists know about the encounter is more effective.

i can see where a "way off the way and out in left field" review or comment to a woman should probably be disregarded [unless it's the 10th in a row], but it seems like a few women dont want to hear anything constructive.

so, i stick with women i've known for a while and visit women who have very very very good reviews, attitude, and skills. no need for wasted encounters in this sub-culture for me.

but that's just me.....
I hate drama so I know I wouldn't do A or B, I am thinking I would probably do C. HOPEFULLY I won't ever get a bad review but I am sure one day it's bound to happen. Til then, I have my fingers crossed
If something negative is said about me, of course, it hurts my feelings, especially if it is something that I can't control. I wish I could be more thick skinned, but that's just not me.

One thing you gentlemen and ladies, as well, have to remember, is there are always more that one side to a story. Reviews, complaints and even praise are one persons feelings on that subject. You never know what actually occurred between those two people, unless you part of the situation.

You should always consider the source and hell, maybe even asked questions of the lady or gentleman to see if she or he is a match for you.

Wouldn't you want to kick your own ass, if you based your opinion of someone, off of what a few people had to say, without hearing the other side of the story and finding out that the person in question is really a good person? I know I would.

Sorry, if this is off topic a little bit....just wanted to add my 2 cents for what its worth.
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
No crossing anything of yours Alyssa! Certain admirers want to see all of you!

I guess there can be a lot of pressure on both sides of a review. So now what? We're at a Mexican Stand-Off? No more informative, constructively done reviews? Since the kids can't play nice....
I understand if the review is legit...But if someone is reviewing someone that clearly has never seen you and you know it, then there is a major problem. I was reviewed today by someone that said they have seen me, but in fact I haven't seen anyone in quite a few days for personal reasons I would rather not get into. Also this person doesn't even know where my dungeon is located. lol Wow, just WOW!
There is no reason to dispute a negative review as long as it is not done for the wrong reasons. If the man truly feels that I deserve a negative review that is true, then by all means I need to take it as constructive criticism. Negative comments will for sure hurt my feelings but they are not the end of the world and I would use them to better myself.

4 Years ago I retired from the hobby and was a provider for a few years before that. During that time and my current time as a provider I have never (knock on wood) had a "NO" review. There have been things mentioned that hurt my feeling (such as saying I would look better if I lost a few pounds) but I take that as something I need to work on, and I am.

Arguing a bad review only brings a negative light to the provider, unless of course the review is fake or done for revenge or something along those lines.
guest061212's Avatar
I absolutely love IP's response. Thank you. On another note I can not imaging what it would feel like to be judged on all my physical imperfections in a public forum. Bravo to all he ladies
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-08-2011, 08:03 PM
There is no reason to dispute a negative review as long as it is not done for the wrong reasons. If the man truly feels that I deserve a negative review that is true, then by all means I need to take it as constructive criticism. Negative comments will for sure hurt my feelings but they are not the end of the world and I would use them to better myself. Originally Posted by Ivy Chick

Very well said Ivy....
A bad review and how would I take it...hummmm let me see...I will have to say it might hurt for a moment... but then like Ivy said, use it to your advantage and improve the things he complained about...I know we can not please everyone no matter how hard we try, so we just have to dust ourselves off and keep on going....